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Posts posted by Yamato

  1. + support.

    When I was in Command it felt like a job that drained your motivation to play the server. But I have a feeling it's gotten very much less strict and less demanding.


    I feel that you'll be able to do very well within Nu7 cmd. Hopefully you'll make it in 🙂

  2. What is your in-game name?: 

    What is your steam name?: 

    What is your steam ID?: 

    What is your discord username (Ex: Rookieblue#2667): 
    Lance Moontail

    Do you have any other experience with staffing?: 
    -Ex. Moderator of Gaminglight. 

    What date did you start playing on the community? 
    February 26th 2021

    What date did you make your forums account?
    March 2, 2021

    How many warnings do you have on all GL servers?



    What is your donor rank:

    Are you a staff member in another community?:
    No I'm way to lazy to try dual staffing

    Have you read the staff handbook?
    Yes. Many times.  

    Timezone: CST

    What rank are you applying for: 
    Trial mod.
    My goal is at minimum Sen-mod

    Why do you believe you deserve the rank:
    + Ex. Moderator!  +common sense! +Respectable +decent reputation in the community +Known by a decent handful of members
    +very trained in the art of shutting up and listening.
    +Also trained in the art of detecting BS and being a investigator

    I'mma be real with ya'll I don't think I deserve much, I'm just applying because It's something to do that'll help me be able to help others. I enjoy being able to help others and being staff is the biggest way to do it. I've always disliked troublemakers and being able to deal with said troublemakers mean's I can make this server a less toxic place and a place that can be played and traversed without running into issues with other players or having to face inter/extra-server drama while playing the game. I'm a nice guy, I listen, I know what I'm doing(most of the time), I have binds set and I already have a general grasp on what to do. Quotas and meetings are something I can't meet usually but I almost always try my best when it comes to those.  I just wanna be able to help however I can. 

    Scenario questions: 

    : How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you?

    If I took a sit and the person the sit was made on started swearing like a sailor, I would firstly gag them and explain that this is no way to treat people on the server and he should take time to reflect afterwards. Then I would ask the person who made the sit to present their evidence while I check logs as well to confirm their story.

    Once I watch the clip and check logs I would then go over and calmly explain to the suspect in question that they have been confirmed to have Mass RDM'd and that I will have to issue a warning and I will be contacting my higher ups for a 5 day ban. I will then explain to them that they can use this time to reflect and come back ready to play once the ban is lifted.

    After that, I will go over to the person who made the sit and explain that the perpetrator will be dealt with and that they will be returned momentarily. After returning the player I will warn the perpetrator and contact a higher up to issue the ban. 


    :  You've Pulled someone into a sit for (___) and they simply couldn't care less of whatever punishment they are receiving.  

    In this case there's only 2 things to do,  follow your orders as staff, explain their punishments and administer the Punishments, They don't want to be there and neither do you, get the sit done as soon as possible so everyone could have a somewhat good day.     If they don't care, there's zero reason to be logical with them or have them listen to reason, because they won't listen. Give the punishments and close the sit, and go on with your duties as a honorable staff member of Gaminglight. 


    : You are involved in a staff sit that involves 5 different players. The players begin to get frustrated and the sit becomes very toxic and unproductive. What would you do in this situation?

    I would first tell the players to calm down and to explain what happened. If they continue to argue, I would gag every player and ungag each player at a time so that they can each give me their points of view on how the situation happened.
    I would then check logs if it was something such as RDM, and ask if any of them have any footage or pictures of the incident so that I can make sure what was happening is true. After being provided the footage, I would go the player that made the problem and ask them to explain themselves.
      If they don't seem apologetic and doesn't intend to actually follow the rules of the server, I would punish them accordingly.
    I would also make sure to let them know that if they don't feel what I did was the correct action for me to do, they can appeal their warning/ban on the forums. 



    Note: I don't expect this one to go through since I just got back a few days ago, and some things have changed but, people still recognize me and I still know everything I need to know 🙂

  3. 2 hours ago, Piller said:

    March of 2021

    YOU Tellin me! we joined the server around the same time?  DAMN  I shoulda been more active XD. Welcome to the land of the retired, where all your gaming-light related issues can be put behind and the wonderful world of life can be fully opened, may you find relaxation with your departure from this place and hopefully enjoy your life to the fullest.

  4. April 7th 1945, the great honorable Yamato was sunk by flying American pigs during Operation ten-go. in the end the Yamato violently exploded, causing a shockwave that shook ships almost a mile away. 

    Yamato: Great Harmony. 

    It is with great regret and dishonor that I have chosen to step away from everyone here, but I feel I've exhausted my available time here, It's no longer fun, it's more stressful than anything, I've been here for 2 and a half years, I've seen so many things come and go, new and old faces, experiences never to happen again and events that could never be forgotten but I can't keep up anymore, there's no more motivation, when I played the server, I played just to play, to have fun without the fear of a snowflake getting hurt or being pulled into a sit for something that's simply a mere joke, play, not to have to deal with constantly growing rules and constantly changing effects and responsibilities that have turned this game into what feels like a job, a job that you can't escape unless you leave it behind forever. 

    I had my fun and I've tried to stay but I feel it's my time to go. 

    I'm going to try mentioning everyone I had relatively close ties to but I don't know if I can grab them all. 

    @Zeeptin  You, you're an amazing community leader, you actively do your best to help your community and you make sure to defend it and keep it safe from outside threats and hostile communities and that's something many community leaders struggle with.  Keep doing amazing

    @Piller You're a cool guy,  a nerd and something felt off about you when I was around but you're cool in my book because you do your job well and well enough with almost no mistakes. 

    @Vuitheirt When I come back, I'll be  Back in Black.  🙂    

    @Nydekoreepic DHOR 

    @1stSavagerY Furry but respectable furry.    it was nice talking with you. 

    @ACEE Best ET 

    @[GL] Mike almost never talked to you in game but felt i'd mention you just to bug you.    ❤️ 

    @FoolEpic CMDR & VCMDR  brought back HSU. 

    @Demon Dice Most chill CMDR ever, I hope you're enjoying life away from GL 

    @Weiss You were DOR, DORS, manager, you were everything and yet you're STILL HERE!! props to you man, keep up the work, i'm amazed you're still kicking away. It was fun escorting you while RRH was a thing and abit sad I couldn't escort you as new A1 but it's fine. 

    @Toasty You sorta vanished after you got CMDR, hope everythings doing well, you were pretty epic. 

    @J0LT Lucario is a weak pokemon. 

    @Lovelock Your voice made it sound like you had a stick up your rear but it turns out you're a nice guy

    @Eevee ❤️ 

    @Jack (utility one) I barely talk with you but I know you so you get a mention. 

    @Loaffepic loafer 

    @Sixx barely talked with you but you get a mention as well.

    @Yato Sensei I tried to keep Behemoth but they wouldn't listen, I couldn't do anything to stop them from taking it, I'm sorry. 

    @opera MAN YOU GOT FUCKING BULLIED! Feel bad for you, keep up the grind. 

    @xX_Assassin_Xx Man you saved my ass so many times in security I might as well get on my knees and lick your boots clean, thank you for what you've done. 

    @Mind Stone barely talked but you get a mention. 

    @FusionThunder It was fun spending time with you, that's it, i forget what all we did. 

    @The silent man Henderson!  we spoke a few times and we had fun then I forgot everything

    @Blackstone you get a mention 

    @Icarus you get a mention 

    @Alexxxx you get a mention, congrats on O5 

    @ShinBest maintenance command

    @Zarl Best friend, was inactive but amazing. 

    @FeaR x Green Pikachu you get a mention 🙂

    @Hoovy Pink floyd is a good singer.   You were O5-5 for the longest time ever, and possibly the best O5 to escort. and maybe the Best O5 in the world. enjoy your time away from GL. 

    @Hale? you were a fun person to interact with 

    @Rektify Amazing, funniest commander, 

    @Pure Fake Mute. 

    @BOx You were by far the most entertaining person to play with,  shit I have such a massive skill issue your mom was able to kill me, XD 

    @a_krew10 you get a mention 🙂

    @Moonrose I miss your tests, they were the best yet most chaotic and I hate that I can't be in one again. 

    @[GL] Dtscalice Siberian, medic man larry.  You get a mention. . 

    @Weebe-San LPD friends 🙂

    @Chineseman Greatest guy ever, i'm still gonna play on shadow company so don't think of removing me. 

    ANYONE ELSE WHO KNOWS ME ENOUGH BUT DIDN"T GET MENTIONED. . too bad. i couldn't find your forum name  or we didn't interact enough. 
    now time for medal clips 


    There's other clips from other people but I don't rememeber where I placed them so that's all. 

    back to the sad stuff. 
    this resignation has been long awaited, i tried to keep it abit lore accurate by resigning on april 7th but, I can't wait that long. 
    It's been fun gaminglight, I might try to join the staff team one more time, to be able to help everyone i can and do what i can but all these quotas and all these responsibilities are just too much for my autistic mind to handle so the great Yamato is resigning, I might come back, I might not. . It'll be hard to come back. 

    I might regret leaving I might not, it's been a journey that can be told for a while.   Bye guys. 

    • Thanks 1
    • Gaminglight Love 1
  5. The Chances.  
    In most servers you're either judged heavily or something else, but here, you have a chance at everything, you're given a chance to prove yourself and keep going.  Even when you mess up severely, you can appeal or make up for whatever you did here.   
    Everyone here is understanding in their own way, many may not be as understanding but in this community, you get a chance, and you get another chance. toxicity is rare but when it does happen it's diffused quickly, that's what's good about this server, is the lack of toxicity and opportunities given at every corner. 

  6. +/- leaning - 
    Has potential.
    -No Voting Poll

    + has remote knowledge of punishments and rules
    - question responses are very short
    - Zero Forums activity  (this is your first ever forums post since you created your account) 

    A file directory isn't accessable to others, you'll have to take a screenshot of it in the !warns menu, in-game. If you somehow cannot get any form of attachment into the post, uhh I don't know what to say there. 

  7. +/-  
    {Disclaimer: currently drunk and high at time of message} 

    JMT & SMT are already working on reworking 'slash'  buff/nerfing most of the SCPs  

    Yes the map certainly goes in the foundation side SCPs do require their site buff. 
    hallways are long and knock back exists.  

    I agree with this since SCPs are at a disadvantage on this map but disagree because JMT+ are already working on it..
    [BTW I don't actually know if JMT+ is working on all of the SCPs that is just my guess from personal knowlege] 

  8. On 5/10/2023 at 10:47 AM, Some Weeb said:


    Honestly, I just wished pvp was more realistic on this server and would actually reward skill. Then again I am an MRP player so my vision would probably make it way too fucking hard to play the game so whatever ig. 


    But removing limb damage is simply a good median. Allows for more skill and tac based combat. 

    I'm used to dying instantly and killing insta tly. So this is relatable. Though in a gmod server this would simply creat outrage from dclass. You know how dclass mains get when they can't effectively riot. 

    Overall +1  but unlikely to happen

  9. +/-  sup  

    1.  shotguns. 
    2.  nu7 checkpoint go brrr  
    3.  There's nothing we can do about you losing HP insanely fast. unless you have maybe 50k  you're still gonna lose.  unless you crouch jump spam as 682. 
    4. what happens when he breaches and there's little combatants on?  it'll just make those combatants rage quit or aimlessly throw their bodies at 682.

    You can buff 682 to 100k   it will still die but it'll take 5 minutes longer.  
    The sweps hitreg is bad and anyone that can crouch jump can very easily avoid it. now if 682 had maybe an very short range AOE  maybe.   but until then  you just gotta aim well and hopefully kill.   (it's current swep can get you from like 6 feet away. its insane. but it's a direct hit and no hitreg) 

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