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Posts posted by Yamato

  1. I first joined, roughly February 26th in 2021, haven't left since so i've been going for a while. 

    my main key to success was reading everything I could, every document I could get my hands on, every rule, everything i could read and follow. 
    while it was confusing at times I soon got to where i am Now. 

    1 loyal playthrough of Nu7 since June 2021 and I'm only a Captain. fun! 😄

    What was your starting experience of this server? 

  2. What is your in-game name?:  Yamato

    What is your steam name?:   [GL] Ethan06

    What is your steam ID?:   STEAM_0:0:101762856

    What is your discord username (Ex: Rookieblue#2667): Atago2.0#7434

    Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain) I've Been a previous Moderator, removed due to inactivity. other than that, mostly discord staffing and overall common sense. 

    What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly)   February 26th of 2021 

    What date did you make your forums account? March 2nd 2021

    How many warnings do you have on all GL servers?  null / 4 

    What is your donor rank? (User, Silver, Gold, etc)  Gold

    Are you a staff member in another community?   No

    Have you read the staff handbook?  Yes.

    Time-zone:   CST

    What rank are you applying for?  Trial Moderator

    Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (150 Word Minimum)

    Does copying an existing accepted app count?   

    I believe I deserve the rank because well, I've already been a staff so I already know the general basics,  I will need new teachings on how the new SAM system works but soon I'll be back to being the great staff member I was, I have some trouble getting into sits and administering Warns, etc. but as a loyal nearly 2 year member of the community I promise to get better at my job as time goes on.  While I was removed for being inactive, a sort of gut feeling has gotten me back into being active, or at-least attempting to be more active in the server.  While it is nearly unplayable for me due to my CPU I enjoy the experience as much as I can and Will do my best to make a good impression of the staff team and the server, as a member of it. 

    Scenario questions.
    I've done these too many times. 

    Q1: Someone has Committed MRDM and refuses to be cooperative. 

    MRDM is a ban in itself however they've chosen the harder path of proceeding to disrespect me, given this info and knowledge of punishment guidelines 
    I'd first ask them to stop and listen to me, or they will receive additional punishment,  They decline and continue, this goes onto 2x staff disrespect, Slap'em into the good'ol jail cell for 600 seconds, afterward if they continue to disrespect I will have no choice but to administer the Warning and 5 day ban for MRDM.  
    IF they proceed to LTAP during their jail time, Not only will they have to receive the warnings for disrespect and MRDM, I'll have to add yet a third warning for LTAP along with a 3 day ban + plus the MRDM's 5 day ban    (all warnings are put into 1 full warning as to avoid Warn stacking.) 

    Q3:  You've Pulled someone into a sit for (___) and they simply couldn't care less of whatever punishment they are receiving.  
    In this case there's only 2 things to do,  follow your orders as staff, explain their punishments and administer the Punishments, They don't want to be there and neither do you, get the sit done as soon as possible so everyone could have a somewhat good day.     If they don't care, there's zero reason to be logical with them or have them listen to reason, because they won't listen. Give the punishments and close the sit, and go on with your duties as a honorable staff member of Gaminglight. 

    Q4: Exploitation of a bug or feature in the server.
    This happens more than we'd like. mainly with 106 and 173 with their teleport SWEPs.  
    173 being able to jump through their Containment gate and 106 teleporting through the air with no-one seeing, this also goes for 280 with their unrestricted teleporting in their SWEP. 

    It happens alot and we can't do much about it, there's nothing in the staff handbook that says anything about exploiting bugs or any features so we are only able to do whatever we think is reasonable, the best way to handle it in my opinion is use !spectate (if we can still use it with SAM) and catch them in the act, show them the proof their are lying to us and warn them from there.  Lying to staff falls under staff diss so it'll be a verbal and/or formal warning.    There's not a-lot we can do when it comes to anyone exploiting things unless it becomes a severe issue whether it be FRP or NLR  those are 2 different scenarios that tend to get highly annoying to other players of the community.

  3. 11 hours ago, Hex-G said:

    This would be the process EVERY time they wanted to switch the map.
    Perma props do not stay if you switch the map multiple times. 

    I think this would be a massive waste of SMT's time and resources to bring a handful of players back for some short nostalgia.
    Cool idea, but not a smart thing to implement.

    Hard work brings great results.  The harder JMT/SMT works on the server, the better the outcome.

  4. but if SMT want to better the server then bringing back nostalgia is the best way to boost the servers ability to bring old and new players. yes it's stressful but either you suffer with a server that slowly dies or experiment and change things constantly to help it.  (not trying to start anything btw)  
    This will really REALLY help the server if it's accepted.  

  5. On 11/12/2022 at 9:48 AM, Giga said:

    -Great Guy
    -Good app
    -Great answers

    -Was striked recently


    also. @tylerdiffee1


    A player is actively causing issues in chat and on their job, being an overall large annoyance to most people on the server. But! They aren't breaking any server rules? 

    What do you do? 

  6. 20 minutes ago, Hex-G said:

    . If true than a model fix would be an easy way to fix this rather than temporarily banning the job.

    Currenlty all WLs have been lifted i believe or the job is simply disabled until they find a proper model.  some models can release a crash psrticle when dying, or very intensely ragdoll when they die as well, causing stress on someones CPU or GPU.  the best fix would be a model change the only thing is finding the model.

  7. + Support

    The silent map really does hurt, i mean some people do have ambient noises client side but there's no server side Ambience.   
    Ambient 14 & 22 for EZ is PERFECT. but they're also good for HCZ

    Ambient 10 (LCZ) would be perfect for when medbay is locked down.


    THE ONLY issue i see with adding all of this is possible lag from the code.  you may not believe it but even sounds can cause lag.

  8. On 11/8/2022 at 2:36 PM, Yamato said:

    I DO Understand that Managers and everyone else that works on the maps are going to have hell every 2 months so maybe extend to 3 months.

    I change my mind!! 

    6 months!!  if we change the maps too fast people will also start to lose motivation as well due to the same ol maps and such small time periods! 
    so I say every 4-6 months the maps rotate. that gives JMT & SMT A LONG time to set up the map and still keep everyone happy 

    (Still +support) 

  9. While this would be beautiful and increase immersion, Lag would skyrocket, the server would be rendering Every weapon and entity in a persons inventory on their player model. while there are some ways to optimize it, It's an old mod and the server rendering that many entities on a moving playermodel will cause major lag.  (tested many times in sandbox) 

    +/- support

  10. On 9/4/2022 at 8:04 PM, Pure said:

    COL for like 6-8 Months

    I've been a 1Lt for 9 months.  . .   It hurts! but the wait is worth it all! 
    sadly i never got to respond to this topic but I will definitely Miss you, even if we never really spoke to eachother alot

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