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Posts posted by Yamato

  1. 1 hour ago, ericbanks777 said:

    I would also like to say I will NOT be using the account I ALTED with I will be using my main account, if I am accepted, if anybody would like an apology I am genuinely sorry my DM is open I would be glad to write any requested apology towards whom i've upset, Thank you.

    yo bro this is someone elses ban appeal 

  2. 5 minutes ago, Travar said:

    Delta-5 - MTF Delta-5 VCMDR and Head of Gamma-9

    Nu-7 - MTF Nu-7 Captain, MTF Nu7 HSU (What HTF Was before) Commissar (Head of Nu7 Special Forces)

    E-11 - MTF E11 MSGT, Deputy Head Ranger.  (I was only MSGT but at the time I was helping the Commander and High Command make HCMD Decisions behind the scenes. Such as officer promotions, E11 SOP changes, and other HCMD level responsibilities. Around this time, I was also running Nu7’s Special Forces.)

    This.  This right here.  This is perfect.  This is great.  This is amazing.  

    This man wants to help the branch and its members which makes him an amazing candidate, Immense former command experience and is on the server weekly.
    By all means this man should get the rank he requests.   

    Be careful, Pixel might say something mean

  3. Okay. This has happened many times.

    1. Either your self-breach thing got reset


    2. You've been on the server too long

    Being on the server too long obviously will bug things out. 

    One of those things is your ability to break doors.

    However seeing your error it may be your self-breach thing. 

    Because the only doors that cannot be broken are ones that are directly connected with the CC, all outer doors and everything else should be able to break. (Except elevators)

    (Also were you just using 079s outer door for reference or what? )

  4. 2 minutes ago, IITRAKTORII said:

    I dont know how to write apps

    It's okay. You wrote an app and you can build onto it. Pixel is being Pixel and giving a proper command response. 


    Despite the application being small, It has good reasoning and wording. And You're very active despite activitylogs not seeing you. 


  5. +SUPPORT 
    The support to cover over all of those nasty stinky -supports. 

    From what I've seen as his work in Nu7.  It's been phenomenal, we've had zero issues with him at all, he's been reliably active and well respective. 
    He even works with other Nu7 members and asks for help when needed.  
    He has Almost no experience inside Nu7 command so this is an Opportunity that anyone in his position would take. we can't just assume their bad because they've been bad in the past because recently I've seen nothing bad from this guy. 
    (plus he gets on BHM which is an instant +20 points) 

    On 3/30/2023 at 6:36 PM, Piller said:

    you're not supposed to respond.

    These aren't staff apps.  silly goober.   There's no rule saying they can't respond-- (nvm it's a general rule to not reply.  [Reply only to questions and feedback. Politely])

  6. 1 minute ago, [GL] Mike said:

    Nu7 Commander
    E11 Vice Commander

    This is very worthy material right here. 

    App is extremely based and very well written out. 

    Mass + support good SCMD/CMD Overseer,  absolutely perfect choice.

  7. +/-

    + Experience on the server

    + Answered all 4 questions

    + good "why do you believe that you deserve this rank" 

    [Despite no proof of warns this man wrote 20.  I feel obligated to trust this man because ones that lie tend to just put 0-1 warns.]

    - 20 warns. . (Could give them a chance)



  8. What is your in-game name?: Yamato

    What is your steam name?: [GL] Ethan06

    What is your steam ID?: STEAM_0:0:101762856

    What is your discord username (Ex: Rookieblue#2667): Atago2.0#7434

    Do you have any other experience with staffing?: 
    -Ex. Moderator of Gaminglight. 
    -Discord Staffing, multiple servers. (non communities)

    What date did you start playing on the community? 
    February 26th 2021

    What date did you make your forums account?
    March 2, 2021

    How many warnings do you have on all GL servers?
    (proof is in links to older applications)[below]


    What is your donor rank? (User, Silver, Gold, etc)

    Are you a staff member in another community?

    Have you read the staff handbook?
    Essentially Memorized. Pinned, and always open. 

    Timezone: CST

    What rank are you applying for? >Trial Moderator< / Moderator

    Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (150 Word Minimum)
    These Applications right here.  

    Those applications yes.  however! just sending those wouldn't be enough huh? since that'd be me being lazy right? 
    So! Reasons I should be the rank I wish to become! 
    + Ex. Moderator! 
    +common sense!
    +decent reputation in the community
    +Known by a decent handful of members
    +very trained in the art of shutting up and listening.
    +Also trained in the art of detecting BS and being a investigator
    +Very unbiased
    (unless it comes to branches. then it's Nu7 all the way)
    +2 years in the community
    +never makes accusations without a full story.

    - Quotas are the bane of my existence 
    -Not always active due to school
    -Can get very upset when having a bad day
    -Real Life sucks.
    -Very anti-social and gets anxious under-pressure.

    +/-insanely scared of messing up while on duty.

    Scenario questions:
    Q1: How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you?
    As everyone who has read the Handbook knows, 4x RDM (MRDM) is a Formal Warning + 5 day ban!  5 days! That's a whole business week! 
    However before I can even attempt this, I'd have to call in an Admin+ to issue the ban, if none are available I go to the ban request channel in the staff discord. 
    Now, there's another issue, they're saying really bad, mean words at me, they don't hurt my feelings but it's still staff diss. I'll let them say. . 5 bad words before adding "Staff diss" to the warn information.  If they continue, we go with "Staff Diss x2". Our Warn info now consists of
    {!warn [player] MRDMx?/StaffDissx2}   
    "What if they get racist or homophobic"
    Then we add Racism and/or homophobic to the warn info. and extend the ban length to either a week or permanent.
    {!warn [Player] MRDMx?/StafDissX?/Racism/homophobia}
    Then my trusty admin goes
    {!ban [player] <warn info/ban reason> "on behalf of Yamato"}
    Situation dealt with.

    While all of this is going on I'd nicely request that they calm down and speak with me. If they don't comply then I do what's above^^

    Q4: There is a player abusing a known bug, and he has been reported to staff. He swears he followed the server rules when you talk with him. What's the best way to handle this?
    This is insanely common, like, overly guaranteed to happen every day.
    It's hard to catch someone doing it without watching them like a hawk, and when they are caught or they realize there's suspicion, they leave before anything happens. Unfortunately for staff, we cannot do anything, without video proof. So without it we can't do anything. 
    Now! exploitation of glitches or bugs falls under Failrp. MEANING!! 
    Once caught the first time, I will speak with them formally at a nice dinner table in the most expensive restaurant in town and request that they don't do it again (verbal warning).
    IF however my amazing steak dinner date doesn't work out and they are caught red handed again! 
    I will speak to them in my gentlemanly voice with my nice tuxedo suit and inform them that they are receiving a formal warning for exploitation. I will also call 911 because they'll have to go to jail for 160 seconds! That's like a year in GMod time!
    By the 3rd time I won't be mister respectful nice guy, and I'll take them to jail myself (300 second jail time) 
    Oh! wait! He 'swears he followed server rules', "Well kind sire, allow me to show you rule 12 of the SCPRP MOTD. You my friend have been caught red handed! breaking this rule in this video! Do you plead guilty or shall you continue lying to staff?!"
    IF thine suspect refused to plead guilty despite clear and present evidence, I shall give them the honorable Formal warning of staff diss! 
    {!warn <player> FailRPx3(Exploiting)/StaffDissX3}
    {!jail <player> 160/300} 

    If my monologue impedes the outcome of this application please inform me.
    I would also like to inform all that read this application to give me any questions and feedback, I will gladly respond.
    (Only to Questions & Feedback)


  9. 7 minutes ago, Scooty said:

    Someone who will enforce the rules of the branch

    Don't be too enforcing or you'll scare the lower ranks XD



    8 minutes ago, Scooty said:

    - On during off hours (early morning/Late nights) (I still make most meetings)
    - In college so LOA's may happen (Not sure if im doing in person or remote classes)

    Being on off hours won't hurt at all, as long as you log your activity when no-one else can. or make sure it's logged you'll be fine.
    Same with LOAs we accept them all, unless they're very long or something.   

    + plus No experience in Nu-7 = new opportunities and more ideas 😄 


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