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Posts posted by Yamato

  1. +\-   support (leaning +)

    If we have an airlock. It'll increase RP opportunity, allow Gensec to be more capable. 


    The reason MTF is/should be outside intersection is because Dclass are rioting which that's usually 70% of the time. OR there isn't any/enough Gensec to properly hold Dblock. 

    We can easily ban MTF (except D5 and SCMD+) from LCZ entirely, On Codes blue and Yellow.  And even orange except very needed. aka an SCP IS IN LCZ / less than 4 active gensec. 

    Dclass in LCZ= Code Yellow so MTF still wouldn't be needed. 

    Dclass in HCZ/EZ= Orange. 

    Keeping MTF out of LCZ would make lots of MTF mald but. That's MTF. Nu-7's SUPPOSED to be in HCZ anyway unless absolutely needed in LCZ.  D5 can go cuz they payed for that and E11 can't even be on site until code Orange. 

    I can agree on the arguement that Gensec is inactive. If they did 14 day activity purges They'd have around the same ammount of members as tje avg MTF count. You usually only see 5-8 Gensec online a day unless it's meeting or PT but the instant those are over it's back to under 5 online. 

    There was once 500 members in gensec once. Over 400 were removed in the activity purge.  Gensec has Very little members active compared to MTF or CI, they also aren't mean't to fight CI or heavily armed Dclass (CCs). 1-2 skilled CCs is all it takes to overwhelm gensec since alot of them aren't mean't to fight CCs.

    Back onto the topic of an airlock. 1. It depends on how SMT puts it. How it'll work and how it's treated. 

    2. It'll make non-comnatants, safer knowing there's an airlock between them and Dclass.

    3. Gensec will have an easier time getting out of their spawn. Since Dclass can easily go up their stairs and sit in the hallway camping Gensec. The airlock will stop that. 

    4. With an airlock riots will be suppressed enough that MTF simply wouldn't be needed. 

    Half the time MTF go to Dblock because Dclass can cause alot more issues than CI. Although sometimes too much go to dblock they leave once it's under control. Some stay. But they end up getting demolished by a CI ambush. 


    HOWEVER. Where would we put it. . 

    The current Dblock isn't compatible with an airlock u less it's 2 airlocks in the hallways next to the tower. It'd be alot of map work to revamp Dblock enough for an airlock. 

    It's usually just a replacement of Props. Never a actual map change.

  2. 1. Name: Yamato

    2. Current and Former RP Ranks: Nu7 CPT  (1 year 1Lt), HTF MSG, (DHBHM) E-11 CPL  Former: D5 MSGT (x3), Experienced Medic, Gensec MSGT. RRH GUARDIAN KILO 20

    3: Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:101762856

    4: Discord ID: Atago2.0#7434

    5: Why do you want to be an Officer?:

    Sound's Like a New experience that I'd Love to take part of, along with learning new features of being an redacted Branch. I don't expect or want a high CMD rank but I'd love to get that jumpstart straight to command. Of course such words are looked down upon but I assure you as command I will do exactly what I'm to do and even go beyond expectations. As A-1 Being a branch of the past that I hadn't gotten to experience myself I'd love to see what it was like, even if it's different from the past, SOPs change and rules change and all must accept.  Personally I wouldn't mind a LCMD or SCMD slot, I can fill in either responsibility with due diligence and proper execution of planning. 

    6: What makes you competent enough to be an Officer?:

    Been CMD in Nu7 for over a year, been apart of the server for over 2 years, decent reputation in the server. I've constantly shown full loyalty to my command rank and my branch, along with the server itself. Decent leadership skills and roleplay skills.  I was apart of the RRH before it was revamped and I have the old A1 doc to use for any reference. Trainings, Squading and and exercises are few things that I'm great at doing, My personal favorite is Breaching and Clearing but proper formations and proper etiquette in the field, Making sure good soldiers follow their orders cleanly and efficiently. 

    Many can vouch that I'm well collected and Calm in a lot of scenarios, logical and Wide thinking. While not SUPER active because I have a Life outside of GMod, When I do get on, I stay on and do my hardest at my job.  When doing Flag up pings, I try hyping up my fellow branch members with motivational messages or even giveaways for doing their jobs, and as head of my sub-branch I've done all I can to become the best head for it.  What I lack in Combat expertise, I make up for in roleplay technique. 

    7: How will you maintain strong relationships and communication with other branches?:

    I'll be constantly In character and doing my hardest to show a good impression of A1 to all branches, even if we're seem as "Too OP" or "Unfair". Along with trying to stop any drama caused by lower ranks and call out any power tripping within the branch. Being a good sportsman during altercations proves to most that one bad apple can't ruin it all. Unless the apple is at the top.
    Yes Branch Relations usually never stay good due to the nature of Human beings, but as a command I have duties and responsibilities that I must uphold and one such responsibility is making sure that everyone enjoys the experience in the branch and that no drama be started by petty lies or actions, People that start drama or branch wars shouldn't be respected or allowed to continue their drama. Remove the issue before it spreads, or starts. As Command I myself have to be unbiased in all scenarios in-and-out of character, Following rules as guided without creating opposition from someone else, and giving guidance and assistance to all that require it, essentially the role of staff without the staff part, or tools. 

    I'll be doing my best to host PTs even if I haven't before PTs are actually a great way to learn about each other in a similar sense so hosting them will definitely be one of my plans in keeping strong relations. 



    What is your in-game name?: Yamato

    What is your steam name?: [GL] Ethan06 

    What is your steam ID?: STEAM_0:0:101762856

    What is your discord username (Ex: Rookieblue#2667): Atago2.0#7434

    Do you have any other experience with staffing?: Ex.Moderator of Gaminglight.  /  Discord moderation & common sense.

    What date did you start playing on the community? 2/5/21 

    What date did you make your forums account? 3/2/21 

    How many warnings do you have on all GL servers? 4


    What is your donor rank? (User, Silver, Gold, etc) Gold 

    Are you a staff member in another community? Nope 

    Have you read the staff handbook? YES

    Timezone: CST

    What rank are you applying for? Trial Mod 

    Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (150 Word Minimum)

    Is there anymore I gotta say? 2+ year member of Gaminglight.  Ex. Moderator (removed for inactivity). 2 well written out applications from the past and a decent reputation in the community. 
    Very well versed in the arts of shutting up, listening, and dealing with situations silently.  While not well versed in stressful situations I can power through and get the job done however needed. Lack of activity is usually compensated for hard work, getting sits done that I can do and making the best possible experience for all players! 
    I believe I'd make a great addition to the staff team, working alongside my fellow staff members and Helping them and accepting their help, dealing with sits I'm always Unbias'd and collect as much information as I can, making sure every side is equally treated and punished.  I've practiced alot and with experience know how the current SAM system works as well, so I'll be an ace in the field!!   I am also a very polite man when needed 🙂

    Scenario Questions: 

    Q1: How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you?

    If I took a sit and the person the sit was made on started swearing like a sailor, I would firstly gag them and explain that this is no way to treat people on the server and he should take time to reflect afterwards. Then I would ask the person who made the sit to present their evidence while I check logs as well to confirm their story. Once I watch the clip and check logs I would then go over and calmly explain to the suspect in question that they have been confirmed to have Mass RDM'd and that I will have to issue a warning and I will be contacting my higher ups for a 5 day ban. I will then explain to them that they can use this time to reflect and come back ready to play once the ban is lifted. After that, I will go over to the person who made the sit and explain that the perpetrator will be dealt with and that they will be returned momentarily. After returning the player I will warn the perpetrator and contact a higher up to issue the ban. 

    Q2: You are involved in a staff sit that involves 5 different players. The players begin to get frustrated and the sit becomes very toxic and unproductive. What would you do in this situation?

    I would first tell the players to calm down and to explain what happened. If they continue to argue, I would gag every player and ungag each player at a time so that they can each give me their points of view on how the situation happened. I would then check logs if it was something such as RDM, and ask if any of them have any footage or pictures of the incident so that I can make sure what was happening is true. After being provided the footage, I would go the player that made the problem and ask them to explain themselves.  If they don't seem apologetic and doesn't intend to actually follow the rules of the server, I would punish them accordingly.  I would also make sure to let them know that if they don't feel what I did was the correct action for me to do, they can appeal their warning/ban on the forums. 

    To avoid clutter and self-response to the application, DM on discord any questions or concerns. 

  4. In-game Name: Yamato


    SteamID: STEAM_0:0:101762856


    DiscordID: Atago2.0#7434


    What division do you want to join (Military or R&D): R&D

    How would you rank your knowledge of the lore? 6/10

    Why should you be in Chaos Insurgency? (75 word minimum)

    I should be in the Chaos Insurgency Research division because multiple RnD members recommended me and I believe, if i spend enough time I can get to know it and soon, actually spend more time on the CI side than in the facility. Maybe my knowledge of lore and other things can help me in my time as RnD. 


    What is something that sets you apart from other applicants?  Older and more experienced in the server than most. I am thr battleship Yamato so i will use my japamese knowledge to create more biological and dangerous weapons for CI Military to fight with.


    How active can you be? 4/10 (in all 3 MTF branches +RRH & CC)


    Do you have both Teamspeak and Discord: Yes.

    (Yamato the Inferno (Mute)  &  Nu-7 Yamato 🙂 2.0)


    *Please note you can get removed at anytime if violating the SOP or being inactive for 3-4 days

  5. 39 minutes ago, Yamato said:

    Maintenance / medical & research spawns would have to be merged

    actually after checking the map again  medical would have it's own spawn and Maint could just spawn in the maintenance tunnels or somewhere. Research would spawn next to MTF  (something similar to this) 
    or have research spawn next to gensec and dclass   
    (like said the map is cramped that's the downside everything else is beyond perfect


    ITS SERVER READY (almost) 
    Its has HUGE rooms for spawns  Dblock isn't just a huge hallway 
    all LCZ/EZ hallways are abit tight but that's fine 
    it's abit empty but it has unlabeled SCP CCs for new SCPs 
    It's kinda cramped BUT HUGE!! Dclass and MTF would have a blast, there's VENTS for Dclass! and Maintenance! 
    a shooting range  maintenance tunnels
    There's a staff meeting room/sit room /  EVENT stage room

    snipers would be abit useless but it fits the secluded lore area 
    there's a underground area perfect for CI and another building for  sarkic 
    a building for E11 
    (the surface isn't very big though so expect alot of spawn camp complaints) 
    A GIANT warehouse for PTs 
    -there's no door for 106s chamber 

    Self breaching would require staff to manually open/close large CC doors

    Maintenance / medical & research spawns would have to be merged 
    Gensec would be back to spawning with Dclass

    overall 9/10 map would totally use in next map swap 

    3 minutes ago, Yamato said:


    i have like all of my addons active rn and i'm not lagging at all in this map  it's perfect 

  7. On 1/6/2023 at 7:59 AM, Zeeptin said:


    I'm still laughing at this as i have gotten the joke 5 minutes after reading this thread and, now it's hard to type.    
    Perfect Zeeptin moment.

  8. Neutral 
    There's a Few issues with this. 1 being that Most Site-19 maps are more focused from the game meaning SMT would have hell trying to add spawns and bunks and all of that to a already giant map (yes the Site-19 maps are huge).  Not to mention CI spawn will be fully custom. (with maybe them entering from either where SCPSL spawns them or by the small gate (nuke ending area)  Sarkic spawn would be the same. issue. 

    Site-19 maps are also (from experience. i could be wrong)  unoptimized and not alll that great for most things. 

    1 there's no real Dblock. it's just a hallway with alot of cells 
    2. there's no pre-set location for any MTF or Gensec to spawn.  (the poor Plaques for the old members would need to be placed [never forget the old ones]) 
    tight hallways would make checkpoints easy but also make PVP end real quick if the whole group is off guard  (i hear stories about site-5 being amazing with it's chokepoint hallways) 
    SCP-513 *bell*  that area is broken due to the SCP:CB game having it broken in that area.      
    914 would most likely require ET for anything to do with it. 
    the list goes on forever. It'd take a solid year to set everything up   + HID turret on surface is beyond janky. almost impossible to use. (would be removed) 

    Now the positives are about as high as the negatives. 
    the maintenance tunnels are perfect for Maintenance to do maintenance things 
    SCPs have their own cells  (alot of the extra SCP CC's (job pack/ -GL SCPs / 2191 etc) many would need fixed cells tho such as SCP-939 and maybe 682 (the revised map has 682 CC) 
    Research would have a blast with the classic design. 
    173 would be tested on alot more as well. 
    SCP's in general would have lots of fun murdering everyone since it'll be hard to run. 
    possible addition of the closet SCP (forgot the number but it's the foggy forest one) 

    TL;DR: Great suggestion but would literally kill SMT for them to implement the map into SCP-RP

    OR just swap back to Site-5 or Site-10 Massive + support for this. 

  9. +support
    While in the video it doesn't truly highlight the issue it's more noticeable on LMGs for instance the Nu7 Behemoth and E11 Combat engineer have LMGs for their main weapons and they can barely hit their targets due to this  
    here's a clip of what I mean


    The gree crosshair is where i'm aiming + where the bullets should be grouping around 
    as you can see the bullets are focused more downward than where they're supposed to be. 
    This has never been an issue on the server until this month or maybe sometime December.   

  10. Warning: Potential XK Class Entity Discovered

    Interrogatee:  Nu7 PFC Yohan
    Interrogator:  Kilo 20

    {Recording: Start}

    Kilo 20: What is this Blood god you spoke of over comms?

    PFC Yohan: blood for the blood god   (chanting the phrase a few times) 

    Kilo 20: Who is this Blood god!?

    PFC Yohan: he is the blood got he cares not for where the blood flows, as long as it flows.

    Kilo 20: so its a god of blood. What else do you know about this god?

    PFC Yohan: many things but once you go down this path your mind body and soul will belong to him non can escape his grasp
    PFC Yohan: are you sure you wish to take this path

    Kilo 20: No I wish to learn more

    PFC Yohan: then learn you shall
    PFC Yohan: well where would you like to start?

    Kilo 20: Where does this god reside

    PFC Yohan: think of the after life, that purgatory realm where all emotion and souls rest.
    PFC Yohan: now thanks to us humans that place has become corrupt, Hate, anger, bloodlust and what created the blood god.
    PFC Yohan: in a way humans created him.

    Kilo 20: Humans created this blood god?

    PFC Yohan: take your self your anger blood lust power seeking all of these strong feelings are what created them

    Kilo 20: I see
    Kilo 20: Are you a servant of this god?

    PFC Yohan: servant isn't the correct word
    PFC Yohan: worship.

    Kilo 20: You worship this god?
    Kilo 20: Do your worships make it stronger?

    PFC Yohan: why yes
    PFC Yohan: even though he is the god of blood he has only one rule we follow

    Kilo 20: you strengthen this unknown god .

    PFC Yohan: through worship and rituals yes.

    Kilo 20: Why?
    Kilo 20: does this god have physical ties to this realm?

    PFC Yohan: In a way..
    PFC Yohan: He is a god and has many worshipers so to keep his gaze on yourself can be hard only through constant bloodshed and victory
    PFC Yohan: can one gain the power of his prince of slaughter.

    Kilo 20: the fights that happen and the blood that is shed in this site fuel his power?

    PFC Yohan ho yes, that is why I am here.
    PFC Yohan: the conflict and anger, the will to fight, it calls his gaze and then he sends us. Then he allow the blood to flow.
    PFC Yohan: and we keep the blood flowing Gold| RRH Guardian Kilo 20: Sends us?
    PFC Yohan: yes us I'm not the only one, good heavens no! Do you know how hard it is to play, only knowing one players hand?
    PFC Yohan: Once you have enough pawns and you can find anything.
    PFC Yohan: from MTF to sarkic G.O.C and CI.

    Kilo 20: You have ties with all of those?

    PFC Yohan: not directly.

    Kilo 20: You say not directly but you said MTF, Do you have any names?

    PFC Yohan: well i do however i can not say for reasons
    PFC Yohan: one of them being i would like to keep my soul

    Kilo 20: You say, you'll lose your soul if you say it?

    PFC Yohan: yes
    PFC Yohan: and you dont want to see what happens after that
    PFC Yohan: you know how possession is a thing yeah

    Kilo 20: What about the name of this god?

    PFC Yohan: you 100%?

    Kilo 20: Yes! What is the name of this God!

    PFC Yohan: Vullken (lie)
    (roll off 67 - 93)

    Kilo 20: Are you certain this is the name or are you lying?!

    PFC Yohan: Khorne.

    Kilo 20: Khorne? You certain this is the name?

    PFC Yohan: the eldest of the 4!

    Kilo 20: 4? There's Multiple?

    PFC Yohan: most powerfull of them ALL!

    Kilo 20: You said 4. What are these other 3 gods?!

    PFC Yohan: well you got nurgle slanesh and tit zinch
    PFC Yohan: Nurgle death and plague, very smelly, slaneesh gluttony, tit zinch a big fucking nerd and overall a dick. God of change
    PFC Yohan: khorne blood skulls and yeah, war and death
    PFC Yohan: well their are 2 more

    Kilo 20: What are they?

    PFC Yohan: gork and mork
    PFC Yohan: one is cunning yet brutal but the other is Brutal but cunning
    Kilo 20: How would you classify each of these gods?
    PFC Yohan: gork and mork?
    PFC Yohan: or the 4?
    Kilo 20: all of them
    PFC Yohan: nurgle keter slanesh euclid tit zinch, thamuel, Khrone XK
    PFC Yohan: gork and mork euclid
    (Subject became very violent and hostile towards a Dclass that had entered the interrogation room, attempting to sacrefice it)

    Kilo 20: Do you value your life as a worshipper of this. . Khorne?

    PFC Yohan: well i dont value life
    PFC Yohan: but im in no rush to end it.

    Kilo 20: You don't value life . yet you speak of disloyalty and heresy inside these walls.

    PFC Yohan: the only heresy here are those who choose to be ignorant to the truth if i die spreading his will then i have lived enough

    Kilo 20: I believe it is time to wrap this up.

    PFC Yohan: well then let me go then i have work to finish
    PFC Yohan: i kill for you
    PFC Yohan: you assist my god and i assist you
    PFC Yohan: thats how things have been for years

    Kilo 20: I don't believe we can allow you to increase the strength of this god anymore

    PFC Yohan B00z: HA it may not be your call to make

    Kilo 20: is it? (preparing termination of subject)

    PFC Yohan B00z: yes
    PFC Yohan B00z: you have no clue what is coming!
    PFC Yohan: theirs a change in the wind a storm is brewing!
    PFC Yohan: hehe
    PFC Yohan: let us hope you can survive when it comes
    PFC Yohan: one last thing
    PFC Yohan: tell the 13 that I wont be the last, we will never stop!
    PFC Yohan: their days are NUMBERED!
    [Loud Rifle shot]
    {Subject terminated} 

    {Recording Ended}  [Est length of recording 1:40 hr/min]

    I have concluded that the fighting of our fellow humans and the immense bloodshed caused by the entities that we hold in our facilities further grow the strength of these gods that this Private speaks of, we should perhaps spread the word to the higher ups of the Chaos insurgency and the G.O.C  to further warn them about the dangers of our battles.  

    We do not need any unchained XK class entity to become too Strong. 

    This took 4 hours to do 

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