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Posts posted by Yamato

  1. + support

    This man has been on that grind since he joined Nu-7, like this man has done or atleast attempted more for Nu7 than majority of current and some old command. Spray is doing his hardest for Nu7, making sure that every day there's atleast 1 new member for Nu7. He's made countless suggestions to better Nu7 and MTF as a whole, 
    And- You don't need all this document experience.  but >.>  documents are pretty fun to read and write. 

    • Like 1
  2. Space Battleship YAMATO!! WOO

    Name: Yamato

     Current and Former RP ranks
    Nu-7 Captain. E-11 CPL.  
     RRH Guardian Kilo 20. D5 MSGT(x3), Gensec MSGT
    (non-GL ranks): 65th combat engineering 1Lt.

    SteamID: STEAM_0:0:101762856

    DiscordID: Atago2.0#7434

    What command rank are you applying for? (2LT-MAJ): Major

    Why do you want to be Nu7 command
    Why I want to be Nu7 command? or a higher rank? simple. 
    Why not? I see an opportunity and I'm going to take it, I am the great Yamato, I've been command for well over a year and have been in Nu-7 even longer!  I've even had previous Command experience before I joined GL. 
    Yea I've had activity and motivation issues in the past but that's everyone. everyone's had some form of inactivity, whether it be an LOA or simply being incapable of getting on the server, It's a common fate for most.
    Recently I've been doing what I can to support Nu7 and making my SB better, urging members to flag on, helping with rosters, and giving Medals out to people who've earned them. Those medals look really cool btw.
    I know Major is a high rank but, I've been in Nu-7 a year and a half Some people have reached CPT in but 4 months. I can reasonably say that I've grinded for my rank.

    What can you offer as a member of Nu7 command
    I can offer a plethora of things, Document work, trainings, Yelling at NCOs and Enlisted for zero reason for simple mistakes.
    I can work with other command members to get NCOs and Enlisted active, work on sub-branches with them and work in PTs with them. Though I'm not one to enjoy change, I don't like it when things get stale either, We need open minded command and I'm willing to give up my Captain slot for someone who could better fit it, while progressing up myself. 
    What I can say is that I'll offer my best, even if it's not the greatest, I'll put effort into what I can, they say "Don't start something You can't finish" That quote goes hard, and I will make that quote reality. 

    (I don't lose or gain anything if this application is denied, and I'm willing to accept all outcomes and feedback)

  3. 7 minutes ago, Roulette said:

    What sort of rank would you suggest? (Ty for the good feedback)

    as someone who has lost motivation a magnitude of times along with having Activity issues, Senior command isn't for the faint of heart, it requires time, planning, and active work in both discord and in-game. 

    • Thanks 1
  4. + Support.   App is very well written and large.  Decent command experience. 

    Plus very active. Activity means people will wanna join your branch more, so that's a big plus!  Just know in the past 2 years Nu7 command has changed. . alot.

    -Nu7 CPT Yamato (DHBHM)

  5. 1 hour ago, Mary said:

    RnD SIN/Head of Apollo/PHYS/CI Mil LCPL | D5 PFC (Former SGT) | E11 LCPL (Former 1ST) | Former(NOT ON GL): DT CMDR, SOBDE Reg CMDR and SOBDE CMDR (SF Overseer), Rear Admiral, many 2LT and Major spots

    + Support.  Immense command experience = very worthy individual.  

    1 hour ago, Mary said:

    rewrite some of the sub-branches

    Do. Not. Touch. My. Behemoths.

    -Nu7 CPT Yamato (DHBHM)

  6. What are you suggesting:  Fix the broken Light in MTF bunks

    How would this change/better the server: Nothing will be changed other than a obnoxiously bright light in MTF bunks

    Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - None. 

    Who would this change mostly benefit?: Me and everyone who is annoyed by this world light. 

    Content:   (the lights are out on the server yet this is the only light that remains.) 


  7. Pixel is Pixel and he should get this position becaue he's super duper poggers and knows how to do command things . HOWEVER DOES THOU THINK YOU CAN GET CMDR?!  lies and deceit my friend. 


  8. 1 hour ago, Imnotcore said:

    Dude is chill and one of 7 wonders of the ancient world, you probably dislike me idk and I don't really care.

    Aww, makes me wanna stay just abit longer.  I don't dislike you, we just never spoke, I'm the chillest guy around, just gotta hit me at the right time. 
    Sad to see a fellow Captain go.  
    But, removes more competition when i gen active XD       Have a good one Core, we'll see each other around.  Maybe

  9. -support

    If Nu-7 and D5 are actually doing their jobs we wouldn't need cameras to spot CI since they're supposed to Patrol mostly HCZ and EZs and get dclass for SCPs. 


    For EOI this would turn the server into Among Us with extra steps. 

    CI could hack them perhaps and use them as a sort of over-watch for the raid party. (No-one ever enters the camera room so it'd be possible)

    On another hand, it creates a responsibility to watch camerad while also technically being lazy since you're just watching cams. 

  10. 1 hour ago, K I W I said:

    Constantly pushing and moving up the ranks in CI Military, would no doubt make a great command member in CI if our applications weren't closed, could see him doing great in A1 as command

    +++  always been a nice guy to me 

    • Gaminglight Love 1
  11. 4 hours ago, EPN Laggy Shadow said:

    -Has experience
    -Deputy Head of EOI
    -Responsible guy
    -Very respectful



    10 minutes ago, WxvySpixe said:


    A1 needs a mature and someone with great attitude as their HCMD. On top of that you have no experience in being command in a combatant branch. Maybe start out as a command member and see how it goes. 

    neutral  (mostly -) 


  12. 1 hour ago, K I W I said:

    Bossatron has shot up the ranks in CI CMD and has some of the best and intelligent takes on changes and branch related things I've seen, cleaned up his act in being a minge (even tho it's funny)

    Supporto to you ++ 

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