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Posts posted by Yamato

  1. On 5/10/2023 at 10:47 AM, Some Weeb said:


    Honestly, I just wished pvp was more realistic on this server and would actually reward skill. Then again I am an MRP player so my vision would probably make it way too fucking hard to play the game so whatever ig. 


    But removing limb damage is simply a good median. Allows for more skill and tac based combat. 

    I'm used to dying instantly and killing insta tly. So this is relatable. Though in a gmod server this would simply creat outrage from dclass. You know how dclass mains get when they can't effectively riot. 

    Overall +1  but unlikely to happen

  2. +/-  sup  

    1.  shotguns. 
    2.  nu7 checkpoint go brrr  
    3.  There's nothing we can do about you losing HP insanely fast. unless you have maybe 50k  you're still gonna lose.  unless you crouch jump spam as 682. 
    4. what happens when he breaches and there's little combatants on?  it'll just make those combatants rage quit or aimlessly throw their bodies at 682.

    You can buff 682 to 100k   it will still die but it'll take 5 minutes longer.  
    The sweps hitreg is bad and anyone that can crouch jump can very easily avoid it. now if 682 had maybe an very short range AOE  maybe.   but until then  you just gotta aim well and hopefully kill.   (it's current swep can get you from like 6 feet away. its insane. but it's a direct hit and no hitreg) 

  3. Name Yamato  
    Rank: CPT
    Date of strike: 5/11/2023

    Reason for strike:  (2 strikes received) 
    Very passive aggressive, speaking out on things when I should've stayed quiet and making snarky comments about higher ranking command pointing out the obvious, after I had made very non-command-like jokes.  Though the strike reasoning came up as argumentative, I don't believe i had came off that way, just very uncooperative at that current hour. 

    Rank of Striker: COL 

    Why do you think your strike should be removed?: Time.  I'm not one to take eons to think over my actions and think I'm justified with them.  I'm not.  I regret my actions, I do. 
    The actions I had committed were very unlike me, personally I CANNOT remember a time that I had acted like I did.   In=fact the next day I was bewildered, shocked at the sheer incompetence of my actions.  I had come to the conclusion that it had been a episode of unreleased anger being lashed out onto others, As I was unreasonably angry the night before, then then next day, I cross the line, making jokes of my actions that were far from helping me at all, only digging my grave further and further until I received the double strike. In which to save my ass and to further prevent any and all issues I took a decently long LOA.     
    During that LOA I personally wrote an Apology letter to CMDR J0lt who had to deal with being messaged by other command and even Zeeptin himself about my actions.
    An apology to LTCOL Mary who was the unfortunate target of my passive aggressiveness. I am sorry for acting that way and I should've listened when you told me to stop.
    And an Apology to all of Staff, SMT and Zeeptin himself    (I hope Piller sent the apology letter to Zeeptin. [if not then Zeeptin can read this post and see the apology]) 

    By all regards and point of views these strikes are 100% Valid, I'm not mad, I'm not sad, I have No-one to blame but myself.  But I have recovered and while I haven't received forgiveness for my actions, I do not expect forgiveness, you don't just be passive aggressive and cause issues for someone and expect forgiveness within a month.
    Though now I believe it's time that perhaps, those strikes be removed. If not, I don't mind, I'll go along my day without issue and continue being the great Yamato. 
    I'll wait for time to take those strikes away and perhaps then we'll all be happy. or not.  happiness is hard to find nowadays.  

    [My forums is still broken as I cannot send images]  
    However I will copy and past them below for you to read, unedited, and untouched. to show my honesty in this matter.

    My apology to J0LT 
    — 04/15/2023 6:35 PM

    Greetings Commander J0LT, it has come to my attention that the actions of the past require a thorough apology and so I will type this out personally to you. On the day of the most recent incidents I had fallen to a low mental state, and was blinded by an episode of unknown anger/ passive-aggressiveness. The words I spoke at the time were in-fact purposeful at the time, but after reading what I had said and looking back, I find it disgraceful that such words had been typed by me, they were uncalled for and Unwanted. I am never one to be racist or even transphobic so seeing those messages sent by me honestly surprised me quite abit..
    Even after receiving my punishments I had still felt an unknown feeling of anger which is why I have fallen silent as of recent. I do not wish for another incident to happen again but, I also cannot assure you that it won't happen again, which I fear greatly.. If a similar incident were to happen, I can assure you that I will accept any and all punishments given to me. Even if it's a complete removal from MTF entirely. I hope you can accept this apology and understand the sincerity of the apology as I never truly mean to harm anyone of Nu7 or Gaminglight.

    My apology to Mary

    — 04/15/2023 6:25 PM

    Hello Ltcol Mary I'd like to apologize for the events that happened on whatever date it was when I had an unexpected anger episode. I can say that all words were purposeful at the time but I was acting recklessly and to be honest I surprised myself and feel a great regret and sadness in my heart for the partially transphobic and semi-racist words I had said. I can assure you that such an incident will not happen again and I will be quick to inform any higher command if my mental state does fall as low as it did. If an incident of the same severity does happen again I will accept all punishments with grace and dignity. . or something like that, honor?. I do hope you can accept this apology since I meant no actual harm in anything I said and wasn't doing so well mentally at the time.

    My apology to the Staff team, JMT/SMT and Zeeptin himself

    — 04/15/2023 6:47 PM

    Hello Ethics Committee Piller, This is an apology to you and all of SMT and Staff, and even to Zeeptin himself.
    On the date that I had a relatively snarky attitude to those around me I had a unexpected episode of Anger / Passive-aggressiveness, My mental state itself had also fallen to a rather low degree, which hadn't helped my case at all.
    The words and messages that I had typed that day truly disgrace myself and even show a bad example of Nu7 Command. The words spoken at the time were purposeful, however after my mental state had recovered The damage had been done and punishments had been given. So I have opted to send a Apology to any and all members of the community that I may have upset in the time of the incident. Such an incident has never happened before and I am truly surprised that I had fallen to such lengths, regrettably, I cannot promise such an incident won't happen again but if it were I shall gladly accept any and all punishments given. If the actions that took place earned me a blacklist from staff then I shall accept as, no community would want someone to have that type of attitude in their staff team, If it doesn't then I accept the opportunity of another chance with utmost gratitude.
    To the Big Man Zeeptin, the man that runs the show, I apologize to you sincerely as my actions very well, could've shown a greatly negative impression of your community and to that I am even willing to type a full apology letter to all of GamingLight if needed.
    My Sincerest apologies - Nu7 Captain Yamato

    Thank you for reading.

  4. +/- Support.
    Map rotations would've been good if they were a thing when the server started.   That way HCMD /JMT&SMT can make sure that documents are saved properly so that there's an SOP for each map.  same with perma props and MOTD rules. 

    THIS IS VERY MUCH POSSIBLE!! but it's alot of work, it's very possible to have map swaps with perma props staying in place with each map.  I've been in a server that has it working. That server is unfortunately dead but you can still freely join it  (a game master can swap the map freely with a vote) 

    unfortunately we're 5 sites in and we don't have this which means if we all do it now it's damn near impossible to to actually get it into place.  Many reasons would be, "Does Management still have access to the previous map files" 
    If so then they can get those maps up on a test server and perma prop them.  Then once done on all of the maps, You'd add it to some sort of system database that's linked to another system that allows map rotations.

    Another issue is how far the server has grown.  In site 5 there wasn't as many jobs on the server. the map is alot smaller as well. It doesn't have the capacity to hold all of the branches  the branches there were, medical Janitorial Omi-9, Nu-7, E-11, and A-1 with others.  all set with not alot of jobs, we're talking maybe 6-10 jobs per branch, not like the 10-15 jobs that the branches have now. 

    Site-10 was similar to site 50, had a similar lay out minus a few things.  (I wasn't there. I was a gensec pvt when we swapped to Site-50)
    Site-50 the most memorable maps was decently sized and could infact be held by All of the branches we have now. Some could say Site-50 was one of the greatest maps, despite it's 3-5 different variants. 
    Site-13. was mid . sorta. it was great but the hallways were far too long and it wasn't the most optimized, some could argue Site-50 was more optimized than the sheer size of Site-13.
    Site-23. also mid with ALOT of issues.   a roleplay map on a pvp server.  you can only guess how bad it was.  Gensec suffer with a 180% raise in Dclass rioting.  Nu7 literally gets locked out from the rest of the site when Lockdown is active. and a whole plethora of issues that we just have to deal with for now. 
    However the biggest plus of Site-23 is it's optimization.  by far the most optimized map in GL SCPRP history. (maybe) 

    All in all, This is possible but, at this time it'd take far FAR too long to implement since all Branches would then have to make a SOP for each and every Map, job spawns will be more compact or spread out. and new tactics would have to be made. 
    If it was implemented around before site-10 was implemented then yes. you could say that this would actually work. 

  5. +Support.

    seems simple enough.    Too many robots as it is plus Nu7 CBRN will melt an entire infestation before it gets past the checkpoint. 
    8k gives it enough HP to last longer but not so much that it feels like fighting 682. 

    (ALSO!  Buff the infection hp as well by another 100)  

    • Thanks 1
    • Gaminglight Love 1
  6. I mean >.> everyone that resigns or leaves says the same thing. 

    They're relieved to leave this place, they're happy to leave behind the addiction. 

    You can ask anyone that has resigned completely and they'll say the same thing. 

    "I feel happier" or "It's relieved alot of stress and allowed me to open up more"

    I personally think that you shouldn't have been denied but that's my opinion.


    People play this horrid game to leave the pain of society. Sometimes society follows them into the game sometimes it doesn't. It's the reality of Online video games. I'm happy that you've put behind this addictive game and chose to live your life in society and chose to be happy. 

  7. 30 minutes ago, Some Weeb said:

    The reason RP doesn't exist on this server ties into the type of command there is on the server. Barely anyone awards people for outstanding RP even in medical/maintenance. The fact of the matter is SCP RP simply chooses mostly terrible leaders for high roles with few exceptions.

    This is indeed something. .    Command runs everything.   all it takes is one wrong action and it'll crumble down.  Command is the one thing that alot of people strive for but when they get there they don't realize the importance of their rank.    
    the higher the rank the more sensitive the actions are.    
    we focus on what roleplay happens and we strive to increase that roleplay, not add or remove functions of the server.   that is what should be done

  8. Remove D-classes infinite supply of guns.


    Dclass are usually the backbone of all forms of Roleplay, if they have a gun. They have no reason to rp cuz they can just shoot things. 

    I don't wanna blame it all on Dclass but. .

    One of the main issues. Is Dclasses lack of actual roleplay, going pew pew and dying instantly and repeating that scenario isn't roleplay. 

    It also makes it hard for research because the core aspect that research relies on is dclass for testing, if researchers can't test then they'll get bored of the server or just not play research.

    Gensec tries to roleplay but everything that isn't a warden, jugg or hcom gets gunned down ny everything under the sun. 

    Nu7 are checkpoint jockeys now, but our guidelines can get us in trouble if we follow them too strictly due to the powerplay simulator that is hcz checkpoint. And the fact that Nu7 has final say over who enters HCZ unless you're level 4+ sort of .  we all have our own restrictions and guidelines we have to follow. not final say but it is our job to monitor who goes in and who goes out.

    D5 is also kinda powerplay simulator almost. The code of ethics is roleplay but it gets hectic really fast and it usually ends in confusion or mass chaos. (Not in D5 so i can't say much)


    E11 and CI are the most combat based due to surface wars  



    • Laughing 1
  9. + sup

    Shin is shin. he is cool.  

    plus this ban happened at a time when all SMT+ were very jumpy at the sight of "Bub games" related things.  I witnessed a person get banned for making a joke with me after mentioning  "bubs games". The joke wasn't even remotely related to "bub games".  They weren't even remotely trying to cause an issue yet, Poof. gone. right after making the joke. 

    However back to the topic Shinspin never meant to cause issues for the community of gaminglight, they could've maybe been defending gaminglight in a not so civil way but They know what they did was wrong and the "bub games" thing happend a few months ago, so there's been time to thing about their actions.  
    I support the unbanning of Shinspin


  10. What are you suggesting:   Add LED Signs or some sort of custom sign that emphasizes what zone is what.  Mainly Because instead of LCZ - UHCZ/LHCZ - EZ   It's Now LCZ-1  LCZ-2  EZ-1 EZ-2 , HCZ.  It's alot more confusing for others and alot more confusing with zone restrictions seeing as LCZ and EZ are split between two entire layers. 

    How Would this change, better the server?:  This would remove extra confusion without needing to check any documents or whatever to figure out where someone is.  Seeing as alot of people are confused from the maps that are around the site the signs could be above the maps and see what zone they're in. 

    Are there any disadvantages?: None that I know of

    Who would this change mostly benefit: Any of those that are confused on where they are. 

    [no links needed] 

  11. Overall had mixed feelings about you but in the end you were just honest, you had the right mindset but others maybe never saw it.     It's been an honor to work with you sir, enjoy life away from the corruption of Gmod and sail freely through life.  God Speed soldier. 

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