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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/07/2020 in Posts

  1. It took me and everyone a bit to do this we wanted to take these pictures to show off how good GOV really is if you like the pics please make sure to like the post!:)
    1 point
  2. 1. Steam Name?: Loudyfam (GL) 2. Steam ID?: STEAM_0:1:432754918 3. Roster Name?: Jack S 4. Current Rank?: 1LT 5. When were you promoted?: August 29, 2020 6. How long have you been a member of GENSEC (roughly)?: I have been in GenSec for around four months, I joined in the start of July. 7. Do you promise to uphold all rules instated by GamingLight and by the many Security guidelines?: I promise I will uphold all of the rules instated by GamingLight and the GenSec guidelines. 8. Do you promise to uphold your duties as a command member in leadership, mentoring, problem-solving, etc.?: Yes, I will uphold all of my duties. 9. Do you promise that you will listen and respect your lower / higher rankings?: Yes, I will mentor all of my lower rankings. 10. Why do you want to become a senior command member? (150 WORDS+): I want to be senior command as it would broaden my abilities to help security, I joined security my second day on the server. I found a true family of people who really care and want to improve everyone's day. I have stuck with security through the downs and ups, especially right now as we lost some of my greatest online friends I'd say. As Major I would be able to help motivate and help enlisted and handle with punishment requests, making it easier for Ape, Sixx, Mind Stone, Creamey, and Mini. I can help the enlisted stay on longer by motivated the rest of command. When I was first on I was motivated my higher rankings would flag on to have fun, I feel being this high rank I can help my fellow command and enlisted. This would help MTF as they can focus on what they want, and research gets their RP, since we cam hold D-block. I can help guide CPLs-CPTs and good times to use their hands up and partial binds. I feel I am responsible enough to handle the position and help with branch relations between GenSec, MTF, Research, Utility, and CI. I take charge and responsibility helping lead enlisted, I know my rank as 1LT is great, but Major could open my abilities to help people, I can help with disputes and what to do during situations. Through the downs and ups in GenSec I've always stayed and never left, when I was an NCO and felt like I was looked over, it hurt a bit, but I knew it wasn't the end, I want to make the NCO's and enlisted know that we care and that we do notice they are active. I am on roughly everyday, for at least 6 hours. This combined with my love of helping others and do right, I feel as if so far I've done a good job. No matter what situations happen, I keep my head on a swivel, I dealt with a guy DNT and ban evading. I asked sixx to blacklist him for evading punishments, Don't get me wrong, I was perfectly fine with it, but being able to do more and deal with him more independently would be great. I like to do what's right, if it hurts me that's ok, in the end the right thing was done. I talk and socialize and help enlisted, I feel this helps them get to know me and they get a friendly mark on command. That we are not scary people, I love talking with my enlisted and NCOs, some of my friends are NCOs and enlisted. With Major, I can help increase activity by granting ping perms to my lower rankings, (1LT-2LT). I will look over my Low Command and help them with any questions they have, I don't think they would have any questions since they are all great people. I will assist HCMD in anything they need, as I usually talk with them daily. I will be able to grant my lower ranking command permissions to host off meetings (1LT-2LT). This can help with over-all activity as many of the active command are LT's and make everyone's day a lot better being able to express themselves at meetings. I will be able to help lead SM's to be active and stay loyal to GenSec, as I usually see them rioting on D-class with no CMD to guide them. As CMD I know the GenSec SOP very well, I think my time in CMD has been a good deal of time to try and get Major. With Major I can help the CPT's try and hold a off meeting at least once a week. I would be able to mentor my lower ranking command and the NCO's onto a good path to become command. I can help and give my take on opinions I have to help better GenSec. As senior command I can help other branches that need to report GenSec, I can do it as a 1LT but some people are out of my striking range and it makes it hard at times to help people in other branches. I treat every situation I am in with all seriousness, I don't tolerate disrespect and deal with it in an adequate manor. 11. What would you do if a Security Officer was constantly leaving D Block?: Starting off, I would I ask if anyone gave him permissions for why he is leaving D-block, if NCO's reply saying they never gave him permissions, I would find him in LCZ. As this may have been on fault of his trainer not explaining it well, or a disobedient OFC. I would kindly ask him why he was leaving D-block, ask if he got permissions, incase he was lying. If he said he didn't know I would kindly explain to him while walking him back to D-block that any NCO which is a SGT+ can give him permissions to leave D-block to go to lets say armory. Once he gets to D-block I would ask him if he has anymore questions, if not I would let him be at D-block. If he keeps repeatedly leaving after I would demote him and explain he can get retrained at any time. 12. What would you do if an NCO kept on leaving d-block with terrible reasons?: I would explain that he needs a reason to leave D-block, as he was given a privilege to leave D-block without asking for permissions, that it can be taken away. I would then ask for him to either speak with me in TS in a channel so I can help him with some good reasons for him to leave D-block. If he ignores me and keeps leaving D-block I will demote or strike him depending on how bad it is. 13. What do you do if an E-11 private comes into d block and attempts to take command of all of the security?: If a E-11 comes into D-block ordering people, I would kindly ask him to leave, if he refuses and this command is nearby I would get them. If his command isn't there, I would tell him to leave or be AOS'ed and if he evades the AOS and runs past the blue line out of our reach I would call staff to warn him for failRP (No foundation can cross the blue line unless getting a D-class or GenSec riot control). After that I would get the recordings and a screenshot of his warn and send it to his command asking if they can do anything about their rogue private. 14. Explain the process of promoting a corporal to sergeant in your own words: First, I would watch the person for awhile throughout a period of the day, if they display good conduct I would consider them for a promotion. I would ask some senior NCO's if they have been doing good to their standards, usually with a yes reply, or I get a recommendation from a Senior NCO. After that if they were in TS I would ask them to go to bunks, if not I would do /security (Name) please come to bunks as I need to speak with you. I will before the promotion tell them they need to be in TeamSpeak when on the job if they are not on. After they enter bunks I explain that they are being promoted to SGT, I would explain that they have a lot more responsibilities and grab the NCO guide and give it to them, reading it as we go explaining that they will need to take charge and show leadership in D-block, I would explain what they can do, like granting perms for enlisted to go to armory or medbay. That they themselves don't need perms but a good reason to leave D-block. I would explain to them that they can be apart of the FTO program and advise them to join it as it's required for command. I then would explain they can now apply for WO, this is junior command. I would also say that they can become a sniper at SFC+, which is one rank away. I will then tell them that they can and should refer to the NCO guide if they have any questions and that I'm open to any questions they may have. I would then send them to the discord and tell them to request tags, change their name, ask me or a different SFTO to train them for FTO, and I will hand them their whitelist. Then I will give them their tags and fill out a promotion log.
    1 point
  3. 1. What is your in-game name?: Spud 2. Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:534956543 3. Current Rank in Security: SM 4. Time on the server: 1 week 5. Current level: 59 6. On a scale from 1 - 10, how active are you?: 7 7. Do you have any active strikes on the roster?: No 8. Which command members gave you permission to apply?: 2LT Jameshi, CPT Bael 9. Have you read the Juggernaut section of the SOP?: Yes 10. Why do you think you deserve access to the Security Juggernaut Job? (60+ WORDS): I've been a member of Security for a decent amount of time, and the Juggernaut job would allow me to do my job better. I don't have any warns or strikes so you can trust me with a frag grenade lol. My aim is decent enough that I can be trusted with the 200 round behemoth. I think Juggernaut would be a nice alternative to my normal Senior NCO job when trying to take back D Block. 11. Which weapon in the Juggernaut load-out would you use to hit a d-class in the middle of a crowd and how would you ensure to hit your mark?: I would use the CZ-75 pistol and aim down my sights to make sure I hit my target and only my target. The pistol is much more accurate than the machine gun would be so it is the best option.
    1 point
  4. SCP 610. Why is because he fucking scary as hell. Like imagine if it breach containment. It be like resident evil but worst
    1 point
  5. Yes I do approve of this post, he had my full permission. My current standpoint is a +support -distinctly shows his motivation and determination to be unblacklisted. -warns are old, giving time to learn. -story adds up with events that took place during that time (a certain SGT hosting PTs)
    1 point
  6. +support -Active -nice dude -as potential as O5 medic
    1 point
  7. Not gonna lie, at first glance it looks like you're going to be gone for 5 months Good luck on the exams.
    1 point
  8. PENDING Consider yourself ACCEPTED, but not just yet... Please PM me ASAP
    1 point
  9. +support pills is an active maintenance member that I see on every day and I think he would make a great HLPR
    1 point
  10. +Support -Very active -Dedicated to his job -Loves helping people -Very friendly As an scp i have to say his very annoying because he keep fixing my cc and doors everytime we break it XD
    1 point
  11. -support No you cant leave not like this "Is your grandma hot" ~beans "Your Blacklisted from Swat" ~Freeze I will miss you buddy you always could make me laugh
    1 point
  12. +Support Active man actively calls for a medic or goes to medbay when surgery is needed (also How the Hell do you always end up at perfectly 20% HP?????) extra + Support so that he dont die as often or end up at 20% HP again lol
    1 point
  13. +Support This man has done a very good job in medical and is ready for the position.
    1 point
  14. I have to agree with DooM Guy instead of making it outright illegal for them to enter I suggest for those who DO the things described they should be warned or BLd from the specific SCP if not all free roam SCPs should they do mingey behavior, there are people who play the class and just prefer to vibe in D Block such as soupster on 527 he only sits around vibing not in anyones way or helping d boys just sitting there talking with D Class. I understand that the SCPs that have the ability to freeroam have caused some combat issues I have seen such as Core on 131 blasting audio or blocking Security last night 10/6/2020 or a 131 in the way of a gensec today during combat on 10/7/2020. I will stand by the idea that instead of outright destroying one of the few things the free roams can do, I suggest we just hammer down on being strict for holding them accountable for bodyblocking or mic spamming. Another example I just thought of, there are people like Step and @Sienna who like to vibe by being on cute safe class free roam and just sit there vibing in dblock like the time they stacked on eachother and just pointed physguns around, the weren't in the way or hurting anyone just vibing when they didnt want to be D Class or CI or CCs just some fun being cute SCPs. Dont ruin their fun over a few people being jackasses on jobs.
    1 point
  15. + Support Deserves it, has been in Security almost as long as me.
    1 point
  16. Barack Hussein Obama II is an American politician and attorney who served as the 44th president of the United States from 2009 to 2017. A member of the Democratic Party, Obama was the first African-American president of the United States. He previously served as a U.S. senator from Illinois from 2005 to 2008 and an Illinois state senator from 1997 to 2004.
    1 point
  17. -Support The reason I don't like this suggestion is cause free roam SCP's can barley go anywhere. I can see why you don't want them in D-Block, but D-Block is the most interesting place on the map. Taking that away from them is just... BRUH
    1 point
  18. though spy is better cc
    1 point
  19. 1 point
  20. its all foundation that are + supporting this XD also -supports are from d class but i can understand why as they have nothing
    1 point
  21. -Support You were the one I mentored when you first got WO and it is nice to see you grow. However before you recently got more active again, you had a bad streak of inactivity. You have been a 1LT for little over a month now and I'd rather see you get CPT so you can train a bit more with that power. Though you complain sometimes, you are a nice person and someone I would like to eventually see in SCMD. However I think you need more time as I haven't truly seen you act on your own accords, and you rely on your fellow command a a lot rather that handling things by yourself. Next time applications are out I hope you will have grown to fit what I would personally like to see in the position.
    1 point
  22. You're gonna make me cry man. Those times were so fun and I kinda miss them.
    1 point
  23. +Support ~Nice ~Active ~Knows what he is doing ~Does a good job ~High warns but I know he knows better
    1 point
  24. Steam Name:  probably pie SteamID: i forgot Ingame Name: PIE COMMITS MASSRDM Ban Length: idk Admin that Banned you: wees and ignoose Reason for Ban: massrdm x36 Dispute: my finger slipped
    1 point
  25. -SUPPORT The knives' backstabs are strong because they are supposed to be a reward for achieving a flank. Currently, knives (because they primarily are a weapon for D-Class) are fighting against the strongest GENSEC has ever been with Wardens, Riot Control, and incredibly high activity due to a new server and good high command (seriously you guys have a page and a half almost everyday for a couple hours, it's honestly impressive). As a player who essentially only plays D-Class, I can tell you when attempting to use knives, you will NEVER achieve four consecutive backstabs on any foundation combatant, especially not any CC that knows how to play the game. Sure on paper it seems that knives are crazy with 440 dmg in 5 seconds, but I'm sure you just had the CC turn your back to you, and you just right clicked. Think about context, when using a knife, you are always trying to rush and close distance... which makes you a priority. As soon as you're spotted, your combatant will backpedal and face you to get their shots in, making backstabs almost impossible. If players are lucky you get one good sneak attack and/or the combatant turns around to run. And for the players with knives, they end up knifing back, usually (as a D-Class CC) against someone with higher hp/armor and or more foundation on their side. To make knives even worse, the server has been in a meta where shotguns have been *dominating* for a WHILE, so closing in against the majority of players who strafe jump and shotgun with high latency and sometimes awkward hitreg? Not happening. For the most part, I believe the server has been the most balanced since Site 05, and this is coming from a D-Class CC who faces shotguns and snipers and HSU and O9 Experimental Forces and those crazy CCs (Captain Mei, Omnipurpose, Psi-8, Invictus, ETC) and... you get my point. If anything, I feel that other weapons, specifically melee, are underpowered. Just look at the trench knife. I think why the knife gets so much attention is because honestly it's the only usable one. Every other melee weapon has bad hitreg against an already strong meta on a pretty laggy server. Fixing other melee weapons hitreg would introduce variety and open our eyes to the incredibly low standard melee weapons actually have. If knives are nerfed, melees will become obsolete, and it's just another weapon to be stumped by the meta we play in. TL;DR knives are fine, consecutive backstabs never happen, and melees in general are actually very bad. don't let knives take the fall because of bad melees
    1 point
  26. I hate to be that guy but it really is only fair that if EXP has a Chainsaw which takes one of their primary weapon slots then it should be the same for E4. Other than that everything else looks great! (Also CS is 250 200 So I dont see an issue with shades getting it) Edit: Spade has better hitreg than a chainsaw so it's literally better. Still - Support from me. (On the Spade everything else is okay)
    1 point
  27. SCP-999 ༼ つ ◕◡◕ ༽つ GIVE A +SUPPORT
    1 point
  28. There's absolutely, positively, no need to panic. Ice had the entire situation under control, no need to panic.
    1 point
  29. 1 point
  30. This just seems like a branch diss post I know gensec can be well gensec but a whole forum post just hurts
    1 point
  31. Commander Applications ========================================================================================== Title: “Name” "Regiment” Commander/Vice Commander Application If your title is not correct you will not be Accepted! Please do not forget to add a Poll on your post, or it will be denied! ========================================================================================== Questions 1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) : 2. What Regiment are you applying for? 3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch? 4. How much game time do you have on the server? 5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch? 6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? : 7. How often can you be Online? : 8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) : Use the Above Format for your Application, and post it in the commander applications section DO NOT ADVERTISE YOUR APPLICATION IF YOU ARE CAUGHT YOU WILL BE DENIED!
    1 point
  32. Cast your stories below the dumbested things you saw gensec did.
    -1 points
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