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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/26/2020 in Posts

  1. I'm resigning .--. --- --. --. . .-. ...
    4 points
  2. 1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) : Mickey 2. What Regiment are you applying for? Royal Guard (Vice Sovereign) 3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch? I would like to become Vice Sovereign, because I very much enjoy playing on royal guard, I feel it could use some improvements, such as better means of communication, more benefits to activity, meaning either make being RG a little more entertaining or give out ticks and such for good activity and hard work. As I have said many times on the server, I am all for making people feel like their work matters, that way they dont just become inactive. Royal guard is like the odd little battalion, because there is a very small wiggle room for what you can and cannot do for punishments, we must remember people payed to have this job so making it worth their while is extremely important. I think if me and Spice, the current Vise Sovereign, sit down and come up with some interesting things for the Royal guard to do and be a part of, would overall help that issue of it not being fun for some people. I'm also not one of those people who will just try to claim a lot of things in their app that I don't have a plan for, I think if we expand our VIP group that may also help, such as the possibility of including marshal commander, and other high ranks that are not on our list, it could mean there are more people to protect and would not keep RG stuck guarding areas or patrolling around the ship. I think if the amount of tasks the RG can do was increased (Without making us interfere with other battalions) there would be less sitting around and more of doing some fun meaningful tasks around the ISD. 4. How much game time do you have on the server? 460 hours roughly. 5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch? The Sovereign Protector and the Vice Sovereign, are there to show a symbol of loyalty as well as serve as a symbol and role model for their branch. I also feel they are there to keep the battalion flowing smoothly, with promotions, activity, and keeping everyone entertained with their job, as after all this is a game. I also feel they are there to server as an ambassador to other branches, you may see a lower rank mingeing around and think nothing of it, but if you see a commander or Sovereign Protector mingeing and not taking their job seriously, you will have people questioning why they are in a position of command. I think they also are there to show that there is a displary force, and to show that there are rules, and regulations you must follow, and if you break them, you will be punished. 6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? : You should trust me as Vice Sovereign because, I feel I can be a role model to lower royal guard, I am very knowledgeable on RG, and can server as a helping hand if anyone has questions, I also am sorta strict, there is a very small tolerance to minging (This does not mean that they cannot have fun, there are 2 different things between having fun and minging) I also feel I can bring a fresh mind and set of eyes to the Vice Sovereign position, and will do everything in my willpower to change and improve the RG battalion. 7. How often can you be Online? : Every day (Sometimes I have work and can only be on at night sadly. Also to prove my activity I currently have an ongoing login streak of 46 days.) 8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) : I have never been warned on the imperial server.
    3 points
  3. What you want to see? - A rule added to the MOTD stating that criminal families can only have one money silo per family (or base at the very least). Why should we add it? - I find it annoying and kinda OP for crims to throw down a crap ton of money silos in one base and then gov struggle to either destroy or simply push into the base (a recent example would be the bases that PED have been using. What are the advantages of having this? - Keeps economy stable and disallows people from abusing money silos without resistance Who is it mainly for? - Everyone (crim especially) Links to any content - N/a
    1 point
  4. What do you want to see? - I've been thinking about this a lot, but just now, during the community meeting, Igneous announced that a ton of new knives were coming to the donator shop. I would love to see the ability to toggle off some of your donator weapons so that your weapon wheel isn't completely clogged. I know that a lot of the donators on the server have most if not all of the donator weapons, and would probably be interested in buying more when they come out, however, having your weapon menu FULL of everything would be a nightmare, in my opinion. Ideally, this could be added to the !donate menu, since it already displays purchased packages, you could just put a toggle switch next to each swep, if possible. For clarification: I don't mean an inventory management system for ANY weapons that come on a class, or a pocket system or anything like that. This would be specifically for toggling on/off items purchased in the donation store. Why should we add it? - As stated above, it would help clear up clogged inventories. What are the advantages of having this? - People, including myself, would donate & buy more weapons on the shop. Who is it mainly for? - Everyone, but specifically donators. Links to any content - This may need to be something that is custom coded, so I know it'd probably be a bit of work. I attempted to look for an addon to do this but I can't seem to find anything. This is an example of what I mean, it's on a darkRP server: https://imgur.com/a/WV3WibY
    1 point
  5. What you want to see? - Instead of CI rolling to turn off the power, they would do one roll to gain access to the control panel than they could turn on lights, tesla gates and site lockdown (lockdown with command permission) and turn them off without an additional roll. But if they fail their roll they would trigger a site wide alarm and for E11 and Omio 9 to get called in immediately Why should we add it? - Allows for more diverse game play and makes the power room more important. What are the advantages of having this? - This would give CI a side objective that would give them a big advantage during a raid (if they can hold it) and would encourage more fights in EZ where MTF would have the spawn advantage and would add another trigger that would call E11 in. Who is it mainly for? - CI and MTF Links to any content - NA Edit- I just want to add that D-class won't be able to do this because it would just be used to ming.
    1 point
  6. Honestly i dont remember this, but I mean -support for no evidence?
    1 point
  7. You better still play minecraft
    1 point
  8. ):< I am not on there, I see turnip! Not going to miss you I am
    1 point
  9. my day is ruined and my disappointment is immeasurable
    1 point
  10. Sad to see ya go. Come back one day UwU.
    1 point
  11. - Support Don't get back stabbed.
    1 point
  12. +support, im just saying ever sense they were added the server has had a pretty low population.
    1 point
  13. +/- support I mean, Zeeptin doesn't do things like this without good reason, however all of you guys saying it looks bad on staff for him doing this, keep in mind that it was a YEAR AGO that he got discord banned and he only got staff a couple weeks ago and has been an exemplary staff member during this time.
    1 point
  14. Grade: (B-) (82) Test Quality: Standard Lore: 10/20: Didn't really write any background on the SCP. Didn't describe it at all. Creativity: 20/20: This is a very creative idea. Presentation: 15/20: Nothing done to improve presentation Writing: 37/40: Nothing really wrong with writing. Not really in complete sentences however. Final Thoughts: I mean I really like the idea - It's pretty funny. There just wasn't a ton of effort put into writing the test log. Quality of quantity.
    1 point
  15. If LCZ armoury has a keypad why doesn't this
    1 point
  16. +/- Support +Active +Serious Roleplay, Glad he takes time to be EMS and such. +Knows the MOTD and rules. -Warns Overall I think he is trustworthy and good for the position.
    1 point
  17. +/- Support Active Nice Experience 15 Warns Received warn for Racism and Server dis..... and a shit ton of Player and Staff dis Overall I dont know where i stand for this app best of luck tho
    1 point
  18. He has shown that 15 warns does not define who he is and has shown that he has more than turned around his past and I believe is ready for the position! Good Luck Man!!!!
    1 point
  19. 1 point
  20. + support on this MODEL https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=810090879&searchtext=scientist -support on dr. Bright have multiple models, due to the difficulties in spotting bright if he has multiple models. Note Maynard also only has one model for the same reason As for the ability it possessed people -support because it would get annoying really fast and would immediately be used to ming.
    1 point
  21. +Support -Active -Active on forms -Nice -Respectful -15 Warns
    1 point
  22. + support -active -pretty good app -good -seems like he knows what he is talking about - overall pretty darn good VICE SOVEREIGN KIR KANOS
    1 point
    1 point
  24. +/- support - active - pretty mature - kinda high warns I just dont know how I feel about you becoming staff EDIT: +support you have changed your ways and would make a great staff member
    1 point
  25. + Support +Great Player +Great Roleplay/Work +Tremendous Growth as a Community Member and Player! +Knows Server Rules Good Luck Alex!
    1 point
  26. When CI or D Class run back though and they kill MTF and if MTF are able to come back from their NLR it would be very easy for people to run in there and use the armory as well. Even if everyone has the clearance level to get in the armory its for Foundation Personnel Only why make it easy to get to. + Support
    1 point
  27. It makes sense to have a secure armory in the EZ area +support
    1 point
  28. Denied This was an accident....there is no need to demote him 3 ranks, but I will! Just kidding, no punishments will occur.
    1 point
  29. -Support As what most people have already stated, you only care about being a higher rank then most people. Not only that but you have had a pretty bad past, including recently.
    1 point
  30. +/-Support Active In game Active on the Forums Helpful Respected Knows the rules Dedicated Good Application However, I believe you should have some more time on admin before advancing
    1 point
  31. +/-Support Semi-Active In-game Semi-Active on the forums Very good application knows the rules Other than activity (which can improve) you deserve staff
    1 point
  32. ++ Support +Mature +level headed +Active/Becoming active more and more!
    1 point
  33. So I know this may come as a suprise to many that I would retire, but it's just something I need to do. I have been going through a lot of stuff IRL (on top of all this Corona shit) and just haven't been able to do what I need to or be on when I need to. Plus, I've been with GL since 2016 and need to expand my horizons a bit more. Its definitely been a long and hard ride since the beginning days of Imperial when we were averaging 20 players to where we are now. I will still be around now and then but will mainly be playing Destiny 2 with the boys (#GambitGang). If you still wanna chill with me and have me on discord, shoot me a message and we'll talk. Other than that imma head out from GL for now and maybe I'll come back in the future. Shaggy/Maverick - Hope one of you takes my place once im gone, both of you put great effort into your positions and always try your best SMT Team - Very responsive to the community and care very much about the server and playerbase BadAim - Mingy E11 LT. Purges Heretics
    1 point
  34. Accepted I'll go ahead and issue Zeeptin a strike and Permanent DNP for such behavior. I apologize for the traumatizing experience.
    1 point
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