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Everything posted by BadAim

  1. Ill miss you command role giver! The few times I escorted you were always great!
  2. The thing about 939 is we can tranq 939 at temple and he would have time to pick a building in town and wait through his entire tranq time, then run into CI HQ. Its an unnecessary hassle that continues to add pressure to an already overworked MTF dealing with a much more active CI (GJ CI!), Self breaching, and a normally understaffed security.
  3. +Support Add this line to the rules Once hit with a Tranq, SCP-939 is no longer allowed to sprint.
  4. Are they able to do this? Surface CCs are basically E11, so its failRP to do this if its not defcon 3
  5. Ok ill give them a cover up story men in black style and when i see they get confused ill kill them, then ask their command to strike them
  6. Gonna - Support since this is what its looking like people are wanting. Dr. bright is meant to be a job to introduce people to the idea of joining research, and changing it to a maynard like deal would complete take away from this purpose, and make no sense, since you would just have mingey research command playing on the job instead of random players who may be inspired to join research because of their time on the job.
  7. +/- Support +I like the idea of requiring negotiations to be attempted, I think this would make RP more enjoyable. - foundation personnel just got self breaching, so I think we should hold off on this addition until they are ready for a new system
  8. Would this be considered a research life?
  9. Gonna miss you, I'll never forget the man who made gensec go full furry xD
  10. BadAim

    Oranges LOA

    Take care! Happy thanksgiving!
  11. +support for the job pack blacklist
  12. Its impossible to control as well, i broke @Fool’s ankles in a 1v1 when he was using it once
  13. +Support Seems active very friendly reaches outside of PRP frequently Q15 and Q16 are good
  14. I’d also like to see DTs be taller than everyone else if possible
  15. +Support this is a lot more lore friendly
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