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Everything posted by BadAim

  1. Don’t think you understand the point of A1 special forces at all then if you thought I was talking about recontainment units and not just branches different takes on a hand picked squad
  2. CI, A1 and E11 have this, it already isn’t special. Nu7 is the only task force that doesn’t have this. Just let them do it and let them find what separates the job through how they interact with others in RP.
  3. Oh yeah like I said fuck those +Support
  4. I mean it’s usually just an unspoken rule amongst MTF that it’s a dick move to camp cafeteria , and I see no issues with the LCZ Checkpoints since class D have access to the armory before they get to the checkpoint and CI have plenty of SCPs that they can get through the checkpoint that will cause havoc in the checkpoints
  5. -Support Immature Mingey After how terribly you treated me in 31st there is no way I could see you in a command spot like that
  6. +Support Great, kind leader I’d love to see you as a VCMDR
  7. +Support +Never had a bad run in with him (except for the time he watched me die because he wouldn’t open the engine room to save me :P) +active +always engages in RP and I can see him being the face of a battalion
  8. BadAim

    Ban Appeale

    I’d say the best place to start would be speaking to zeeptin about paying back everything charged back
  9. Me ritz and grug are the only people who use our custom jobs regularly, so that’s like saying CI custom jobs should have been able keep the famas and usas unnerfed since MTF have so many CCs like the site 05 specialist, acid rain, and the PSHUD robot
  10. I mean +Support but this seems like a given after the Halloween stuff that it will be nerfed. honestly just seems like a tactic to sell more collectibles at this point
  11. The issue arrives when it would normally require multiple members of security to put down a riot, but these custom jobs are able to do so with complete ease without any assistance. They double the efficiency of security and make class D that are already facing low odds of succeeding face a near impassable barrier.
  12. I think we tested it a while back and the contender did 3/7 damage per hit
  13. 1. Don’t get on or near the fence 2. The snipers class D Custom Jobs have access to aren’t anything to write home about damage wise, so it doesn’t sound like a major issue -support
  14. Didn’t I mute you yesterday for asking if it was racist to call someone a negro? If anything your ban should be extended lmao
  15. It’s gonna be nerfed after its no longer for sale, same thing happened with the scythe
  16. Mining is broken, find a different addon for it
  17. BadAim

    BadAim's LOA

    Name: BadAim Rank Executive Branch (Medical, Technician, Janitorial): Janitorial Length (MM/DD/ - MM/DD): A whole year Reason (If private that's fine): Taking a break from my RP lives
  18. +Support I respect the players and the money they have spent to keep the server up, but this has gotten quite ridiculous, and hinders the ability of class D to make any attempts at rioting not assisted by CI or multiple donators. Class D players are where we gain our player base from, and showing them a complete unbalance from the start doesn’t set a good example for the server.
  19. What you want to see? - A clarification to the "SCPs cannot team" rule Why should we add it? - I see lots of SCPs just hanging out in the exact same spot and saying that "its not teaming since we aren't communicating" and I'd like to see this rule clarified What are the advantages of having this? - less confusion all around Who is it mainly for? - Everyone Links to any content -
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