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Everything posted by BadAim

  1. Dude just reach in there and take the money back
  2. He took his time before making his decision I assure you
  3. +Support All the time now I see security with itchy bind fingers putting hands up on at the sight of even 2 class D rioting, and its really frustrating and unfair to the vast majority of people in UDB who aren't doing anything wrong
  4. XD yeah there was some confusion in CI a while back over this is why I ask
  5. (Th3 said it was fine if I used my last application and edited it) What is your in-game name?: BadAim/Sam. What is your steam name?: [GL]BadAimSam What is your steam ID?: STEAM_1:0:81238702 Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain) No. What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly): Late March 2019. What date did you make your forums account? : May 30th. Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)? Senior Moderator/ET. How many warns do you have on the server (Show proof with a screenshot)? 5. Teamkilling other D class (Player was body blocking and I was about to die) Prop minge/FailRP/NITRP (Don't have anything to say in defense about this, I know what I did was wrong, and I believe I have moved past this) Player diss (I am trying my hardest to move past this, and I promise this will never happen again) NLR/FailRP/Report Accepted (This was back when Class D CCs were given NLR and I remembered being told that CCs Don't have NLR (Which of course I now know is stupid)) FailRP, muting 049 (Don't feel like appealing this one since its old) Have you donated? Yes, $210. What rank are you applying for? Admin. Are you staff on another community (BE HONEST)? No. Have you read the staff guidelines? You will be tested on it: Yes. Timezone: CST. Permission (Senior Moderator+ need this): Owner/Manager: Igneous Super Admin+: Th3, Rangiatea, RookieBlue, Calamity. Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (150 Word Minimum): -Out of all the staff on the server, I believe I am one of the top 8 who are willing to hop on duty no matter what is happening. I've been in the middle of janitorial patrols, in the middle of D-block protecting my VIP on A1, and in the middle of a fun riot on my CC, and every time I am fully willing to hop on duty. I am always willing to lend the staff on duty a hand. -To continue off that last sentence I am always supportive and helpful of my fellow staff. If I see more than 2 tickets pop up in a short period of time, I will always ask the staff on duty if they would like me to flag up, and whenever lower-ranking staff have questions, I always answer. -I always remain efficient with my sits, knowing when to end a sit, which allows me to deal with multiple active tickets easily, and relieve a lot of stress from the staff team. -I'm one of the more active members of staff, and promise that I will continue to be after my (fingers crossed) promotion. -RP wise I'm well rounded (I've been promoted at least once in every branch on the server), which helps me be a lot fairer during sits and much more understanding of players' emotions towards situations. - I have held multiple RP command positions, which has helped me grow my judgment and allow me to better decide on whether or no a punishment should be issued. -I was recently accepted into event team, which shows that I am always interested in making the server an enjoyable environment. -I am a moderator on a GL Class D discord, which further shows my experience with judgment. How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you?: Once they've been brought into the sit and begin to curse at me, I would ask them to settle down then gag them if they continue. I would then check combat logs so I could get the best available idea of what happened, and piece together info from what I am told by the player who made the ticket and the MRDMer, and compare and contrast their stories (however usually MRDMers just own up to it in my experience to act tough). If I believed that the player had RDMed, I would warn them for MRDM|NCWS|Staff Diss, and ban them for 1120 Seconds, and then copy the player's SteamID and speak to JMT+ to see if they think the player should receive any further punishment. If I believed that the player had not RDMed, I would jail them for 600 seconds for Staff diss|NCWS. EDIT: fixed how I addressed my warnings, had some issues posting this so I'm guessing that that part of it got cut out when it tried to recover the post
  6. Ok I'm really confused as to who you are as I've heard a few people say this Are you bonkboeink? (pm me the answer please do not reply to this application otherwise it might be denied since it's considered a no no to do so) Edit: He is not.
  7. This isnt a bad thing, plenty of SWRP servers do the same and it works out perfectly fine for them
  8. YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Changing my -Support to a +Support with the conditions that this is how it is implemented
  9. Please make sure suggestions are pertinent and relevant! What you want to see? - New trash models/props Why should we add it? - gives janitorial more props to work with since we only really have a recycling can and a dumpster to work with rn What are the advantages of having this? - Might revive janitorial Who is it mainly for? - Janitorial Links to any content - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=541366521&searchtext=gta+5+trash
  10. The dispensary isnt an official thing so idk what you would like SMT to do
  11. BadAim

    Move to denied

    Oh, my bad. Deleting this post now
  12. Your in game name: BadAim Your Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:81238702 The player's in game name: Kormes The player's steam ID (required): STEAM_0:1:67732845 What did the player do: RDMx1 Evidence (required): https://imgur.com/a/HYQuQR1 https://imgur.com/a/f2qXZUV What do you believe should happen to the player: While normally I would be perfectly fine with a verbal in this case, I feel like a warning should be issued because I told the player multiple times that it was a glitch, and that he would most likely receive a warning if he killed me, and he is also an NCO in security and should be accustomed to glitches like this happening with hands up. Any extra information: N/A
  13. BadAim

    Move to denied

    Player I intended to report had already received punishment
  14. As I've already stated, branches will just add a line to their amnestics guidelines to ask Class-D questions to make them slip up and act confused to test if the amnestics worked. There is always a way around, and I assure you branch leaders will find it. Still a -Support from me. This idea isn't really bringing a lot to the table other than extra steps for an already tedious process.
  15. Part of A1 operating procedures is to kill class D who have knowledge of anything redacted so
  16. So at this point youre suggesting that we amnesticize with extra steps?
  17. Activity has dropped way too hard since its removal, and im concerned if we dont have some intervention like this the branch might die. +Support
  18. I agree with this version. +support
  19. +Support I only got half of my BROAD games
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