What you want to see? - the FUBAR buffed to its original damage and classified as heavy weaponry
Why should we add it? - the FUBAR was balanced at the time because rushing into heavy gunfire (PKM, Sawed off) with a melee weapon was a really risk reward playstyle. this playstyle didnt work for class Ds though as GENSECs weapons didnt make quick work of the class D CCs who had this weapon allowing them to make quick work of GENSEC. Since no class D custom class has this weapon anymore if this weapon was classified as heavy weaponry (meaning class D CCs couldnt buy it for their CC), then it would go back to being a good risk reward weapon.
What are the advantages of having this? - encourages branches to give their members different playstyles (and foolbar)
Who is it mainly for? - all combat branches
Links to any content - n/a