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Everything posted by BadAim

  1. +Support Restraints on command is long overdue, and I’m glad field medics are getting a different gun finally
  2. BadAim

    Going prone

    If this is the one where you double click to prone -Support I only ever used it on accident
  3. Damn I lost the part of my suggestion where I said give them lightsabers, I’ll get back to you when I find it
  4. +Support only thing I think that should be changed is raising the brawlers HP to match that of an apprentice, as they will need this to withstand a lightsaber.
  5. What do you want to see? - the removal of weapons from janitors Why should we add it? - Don't think anyone would say the players on the janitor job aren't minges who frequently RDM. I understand that they are ex-SMT or something along the lines of that but its just stupid, and they shouldn't be breaking rules constantly. I think this would hopefully cut down on these issues. What are the advantages of having this? - RP could take place more often Who is it mainly for? - Janitors Links to any content -
  6. Hey yall, As the title suggests, I will be leaving Janitorial, and my staff rank will hopefully be transferred later. I will be keeping my part of my reasoning for doing this private to not start any issues, but the other part is because I've been having a lot of fun on ImperialRP, and I have had zero interest in getting on any of my RP ranks for a while. I don't want to do any shoutouts/farewells to anyone in particular, because the people who I would have done it for know who they are, and how they've helped me. I'll always love you guys, sorry to do this right before the return of trashman, -BadAim.
  7. If it’s unnecessary for you don’t make one, not everyone has a custom job and some of those people might want to do this
  8. I think we should wait until school starts back up for everyone before we make the decision
  9. +Support The current models are terrible
  10. I didn’t -Support him though, and without any knowledge of what happened on SCPRP, anyone would +Support this, I would have + supported. But what I heard from high ranking people who were there made me cautious to +Support this application.
  11. I like how nobody has dared to challenge you for commander yet XD
  12. +Support Only seen outstanding things out of you, and I cant see anyone else in this position but you.
  13. +/- Support +Q3 and Q6 were good -your Q5 sounded like you were describing a low ranking officer, not a VCMDR
  14. +/- support +Active +Command in naval and Staff/GM rank shows dedication to the server -When he was in the later part of his time as A1 commander, he reportedly had barely any communication with command, was inactive, and ignored constant fights between members of his branch Still love you man, but people should know what happened over there. It looks like you’re doing a lot better here though, good luck!
  15. 1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) : BadAim. 2. What Regiment are you applying for? Purge. 3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch? I would like to be Vice Commander of this branch because of my past experience of being a right-hand man to a commander. On SCP-RP I have been second in command in janitorial for quite some time, and in that time I have been able to assist my department head excellently, through making edits to existing documents and making one of my own, working with SMT on making changes to the branch such as when I helped introduce an entire new addon that completely changed how the branch worked, and by assisting in the creation of a branch update. I have shown a lot of dedication and judgment on SCP-RP, and I hope you will let me bring that dedication and work ethic to Purge. 4. How much game time do you have on the server? I was here since testing, left 2 weeks after the server launched then came back a month ago. 5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch? To oversee officers, distribute promotions, demotions, and punishments. The role of a commander is also to produce branch updates, create and accept documents for a branch, and also to be the face of the branch. 6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? : You can trust me to be a vice commander because of my past experience of commanding and leading, and because of my clean record on this server. 7. How often can you be Online? : An hour a day minimum, 10 hours a day Maximum. 8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) : None on IMP-RP, 5 on SCP-RP. EDIT: I have no RP Lives on SCP-RP
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