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Everything posted by BadAim

  1. Neither of these doors have locks on them, and they are pretty important to help out research and utility with hiding when SCPs are spotted in HCZ. Could these please be added back?
  2. Bruh you gonna be O6-1 of the class D now?
  3. BadAim

    Ghoul’s LOA

    Name: Ghoul Rank RCT Reason for LOA (You can put Private if needed): monitor broke Duration 1 week
  4. BadAim

    BadAim's Report

    My guy he attacked me repeatedly after I crouched he attacks where you were when you were standing not where you were when crouched
  5. BadAim

    BadAim's Report

    Your in-game name: BadAim/Ghoul Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:81238702 The player's in-game name: Foolio The player's steam ID (required): STEAM_0:0:28827661 What did the player do: FailRPed as 939 (continuing to attack me while I was crouched Evidence (required): https://medal.tv/clips/7889566/RbVipGWKuDQC What do you believe should happen to the player: Verbal Warning Any extra information: Was in a sit with Ace and they decided that it was not FailRP (Can't find his forums account so someone please tag foolio <3)
  6. For the server not for your computer
  7. Did you read the preface +support as medics arent always on and since SMT will most likely be removing medkit from the armory its important that every branch has a medic
  8. +Support (On the the Bar) Here is a screenshot of the bars stats the most noticeable downside to the gun is its small ammo capacity, which balances the gun to be a good weapon in 1v1 situations, but terrible in most others. The only nerf I could see with this gun is making the stability 40%, Accuracy 3* || 2*, and damage as 38. If these are the stats you had in mind please quote me and ill change this to a +support.
  9. Why not add utility into the name?
  10. @Bor your side of the story?
  11. Name (What it is on the Roster): BadAim Rank?: SFC SteamID: STEAM_0:0:81238702 What server is your activity majority based on (EU or US)?: US How is your activity in Gensec (Good, poor, ect): Good Why should you retain your current Rank? (WO+ 150+ Words): N/A
  12. Name: Sneaks Rank: RND RS Callsign: RS03 Activity: Poor Region (US/EU): US DiscordID#: BadAimSam#9773 Suggestions (If None Leave Blank): What would you like to achieve in CI: better activity
  13. This but allow them to change the SF model
  14. Got the sock picked out figuring out how the fuck imma eat it, will post again soon
  15. +Support application was edited and is pretty good now
  16. Commander Applications ========================================================================================== Title: “Name” "Regiment” Commander/Vice Commander Application If your title is not correct you will not be Accepted! Please do not forget to add a Poll on your post, or it will be denied! ========================================================================================== Questions 1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) : -------------------------------------- BadAim 2. What Regiment are you applying for? -------------------------------------- Engineering 3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch? ------------------------------------------------ Engineering is a vital supporting role to battles, and I have noticed that command for this regiment has not filled out. This should not be the case as I feel every branch should have its high command positions filled at all times, because if this wasnt the case a scenario where 2 command took leaves of absences could cripple a regiment's activity. I also wish to be an engineer as my experience from past servers has shown me that being an engineers is just as fun as being on the frontlines, and I want to help others see this. But the icing on the cake for why I want to become a vice commander is that from what ive seen ralex looks like a great commander, and I want to help him make one of the best regiments on the server. 4. How much game time do you have on the server? --------------------------------------------- around 10 hours on impeiralRP and over 6 weeks on SCPRP (Timer got glitched so I don't know the exact time, ive been in the community since late march tho) 5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch? -------------------------------------------------- Management of roster/members of the branch, administering punishments such as strikes, blacklists, and PT. command and NCO promotions mainly, but also enlisted promotions. Updating jobs on the branch, the branch SOP, overseeing things like specialties, relaying information about my branch to my commander and to my COs. 6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? : ------------------------------------------- I should be trusted for vice commander because of my past experience commanding other regiments and branches on different servers. My past experiences with command include the following SCPRP: Gensec Sergeant Major Epsilon Eleven Second Lieutenant Epsilon Eleven DEPUTY HEAD COMBAT ENGINEER Null Seven Sergeant Major ImperialRP: Colonel (Proves you have already trusted me with command in the past) And to add on to all of this I have over 100 posts on the forum proving that I will be active on the forums, and I am staff on SCPRP. 7. How often can you be Online? : Weekends no more than 10 hours, weekdays no more than 4 (I will take an LOA or announce my absence for a day in engineer's discord if school starts to weigh down on me) ----------------------------- 8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) : Here is a screenshot of my warnings:
  17. Bruh i saw rookie and my heart started to sink, im so relieved its not you +Support and i will be giving SBK the E11 command pass so he can stay there if he ever feels uncomfortable
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