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Everything posted by Knuckles

  1. So I'm going to format this into an expanded answer. Proceed to pay for a rank. Once you pass the paywall you have access to E11 recruit and can now tryout to get whitelisted for E11. If a paywall doesn't interest you other options are available when jobs are hosting trainings. MTF typically requires GENSEC experience which would require you to become a GENSEC trainee to join.
  2. +Support *Gives medical a massive boost in their RP *Allows for new types of events (especially automation of 008 | No more laggy spawners instead the infection can get patient 0, patient 0 can begin infecting others, and medical can race against patient 0 to administer vaccines before others are infected)
  3. +Support Makes perfect and logical sense
  4. Protected sheets can easily be set up, however I agree, it isn't necessary. High Command is obligated to keep the roster up to date. They all got striked for not doing so before.
  5. +Support There is no reason for this weapon to be this much of a peashooter. The Pro Class D has a gun that does more damage than that.... this should not be the case.
  6. That is grounds for a blacklist from 343. Blatant abuse of a noclip swep to access the staff area and press the multiple sound buttons (included 106 which we have literally BLOCKED OFF WITH A DO NOT PUSH MESSAGE)
  7. +Support It avoids the copyright problem (only the image can be claimed), it gives research another SCP to test on in LCZ (which they need more of), and brings a fan favorite back to the server.
  8. I mean I use a laptop and I have between 40 and 60 unless someone is lagging up the map with excessive entities and fog sooo?
  9. Ditto. I picked up a zero tolerance on D boi killing D boi and it goes down when I'm around. Now I might do the same for rule breaking SCPs. Ignorance is no defense since they are literally in your face when you join
  10. Healing after combat during a raid?
  11. When they aren't busy staff are usually willing to aid in SCP testing to provide additional RP and opportunities as long as the test doesn't grant an RP advantage to anyone
  12. Mfw all the classes have Level 2 clearance and you need L3 to get anywhere in the facility
  13. Knuckles

    Skela Revival

    Whatever you say Kales. I look forward to seeing you in my [REDACTED] room
  14. I'll tell ya right now it takes all 3 minutes to get from Point A to Point B on this map. It's a long walk. If you die in EZ this becomes irrelevant because you're stuck in bunks -Support
  15. I sadly agree with this as D class is very melee oriented and tight corridors for a D block give GENSEC no room for a "fair" fight. I love the map, but that is indeed a major issue.
  16. After examination I propose to switch to Site 65... that map is badass
  17. The gas mask only protects from mustard gas? Only staff members on duty/event team can spawn gas in the first place?
  18. -Support If you want to discuss GMod, realism is not a valid argument in the slightest. I mean come on... numerous classes are bullet sponges and eating sniper shots is a daily occurance. Also, unless you are constantly recording we have no way to enforce this. What constitutes jumping in combat? What if they are jumping to cover? By all means if you want to waste 10 minutes uploading a 30 second video for an admin sit, then getting sent back after a verbal is handed out by all means. This would be the most unenforced rule since the whole "SCPs need to advert when they breach" was a thing. All I see coming out of this is more toxicity in OOC where player A is like "F***ing jumping in combat" or "NICE COMBAT JUMPING (player)," and player B just doesn't respond or makes some equally annoying retort.
  19. Do Researcher IIs even have level 3... do you have access to your own test?
  20. We already have this. We even have a meme catchphrase for it. We like to call it... A1 REDACT THAT MAN Your suggestion basically defines A1's lesser duties outside of protecting VIPs and recontainment. -Support
  21. -Support You can't puppy guard, but you can be vigilant. Pocket them before they can take you down. It ain't puppy guarding if you see someone heading to your CC. 106's lore abilities include going into walls and coming out any connected surface (hence the floating CC). Go into a wall, and cut them off.
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