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Everything posted by Knuckles

  1. I wasn't aware 300k was pocket change here
  2. You should receive the reason for the ban when you attempt to join. Very few people have the power to ban from Teamspeak so there was likely a reason behind it
  3. Don't forget, today is pizza day! So come on down to the cafeteria to grab yourself a hot slice!
  4. 035 (as of writing this) is capable of buying solely a keypad cracker from the armory 035 IS ALLOWED to breach other SCPs. To quote the MoTD, "SCPs cannot open other containment cells. Only SCP-035 can do this."
  5. It is being worked on by SMT and EMT and they are doing their very best. Simply have patience ?
  6. By that logic 173 could just run around dropping people left and right ?
  7. Knuckles

    Create an SCP!

    Item #: SCP-A002 Object Class: Euclid KETER Special Containment Procedures: Due to the nature of SCP-A002 confined containment is not feasible. SCP-A002 can only be contained by keeping the collective entities that make it up in a certain area (henceforth designated Site 05-GM). Every square inch of Site 05-GM is to be under 24 hour surveillance. As of the writing of this entry SCP-A002 is kept in this area by a Foundation introduced set of "rules" that A002 is tasked with enforcing. The containment site is to be supplied biweekly with no less than 20 new Class D personnel who are approaching their end of month termination date. These Class D are to be directed to perform various activities at certain intervals that may violate imposed "rules." SCP-A002 instances are aware of the concept of deceit but have yet to catch on that the Foundation's imposed "rules" are simply a method of keeping them under control. In the event of a breach of even a single A002 instance all members of the O5 council and [DATA EXPUNGED] are to be taken to isolated bunkers in [REDACTED], China. Description: SCP-A002 is a group of humanoid entities defined by futuristic styled white armor that all A002 entities have been observed to wear. These entities exhibit abilities not unlike that of SCP-343. SCP-A002 instances have been observed to be indestructible by conventional methods, and seem to have no other purpose than the enforcement of a given set of rules or laws. These are enforced by transporting "offenders" into completely isolated areas for any given amount of time. For the purposes of containment "offenders" will be Class D personnel soon to be designated for termination. The time of confinement has ranged from 5 minutes to a permanent stay until the "offender" expires from natural causes, dehydration, starvation, or [DATA EXPUNGED]. A002 instances have been observed transporting humans by anomalous means to their location for purposes of interrogation and punishment. They seem to be able to mark certain offenders so other instances of A002 know that the offender has been interrogated for rule breaking before. SCP-A002 has been observed to be fairly predictable as they all follow a behavior of enforcing said rules and any instances who attempt to punish offenders not in violation of those rules are terminated by fellow A002 instances. Due to their seemingly indestructible bodies it is unknown how this is done. Further information on SCP-A002 is restricted to personnel with Level 3-A002 clearance
  8. What you want to see? - I would like to see official rules implemented regarding "blinking" when SCP 173 is encountered Why should we add it? - Right now there is a massive influx of tickets along the lines of "FailRP by 173" and things of that nature. While that can be partially attributed to mingy players on 173 it can also be attributed to lack of clarification surrounding how blinking would work. Right now the commonly accepted method of blinking is every 5 seconds when only one person is looking. Some people also believe that 2 people is 10 seconds however more debate surrounds this one. What are the advantages of having this? - This would reduce confusion and likely reduce the number of "173 FailRP/Minge" tickets that staff deal with on a daily basis, allowing staff to spend more time making sure everything else is running smoothly Who is it mainly for? - Any containment teams as well as helping clarify 173 Links to any content - N/A
  9. A1 was ordered to not be in D block, GENSEC was dragging him back from D block, and an Nu7 member was annoyed that a GENSEC was dragging an A1. Simpler to reset so GENSEC can go back to doing their job and YouTube can get back to not micromanaging other branches Side Note: All you have are screenshots of me saying 2 things and the slay happening, you missed the rest of the context of the entire sit. Combine that with the hatred you've already shown for me and we end up here. @Garlic thanks for the ping
  10. I've been thinking and a few things occured to me that kinda make sense 1. Active camo won't do anything against 939 since it is blind. Thermals be damned all 939 has to do is hear you. If you're cloaked that boi should still be able to bite your head off 2. 999 is a theoretical meat shield for any class, it's friendly and wants to help everyone ? 3. Based on 131 lore page, it is basically a foolproof solution to one man recontainment of SCP 173
  11. +Support 457 is supposed to be an entity made of fire, fire shouldn't be killing a fire entity ?
  12. They can already buy Negevs and sawed offs from the armory if they can get out. And if they can get into the armory it makes sense (from an RP standpoint) that they could gain access to those guns +Support
  13. Leave it to GENSEC to advocate for no weaponry, memes/jabs aside I do agree with Rang
  14. Balancing as well ? The HP/Armor stats E11 have make any form of resistance against them only viable by CI heavies/high ranks or SCPs that can 1 shot, and even then there are some scenarios they can tank a hit. E11 in the facility for a DEFCON 4 /5 destroys what little chance the D class had to begin with and basically allows for door camping CI raids ("puppy guarding" aka something CI, SCPs, and D class cannot do). "But Knuckles, they puppy guarding rule only applies to spawn camping!" Correct, but the CI only have 1 way in unless some idiot left Gate B open. Having a bunch of 175+ HP/150+ Armor (Nu7 Juggernaut stats, which E11 make look weak), kills any hope of balanced combat and then CI get annoyed and become inactive. When that happens we end up in a scenario similar to the one this proposes, just for a different branch.
  15. Lore my friend, Class D are selected from convicted death row inmates as well as those convicted of other egregious felonies. They are simply being transferred from one prison to a prison with a whole lot more security (and dangerous things roaming the halls). Occasionally some Class D's may be given additional privileges but it is on a case by case basis, typically only for the use of SCP testing. People complain about Class D not having rights... they aren't supposed to. From the SCP Wiki: Class D personnel are expendable personnel used to handle extremely hazardous anomalies and are not allowed to come into contact with Class A or Class B personnel. Class D personnel are typically drawn worldwide from the ranks of prison inmates convicted of violent crimes, especially those on death row.
  16. [- Support] * You were all frozen because a group of medical staff were minging and trashing the event (yourself included) * I did indeed have video which was reviewed before any punishments were handed out. Only 1 medical staff was warned and the rest of you were released as a result of this * Every single one of you could have gotten warned for trying to experiment on SCPs as medical staff ("neutering a 173 instance" for example), my shadowplay just didn't catch that * Your screenshot shows nothing but me having you all in the air, you have no other evidence substantiating your accusation * https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1761257035 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1761257113 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1761257143 Each of these images go through the process of me reviewing my video then solely warning Ethan as he was the only one caught, the rest of you were let go because I couldn't prove it (Video available via discord screenshare to all interested) * Multiple other staff were on at the time the entire medical team went minge crazy against the actors
  17. + Boris should have gone to a higher up if it was for potential abuse of staff powers Believe warn should be removed due to improper handling of situation and addressed with JMT/SMT instead
  18. +Support I wasn't aware janitors were trained in the use of heavy munitions
  19. -Support *No support provided by lore *An SCP that trains RAs will interfere will the current way Research operates *SCP-101 is a fucking bag
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