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Everything posted by Knuckles

  1. Keep in mind that the damage you see on the stats of each gun is multiplied by the value Igneous has set. There is a fine line between making it so people aren't bullet sponges and people getting slaughtered with 3 bullets from an AR
  2. -Support There is a magical thing we have on our forums. This is something so majestic we consider it a necessity if you want to have any hope at appealing a ban or a warn. This is by far the most important resource at your disposal if you want any hope at appealing your warnings. This resource makes walls of text look so much more beautiful, so much more readable, and out of the territory of instantaneous denial. This magical resource is called: The Appeal Format. Use it.
  3. -Support There is a magical thing we have on our forums. This is something so majestic we consider it a necessity if you want to have any hope at appealing a ban or a warn. This is by far the most important resource at your disposal if you want any hope at appealing your warnings. This resource makes walls of text look so much more beautiful, so much more readable, and out of the territory of instantaneous denial. This magical resource is called: The Appeal Format. Use it.
  4. Even with this edit where would he get the additional fuel to grow into a raging fire? HP be damned if we don't have an explanation for how he suddenly grew into a raging blaze after escaping from two rooms designed with fire suppression into areas full of stone walls and metal doors
  5. +Support When D class are rioting having to deal with a decoy fish isn't enjoyable
  6. What you want to see? - Custom jobs are allowed to choose between a medkit and a lockpick. As %99.9 of doors on SCP-RP are not lockpickable I propose any SCP-RP CC that picks this option be given the base keycard cracker in its place. The additional charge that already exists can be for the pro version. Why should we add it? - A lockpick is the definition of useless on SCP-RP. Unless one of the doors on the surface or in medbay magically got locked somehow they have pretty much no use. Our version of a lockpick is the keypad cracker. That is how we breach locked doors and how we progress forward without having door access. What are the advantages of having this? - This would allow custom classes a more reasonable loadout when initially having the job set up. The additional charge that already exists for a keypad cracker can be easily replaced with the pro keypad cracker. The default is a 30 second crack and the pro is 15 seconds. The pro version would certainly have an incentive to be bought. Who is it mainly for? - Any SCP-RP custom job that would choose "lockpick" instead of medkit. Links to any content - N/A, all relevant content is already on the server
  7. What you want to see? - Adding the Fading Door to our available tool list Why should we add it? - This should be added for the purposes of detail and immersion. Many events revolve around different SCP Groups of Interest (GoIs). It would be possible to build temporary bases with these fading doors and keep them locked with non-permanent keypads so as to keep the appearance of a forward operating base. What are the advantages of having this? - This would allow for the construction of more immersive structures for events and could even be used to create a keypad entryway to the E11 camp in yellow castle Who is it mainly for? - Event Team Links to any content - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=115753588
  8. -Support This is one where I have to bring lore into account. 457 is literally a living fire. Said firing having to be shot up in order to be doused makes no sense. 457 can grow with more fuel, but that's a suggestion for a different thread
  9. Misspelling of Rang's name aside, we have a conveniently titled forum section known as "Ban Appeals" for this very reason.
  10. We don't have a retaliatory justice system. If someone even does break NLR you don't take the rules into your own hands and put him down to solve the problem
  11. I have it too, probably because I haven't resubscribed to the content pack yet. Just check the content pack and see if you need to sub to anything new. You can also just outright delete 066's file from your GMod folder so it is forced to redownload when you rejoin. Validating your game files wouldn't hurt either.
  12. Iceman I love having some fun when the server count is low. Some of the best laughs are had then when just hanging in D block. But for 343's sake, if you are gonna spawn props USE ANYTHING BUT GOD DAMN D CLASS (and SCPs but you get the idea)
  13. +Support For god's sake the server population was obviously low and we all love to mess around when it's just a few people on. Just switch to a job that isn't explicitly barred from spawning props
  14. Knuckles

    Knuckles' LOA

    Name: Knuckles Status on Roster: Active Reason For LOA(If Private then put as N/A): Working at my job, preparing for an expo I am going to, and volunteering at said expo. I will be on TS occasionally (probably hiding in my channel). Duration of LOA: Lasting until 7/15/19
  15. In-Game Name: Knuckles  SteamID: STEAM_0:1:92194481 Rank: Support  Length of LOA (Time must be Specified): 7/9/19 - 7/15/19 Reason for LOA (If private that is fine): I have work tomorrow and then will be preparing for an expo I am volunteering at over the weekend, will occasionally be on TS
  16. +Support Hippity hoppity make CI your property (Also decent balancing and weapons aren't too overkill)
  17. We have a forum thread to request these ?
  18. +Support If those boys can be throwing around molotovs I expect to be able to throw Nitro right back at them
  19. What you want to see? - I would like to see staff granted access to the DarkRP door commands (/forceunown, /forceunlock, etc) Why should we add it? - With the addition of Utility staff (Medical in particular) I have seen a rise in RP use of the operating tables. Consequently I have also seen minges "buy" the tables and use their keys to lock them, thus preventing use. With staff able to use these commands the damage could be more easily repaired without having to kick the offender from the server. What are the advantages of having this? - Quicker response and resolution to a problem minges can easily cause Who is it mainly for? - Staff usage to stop minges and any time a door may get messed up Links to any content - N/A
  20. Not to mention when someone rings the bell
  21. +Support Getting up close and personal just to check his health is annoying and requires too many losses whereas it should be apparent when 682 is in a "weaker" state so to speak
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