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Everything posted by Knuckles

  1. The way I play with EOI/Maynard is by treating them as one of my own whether that be conversation or providing armor/heals. I straight up psyche myself into thinking they are what they appear to be. With normal MTF we shit talk and gossip in our TeamSpeak channels. Hell sometimes I even try to talk to them in TS and end up looking stupid. My talking attempting casual shit talk and gossip in game is my best attempt at replicating how we’d be talking normally I’m TS
  2. I've been trying to stay on the sidelines while just keeping an eye on this thread from time to time, but people keep wondering why I stopped in the first place as there isn't any context provided leading up to that moment. Our interactions up to then had been polite "get to know you" type chats. This is the new guy on site and I want to get to know the guy I'll potentially be patrolling with. Is he cool? Is he the lone wolf type? Can we buy each other drinks when 682 finally fucks off? In this case I walked up to the guy standing outside the interrogation room. A fellow MTF outside an interrogation room is a chance for some great gossip (who'd the redacted nab today or was Bright just throwing someone else in the incinerator?). Considering he was by himself I just wanted to make sure things were going smoothly then get the gossip on whats going down in the interrogation room (insert Chris Pratt reaction meme here). Instead he starts talking about comms which we would most definitely share. Instead of gossip it's more of a record scratch moment. Others in this thread have mentioned private comms such as between two players, but when has ANYONE ever referred to PMs as private comms? I understand CI's frustration considering they get metagamed far too often, but assuming I was out to get this man when I'm just trying to look out for the new guy is absurd
  3. *casually puts a full picture of 096, face included, in the test log*
  4. Nydekore pretty much nailed what logic was running through my head at the time Side note: hearing my own voice in a video just sounds really weird
  5. What is your in-game name?: MTF Nu7 SGT Knuckles What is your steam name?: Knuckles What is your steam ID?: STEAM_0:1:92194481 | 76561198144654691 What is your discord username: Knuckles#4118 Do you have any other experience with staffing?: Yes, I have prior experience as an Event Admin for our SCP-RP server where I was either hosting events or making sure the SCP-RP rules of the time were followed. I also have experience as a Head Administrator for Icefuse Networks where I was tasked with overseeing and managing a relatively large staff team (often 40-50+). What date did you start playing on the community? I first joined the community around March of 2019 What date did you make your forums account? March 4, 2019 How many warnings do you have on all GL servers? I have 2 warns. The first comes from over 2 years ago due to power gaming and the second was more recent as I had just purchased the longbow and didn't realize D Class could not use it. What is your donor rank? Platinum Are you a staff member in another community? No Have you read the staff handbook? Yes Timezone: EST What rank are you applying for? Trial Moderator Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (150 Word Minimum) With my prior experience both here and elsewhere I believe I am very well qualified. I have experiences from both in and outside this community providing me with a valuable skillset that I can bring to the server. Because of my extensive experience, I have learned how to effectively work with all types of players whether they be a true saint or the biggest minge to walk the land. I believe I deserve this rank because of how I work with others. When working with other staff members I make sure all the details are available at all times and make sure to operate as efficiently as possible. When working with players in sits I know how to be patient. Often times players in sits will be incredibly frustrated with one another. I know how to manage this and when to put my foot down. Often times the best way to deal with this is to let the players vent their frustrations in a controlled environment so it is not taken out on the server at large. Once they've had their chance to vent we can come together and have a civil discussion about what happened, why it happened (from both points of view), and how similar events can be avoided. I always consider context in my decisions as I want to know why events turned out the way they did. By doing this I can present the image of a staff team that isn't simply more robotic than the HLPR bots, but rather a team of people who will listen and work with players before trying to drop the maximum punishment possible. I bring a patient and level head to the staff team and I know how to handle criticism. I deserve this rank not only because I can do the job well, but also because I can gracefully acknowledge when I mess up and improve when I do. Scenario Questions How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you? If a player is MassRDMing and then swearing up a storm once confronted it is reasonable to assume they are either a minge or they have been "wronged" in such a manner that they were sent over the edge. I would pull the player aside and try to gauge which of the two it is (or a potentially different option). I am a very patient person and in prior experiences I have found that once a player has been given a chance to get all their screaming out they tend to calm down. Provided they did not start fouling up advert or OOC I would give the player the chance to get it all out in a controlled, separated environment before attempting to talk to them to see just what inspired this. If the player is an obvious minge I would refer to a staff member with the authority to ban with the appropriate evidence as well as context regarding the situation. If the player was pushed over the proverbial edge I would have a brief conversation before taking that course of action. I would figure out what pushed them to that extreme and I would provide them with much less destructive alternative options for future use before informing the player that MassRDM is still an incredibly serious offense. I would still refer to a higher staff member for the relevant ban but I would also remind the player to come back after the ban and see if we couldn't get started on a new path. In your opinion, what is the best way to handle a situation involving a player that clearly does not care about the punishments they are receiving? A player who doesn't care about their punishment is often a minge or a repeat offender. While I normally want to consider circumstances when issuing punishments (so as to not be too harsh), a player who doesn't care about their punishments likely does not care about the players affected/disrupted by their actions. I would still try to get context from their side of the story, but I would be much less inclined to be lenient unless it is obvious something set the player off and them "not caring" is more them being in an angered state of mind doing something they may regret later on once they've calmed down.
  6. 682's wording mentions being thrown in the acid which is just a funny way of saying the entire CC. Up or down he still gets fed. Unlike 354 where the D bois MUST be thrown in the lake to stop the breach where the lake is only a part of the CC. One is a loophole, one actually matters
  7. The fact that it can output high damage with minimal recoil and spread is the real issue. If these were raised the gun would be much more balanced because you couldnt put out 10 pinpoint shots in 2 seconds
  8. Forums dips dont murder me for a potential necro post but what I noticed is that this happens when you are /demoted off a particular job. F4 menu doesn't get the memo but you can still switch back if you know the chat command to use the job. You can grab a list of all job commands by typing darkrp_translateChatCommands in console
  9. In Game Name: Knuckles Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:92194481 Discord Name: Knuckles#4118 If you have any SCP-RP warns, please list when and why you got them here: I have a warn from roughly 2 years ago for power gaming and a more recent warn for using the longbow on smuggler. I missed that rule change upon my return to SCP-RP and don't intent to make another silly mistake like that. When did you start playing on SCP-RP? (Approximately): I began in early-mid 2019 (when the Fubar was an absolute menace to society). Why do you want to join Nu-7? (75 word minimum): I want to return to the home I had when I was first part of this community. This branch gets to operate like a confident military machine and I want to be part of it once again. I want to enjoy myself with fellow members of the branch and prove to myself and to command that I can be an asset to the branch. Whether that be on a whitelisted class or my Covert Task Force custom class, I come bearing experience from years past with a mindset looking to the future. I've already relearned the layout of the site, and I intend to be an example others can follow whether I'm a SGT or an RCT. If you've been in any other branches, list them and what your ranks are/were. This counts for all servers. (If you haven't been in any branches, exclude this from your application.): In my original time on the server Nu7 was my home and I worked my way up to the rank of Sergeant Major. I also held an enlisted rank in that iteration of Alpha-1. Do you understand to get on at least every other day and keep yourself up to date with Nu-7? We don't treat it like a job here - but we do expect you to be notified and enjoying your time: Absolutely!
  10. FailRP for the smuggler to be smuggling meanwhile Mr. Mob Boss with his 1920's tommy gun and military grade revolver smh
  11. Can't say I expected that one...
  12. This is karma from all the minges who spammed it
  13. Yea we all know why you want this Fool... you don't need your Fubar back. Let's be real that was ridiculous -Support
  14. Glad to see the mad lad got back in the saddle Don't forget to Micro Rang as a way to help take your mind off things
  15. Not what I thought you meant when I read DEA. I was hoping we would get called in when someone ingested some part of 999 and get to yell DEA MOTHERFUCKERS OPEN UP
  16. Knuckles


    Tranqing humans and a large number of RDM counts? Nah -Support
  17. -Support You knew you were having mic problems, why use it? Any dropping of the N bomb is not tolerated GMOD IS PUSH TO TALK Heh... are you sure you are?
  18. +Support Rookie... DID AN OOPSIE
  19. Knuckles

    I’m sorry.

    *Laughs in innoculation*
  20. GENSEC are basically prison guards. Why wouldn't they know the names/designations of class D? Also, like many law enforcement and military personnel, wouldn't GENSEC have their names labeled on the uniform?
  21. Its almost like we have a rule against SCPs spawn camping... Players are not allowed to “puppy guard” an opposition’s spawn point.
  22. Lore wise his touch kills on contact. Main thing is he is still a "vulnerable" SCP in that he can be hurt
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