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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/18/2018 in all areas

  1. DENIED While Gaminglight as a community supports players and ideas from all countries, ethnicities, and cultures, PoliceRP as a server is designed and portrayed as an American server, with American departments only being available. It is silly to think that a once corrupt department lead is going to affect us from adding an entire department back. While this may influence our choices slightly, if we truly wanted to add a department back, we wouldn't do it just because of one factor, especially a factor as small as an individual. This is not stating that ARU was a bad department, because it wasn't. It was an amazing department with a good idea behind it, but the command who ran it made it entirely too biased and strict, causing for most of the people within it to leave, go inactive, or be removed due to simple mistakes. It is just not a good time in all aspects to add in another tactical department anyway. PoliceRP has too many as it is. If you have any further questions on the matter, you may PM me or meet me on teamspeak. [Best Regards, Snar, and the entirety of the PoliceRP SMT Division]
    2 points
  2. I suggest checking the server Coding, get a dedicated developer with a long time of experience to refine the server to maximum efficiency.
    1 point
  3. One of the way to reduce lag for everyone is to get a script that activates multi-core cpu when login into this server. The biggest problem with Gmod source engine is very old and is not keep up with current hardware optimization like GTA5. Another we can help reduce the lag is to reduce view detail models or view distance. Oldest trick in the book for all games and it does work wonderfully for Gmod. That all I can think for now. Perhaps there might be Lua script that causes lag?
    1 point
  4. i got juul dupe
    1 point
  5. +Support Active Mature & Respectful Helps officers Application is good Just improve more activity a bit Good Luck!
    1 point
  6. Welcome to GamingLight buddy! FAQ about GamingLight I am personally more than happy to help you out. OMG AND I THOUGHT UR NAME WAS FAME LOL
    1 point
  7. Congrats Myan! You’ve achieved so much in the GL community and we couldn’t be happier to have you here!
    1 point
  8. +Support Great Guy Does a good job as SM Active(Super Active) Good Luck, You Deserve LT.
    1 point
  9. Good Luck, you deserve this 100%. You do so much for the department. Honestly, you are one of the people keeping this department in check.
    1 point
  10. +/- support I have never seen you on pd but that might because of time zone differences.
    1 point
  11. Everyone has been sending out their Face Reveals so here is mine!
    1 point
  12. Congratulations Myan, you really have made a positive impact on the server!
    1 point
  13. Congrats Myan, That's a lot of time and look where you're at now. SMT, and SWAT commander
    1 point
  14. Congrats I hit mine at the end of August
    1 point
  15. Congratulations Myan! ~ Joe Mama
    1 point
  16. + Support -Id come back with ARU
    1 point
  17. ^ Really think he would excel at Major such a great guy and really helpful
    1 point
  18. + Support Would add variety to the server Helps attract new players from different locations in the worth Was very popular and will become popular Amazing idea
    1 point
  19. +Support Active Trains Cadets Good Application Deserves a chance Good Luck Buddy!
    1 point
  20. Congrats! Ive been actively here now for about one and a half years
    1 point
  21. I been here for only 9ish weeks but in them weeks you have been very kind and welcoming to me! I thank you and congratz on the 1yr anniversary!!!!
    1 point
  22. +Support -Does His Job -Is Friendly Towards Poeple I Think he Deserves A Chance
    1 point
  23. I woudlnt even say the app is good. It has bad grammer and is relatively short. Sorry, but -Support from me.
    1 point
  24. +Support Active Mature Trains cadets & Helps officers Application is well made Good Luck!
    1 point
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