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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/23/2018 in all areas

  1. Uhh, we are not gonna take CERT from state and put it as PD. We should make SRT part of PD instead xD. We were here first (ಠ_ಠ)
    2 points
  2. I'm gonna have to say -support to both suggestions. Here's why : First suggestion : I really don't see anything wrong with the name CERT. CERT stands for CIVIL EMERGENCY RESPONSE TEAM. Basically like how SWAT is to PD. CERT is the tactical branch of State Department. Emergency Service Unit is basically all government on the server. ESU is really not needed. Second suggestion: In no way am I gonna stay all day long inside of PD by the jail cells. Yes, there are jail tac units IRL, but it's not needed. CERT is the tactical branch for the state department not the police department. I am not in favor of having CERT becoming the new DOC.
    2 points
  3. "Wheres the officer problem" - Snar 2k18 "How do you turn on your GPU fans" - Zeeptin 2k17
    2 points
  4. In-Game Name: Logan Steam Name: [GL] Logan SteamID: STEAM_0:1:149846194 Are you a Moderator+? Yes How many posts do you have on the website? 70 How often are you online on the forums? Every day, usually at night What timezone are you in? EDT Why would you want to join our Forum Diplomat team? I help make the game a better place. I do not want to stop there. I notice rule breakers on the Forums and I can not really do anything about it. I love being able to help on the server but I would also love to be off the server. I love the Gaminglight community and I love everyone on this community. This is the best community I have been a part of in any games. I want to make sure to protect the integrity of this server and keep this server in a good image. It all starts off on the Forums. I am active in-game and I am also active on the forums every day. Would you consider yourself to have good judgement? If so, how? Yes, I would consider myself having good judgement. I leave personal anger and hate towards someone away from my decision making. If I had a problem with someone in the past, I let go of that and make sure it does not influence my decision. I believe every warning I give is reasonable. It is not too harsh and it's not too light of a punishment. How would you deal with a situation where a user is spamming the shoutbox due to getting banned from one of our servers? I would let him know to leave it out of the shoutboxes. I would remove his messages from the shoutbox. If he proceeds to do it I would PM trying to figure out his situation and why he was banned. I would give him a verbal warning to leave it out of the shoutboxes. I would give him the link to the server-appropriate forum post how to appeal a ban. If they persist on complaining on the shoutbox I would speak with SMT and make sure he does not post in the shoutbox.
    1 point
    1 point
  6. What is your in-game name?: ColeSoft Grey What is your steam name?: ColeSoft Grey -=|{GL}|=- What is your steam ID?: STEAM_0:1:92941799 Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain) Yes, I've been en staff on servers such as SCI Sandbox 1 and 2. Moderator here on PoliceRP for over a YEAR! (i was removed twice for inactivity but I have a total staff time of 1 year) I've helped "Develop" What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly) 1 and a half YEARS ago What date did you make your forums account? 6th of May 2017 ( i made it when I first applied for staff) Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not an RP Rank)? VIP+ How many warns do you have on the server? 6 Have you donated? Yes, $148 What rank are you applying for? Trial Moderator Have you read the staff guidelines at http://gaminglight.com/main/topic/20650-staff-handbook/? You will be tested on it: Yes sir. Timezone: PST Permission (Admin+ need this): N/A Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (Can be any length) Before we begin, I do understand that I have been rather inactive these last few months. I also understand that I wasn't really one to get on staff, Asked or otherwise. I do make the promise to be on staff as much as possible without hurting my activity in my other departments. School will be starting on the 30th of august. I will not be on for 14 hours a day. around 2-5 every day. Hello, My name is Colesoft Grey and I would really like to be a part of the Gaminglight PoliceRP Staff team because I think that I have a very good influence on current players. I want to make Staff Recognizable for their skill, knowledge, and techniques in the field of staffing. I will make sure that all of our new members are well though in our server rules. Why do you want to be a new Gaminglight PoliceRP Staff team member Cole? : I want to be the new STaff member because of all the knowledge I have in Psychology and dealing with unruly rule breakers. I will make sure that I am an active Gaminglight PoliceRP Staff team member. I think that I will really help the server because I 1. Work well with others 2. I don't argue with Higher Ups 3. I'm 100% never rude to staff or command 4. I am a very kind and trusted individual in the community. I want to become Staff is because 80% of the time I'm on, There are not enough staff on or staff are not responding to calls and there are minging players everywhere. I believe that being Staff will greatly affect the servers reputation and "Skills" because I'm on this server when I have free time which is every day. I have great communication skills and I hope that I can communicate clearly and help the team in any way I can. What Will you do as a new Gaminglight PoliceRP Staff? : As a new Staff member, I promise to be up to date with the staff handbook. I will help new members and make everyone's lives better for everyone. I will help players as much as I can and I will never abuse my Staff Powers. Why should we pick you out of everyone Else? : I am a well rounded and very adaptable person in the community. As I mentioned before, I was well trusted and respected by most of the FBI, Staff, and PD. I work well with others and I'm “kind”. I will Uphold the law of PoliceRP to my best avail. I will not punish Harshly upon those who screw up. I think that I am a great choice for the job! I do believe that SMT and EMT can forgive me for my past mistakes as Staff and we can get along. I promise to be the one who stands out for performance and the one who exceeds the standard. I will make the Gaminglight PoliceRP Staff team proud!. Why do you think that you DESERVE staff? I believe I deserve the rank because of my knowledge of the rules, I know if I was given the chance of being apart of staff again that I could prove myself as a good fit for staff. I've been with the community a while and I've been grinding on staff non-stop for a full year... I highly respect this community and everyone in it. As staff, I would seriously and calmly deal with situations to full potential. I'm well aware with the rules of the server and have studied them enough to know what is what and how to approach them when it comes to an admin sit and how to deal with it. As said before, I really like the Gaminglight Community, everyone is so nice and I really want to be more involved with it by helping out in any way possible.I'm super active, usually online at night when no admins are online and able to catch minges at the late hour while also being online during the day. I would staff before then I'd RP and never complain about being on staff job. 15. How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you? Firstly I'd jail teleport them to a roof and teleport the person who had reported the situation, check logs to make sure that this actually all happened, calm them down if they were mad or noncompliant. After calming them down quite a bit I would issue their warn for Mass RDM / Staff Disrespect [If they were to diss me, if their cursing me out I'd imagine there would be disrespect] if they were just screaming at me not letting me help the situation I'd call upon a higher staff to help me with the final punishment and issue the player a 10,000 second minge. If there is no staff available/online at the time I would warn then minge the player for 300 seconds.
    1 point
  7. +support mature put effort into app active on the forums not sure about in game answered number 15 correctly overall a good guy
    1 point
  8. Obviously, I have 100% misinterpreted what cert is. I was under the impression that CERT was named after the IRL cert. I had no idea that it was Civil Emergency Response. SO ya
    1 point
  9. +Support - Obviously is simpathetic and knows the did wrong - A bit of an over reaction tbh
    1 point
  10. https://www.gmodstore.com/scripts/view/304/darkrp-tow-truck-driver-job @Fame
    1 point
  11. Nimo I talk to you about it the reason I was 2 mins was bc I was putting my car away and my guns away plus I don’t get why I’m on this bc I got on and no one else did till the reports started to come in plus I also never saw him say in ooc that I only saw it in admin chat plus it didn’t take me 2 mins to get on
    1 point
  12. + Support Reasons above
    1 point
  13. 1 point
  14. If you are not involved in a RP situation you can use your numpad to open up your fading doors. If you are in a RP situation then you must use the keypad
    1 point
  15. Try not to fight other admin in the future doe... especially if you had nothing to do with the situation to begin with.
    1 point
  16. Thanks! Sad to see you go...Good luck in the future!
    1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. “WHERES THE ROLEPLAY” & ”CYA ON THE FORUMS” & ”PD family” (I had to toss my old family in, can you blame me?)
    1 point
  19. 1 point
  20. Im outdated i still use the Kiwi hunters meme
    1 point
  21. I mean however old and used, where's the roleplay I think holds the spot as the most known meme
    1 point
  22. Yeah the frying Nimo is a good one lol.
    1 point
  23. SwAlLoW iS So InAcTivE Oh and frying Nimo that was a good one
    1 point
  24. Hello everyone, as some of you might have noticed, I have been inactive and not appearing on the server for a really long time, my reason for that is due to the fact in my country which is Singapore all Boys aged 18 and above will have to serve 2 years of compulsory National Service and I am already 19 considered overdue and is being forced to do so now. This also means that I am gonna be joining the Military for two years, after that I will be a working adult from there on I will probably not be returning back to this community or game any longer. I apologise for all the mistakes I have made or commited whoever I have offended in the past and I hope that this amazing community will go far and carry on for a really long time. For the respective departments I apologise for I do not have time to tender my resignation from there and as well as for the staff team. However as I will highly likely not be returning in this two years or more as I go on to live my life, I will not be writing any other posts other than this since I will not be returning or touching Garry's Mod at all. If there is anyone who wants to add me, contact me or play any other games feel free to add me on steam at: agileshepherd/Superfruge I would like to thank a couple of people in this community: Zeeptin- For being a Great Owner and working round the clock to keep this server going, you deserve every good coming your way Snar- For being a great manager staying active and entertaining complaints as well as handling this amazing Staff Team Fame- For being active, helping out this staff team, never one bitching about people and being fair on the reports made on staff and players Strider- For being such a good friend I made in this community and supporting me this asian dude as you would say hahah I'll miss ya xD Carpenter- Thank you for being a active good super admin, fair and you are really very mature for your age Voxis- Thank you for being that "Grim Reaper" for every issue that happens you would hop on and assist us all the time There are others and many more I have not mentioned but just know that I will never forget all of you. Signing off MSGT Tommy Turner EMS Tommy Turner MC17 FBI SNRSA KGB67 Tommy Turner SS SO Tommy Turner XV40
    0 points
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