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Roleplaygod's Admin Promotion Application


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  • 2 months (minimum) as Staff on a server being applied for (Meaning you must have been a staff member for at least 2 months) ✅

  • 3 months since joining the forums (Making a forums account) ✅

  • Must have been Senior Moderator for 30 consecutive days ✅

  • Must have 4+ Superadmins (or higher) / AT LEAST 1+ Head Admin permission ✅ Super Admin@Felix Super Admin@gamikzone Super Admin@Rhenic Head Admin @Carpenter John

  • Good reputation with other members of the community ✅ - I like to think so at least ?


Staff Application Format

  1. What is your in-game name?: Roleplaygod

  2. What is your steam name?: [GL] Roleplaygod / Pedro T. F-140 (when playing FiveM)

  3. What is your steam ID?: STEAM_0:0:171503623

  4. Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain) Yes here at GamingLight. I am a current Senior Moderator.

  5. What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly) March 24, 2017

  6. What date did you make your forums account? March 24, 2017

  7. Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)? Senior Moderator

  8. How many warns do you have on the server? 0

  9. Have you donated? Not personally but someone donated me VIP before I became staff.

  10. What rank are you applying for? Admin

  11. Are you staff on another community (BE HONEST)? No

  12. Have you read the staff guidelines at

    ? You will be tested on it: Yes I have

  13. Timezone: EST -5:00

  14. Permission (Senior Moderator+ need this): As stated above

  15. Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (150 Word Minimum) Well, I would like to start off by saying hi I am Roleplaygod. Those of you that know me you know I can be a nice person but also know that when it comes to the rules I do not mess around. If you did not know me and this is your first time hearing about me I would like to say hi and let you know that even if I do not know you, you are my friend.

    Why do I believe I deserve this rank? As a player perspective, I have been playing GamingLight PoliceRP for what is now more than a year, I have been playing since March 2017 that is a while back. From day 1 I took it upon myself to read and understand the rules and I made it a goal of mine to not receive a single warning. One and a half years later here I am with a perfectly clean record. The reason I believe I deserve this rank is

    because I have dedicated time to this community from day one. When I joined I knew that I wanted to become staff, therefore, I made it a goal of mine to make sure I knew the rules better than my name. I make sure that everything I do has a reason do has a reason to it and make sure that I do not do anything that I think might be in the slightest against the rules. 

    As a member of the community, I love to make friends and
    I in no way ever try to start drama. I like to say I have a good standing here with the members of GamingLight. I try to be nice to everyone and give everyone the same amount of respect I would expect from them. I respect everyone from the new player who just joined the community to the owner himself. Just because someone has a title in their name does not make them more superior in my eyes, everyone has the chance of being treated like they deserve and I strive and live by that.

    As a Staff member, I strive to be the best staff member I could possibly be. I have yet to receive a report on me, the one and only report on me made was deleted by the person who made it a few minutes later when I showed I had a recording of the whole thing and cough him lying. I strive to be the staff member who gets along with everyone and who everyone likes but at the same time the staff member that no matter who you are if you break a rule and I see you, you will be punished. I do not mean to sound harsh in no way I am just unbiased in any and all situations. A good example of this is the report on
    Durmax, I love Durmax
    and I think he is a great guy but when it came down to looking at the evidence and having a clean unbiased opinion I was able to do it, unlike some other members. When I bring someone into a sit I  treat them with the most respect and I make sure that I always hear their side of the story. I give everyone a fair chance to explain themselves and always give everyone the benefit of the doubt. The reason I have yet to get a report on me is that as much as I know the MOTD I know the Staff Handbook as well. I follow every rule to the dot and make sure that every single warning I ever give is recorded and that I have more than enough evidence to warn the player. If I am ever in doubt I do not warn the player, instead, I ask for someone's help no matter the situation. I try to make sure that all warnings and bans I issue had a valid reason. I have come a long way here in GamingLight as a Staff member and I hope to go on longer. I strive to be the best Staff member I can be and will always be there for others.

  16. How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you? With my time as staff here in GamingLight I have realized that every case is different. What applies to one case does not apply to the next and you must look at everything from an outside perspective. If I bring someone into a sit after they have mass RDMed and then they start to yell at me and starts to curse me out I know that this player has no intention of actually roleplaying in our server. I would let the player finish, afterwards, I would explain the situation and tell him/her that they are being warned and minged. I will give a warning for Mass RDM and a minge as I see fit to the situation. I would spectate the player after the minge is done and see if the punishment has made them re-think their actions and if they continue then I will issue a Ban. At this point I know this player has no intention of roleplaying and getting rid of him and banning him is the best result for the community.

Edited by Roleplaygod
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RoleplayGod, is really active on forums and TS and really active in-game and actually does a pretty decent job at staff on PRP and really helps me out with things I don't really understand which is one of the many reasons why he should be an Admin on PoliceRP.

(Do not quote this +support)


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  • Don't see you on much
  • You kinda have a temper
  • Pretty rude in the chatbox when people are trying to promote there GL Server
  • Don't tag SMT (Even if they give you permission just put their name down)
  • Question 16; is wrong... you don't ban them, you get a higherup to minge them for 10,000 seconds but as an Admin you can minge for 10,000 seconds.
  • Improve activity and read over the staff handbook
  • Like 1
  • Laughing 1

"Crack open a cold one mate, no worries mate, come to the outback mate, gonna go to maccas and get some brekky mate"

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8 minutes ago, Munchies said:


  • Don't see you on much
  • You kinda have a temper
  • Pretty rude in the chatbox when people are trying to promote there GL Server
  • Don't tag SMT (Even if they give you permission just put their name down)
  • Question 16; is wrong... you don't ban them, you get a higherup to minge them for 10,000 seconds but as an Admin you can minge for 10,000 seconds.
  • Improve activity and read over the staff handbook


  • Laughing 2
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10 minutes ago, Munchies said:


  • Don't see you on much
  • You kinda have a temper
  • Pretty rude in the chatbox when people are trying to promote there GL Server
  • Don't tag SMT (Even if they give you permission just put their name down)
  • Question 16; is wrong... you don't ban them, you get a higherup to minge them for 10,000 seconds but as an Admin you can minge for 10,000 seconds.
  • Improve activity and read over the staff handbook

+/- Support, you havent been very active on staff recently (from what ive seen), and I do think the temper could improve. On the other hand, RPGod has demonstrated that he has what it takes to be a member of GL Staff, and I think that he is respectful, mature, and a all around nice guy. Good luck!

10 minutes ago, Nick Val said:

+ Support

- Is active on the forums, teamspeak and ingame

-Has never been warned or reported

- Has a very well done staff application



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MilRP: Spetsnaz SCOL | Retired SZ and DI Major General  || JvS: Retired Sith Council | Reserve Sentry Darth | Retired Administrator




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22 minutes ago, Lex Phantom said:


RoleplayGod, is really active on forums and TS and really active in-game and actually does a pretty decent job at staff on PRP and really helps me out with things I don't really understand which is one of the many reasons why he should be an Admin on PoliceRP.

(Do not quote this +support)



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1 hour ago, Munchies said:


  • Don't see you on much
  • You kinda have a temper
  • Pretty rude in the chatbox when people are trying to promote there GL Server
  • Don't tag SMT (Even if they give you permission just put their name down)
  • Question 16; is wrong... you don't ban them, you get a higherup to minge them for 10,000 seconds but as an Admin you can minge for 10,000 seconds.
  • Improve activity and read over the staff handbook

I agree. try to be more active and have respect for others and then you would get a plus support from me 


Banned from Signatures - Valk - DNR - 11/25/17


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1 hour ago, Munchies said:


  • Don't see you on much
  • You kinda have a temper
  • Pretty rude in the chatbox when people are trying to promote there GL Server
  • Don't tag SMT (Even if they give you permission just put their name down)
  • Question 16; is wrong... you don't ban them, you get a higherup to minge them for 10,000 seconds but as an Admin you can minge for 10,000 seconds.
  • Improve activity and read over the staff handbook


That bald Aussie Guy

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1 hour ago, Munchies said:


  • Don't see you on much
  • You kinda have a temper
  • Pretty rude in the chatbox when people are trying to promote there GL Server
  • Don't tag SMT (Even if they give you permission just put their name down)
  • Question 16; is wrong... you don't ban them, you get a higherup to minge them for 10,000 seconds but as an Admin you can minge for 10,000 seconds.
  • Improve activity and read over the staff handbook


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11 hours ago, Munchies said:


  • Don't see you on much
  • You kinda have a temper
  • Pretty rude in the chatbox when people are trying to promote there GL Server
  • Don't tag SMT (Even if they give you permission just put their name down)
  • Question 16; is wrong... you don't ban them, you get a higherup to minge them for 10,000 seconds but as an Admin you can minge for 10,000 seconds.
  • Improve activity and read over the staff handbook


11 hours ago, Nick Val said:

+ Support

- Is active on the forums, teamspeak and ingame

-Has never been warned or reported

- Has a very well done staff application



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  • Average Activity
  • Judgement is not to standard
  • I have seen you warn the same person 4 times because he did 4 different things
  • Brings a lot of controversy
  • Realllllly bad attitude in-general, on staff and rp-ing
  • Can get hot headed way too easily

You show a lot of competence but I don't feel like you are completely ready, If you don't agree with any of my points you're welcome to private message me

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1 hour ago, [GL] Tom said:


  • Average Activity
  • Judgement is not to standard
  • Brings a lot of controversy
  • Realllllly bad attitude in-general, on staff and rp-ing
  • Can get hot headed way too easily

You show a lot of competence but I don't feel like you are completely ready, If you don't agree with any of my points you're welcome to private message me

100% agree you can start fights whit ppl on the forums also whitch a admin cant have 

Edited by [GL] Smiley222
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15 hours ago, Munchies said:


  • Don't see you on much
  • You kinda have a temper
  • Pretty rude in the chatbox when people are trying to promote there GL Server
  • Don't tag SMT (Even if they give you permission just put their name down)
  • Question 16; is wrong... you don't ban them, you get a higherup to minge them for 10,000 seconds but as an Admin you can minge for 10,000 seconds.
  • Improve activity and read over the staff handbook


PoliceRP Manager

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3 hours ago, [GL] Tom said:


  • Average Activity
  • Judgement is not to standard
  • Instantly Dms If  U -Support Wich is Kinda Inmature TBH
  • Brings a lot of controversy
  • Realllllly bad attitude in-general, on staff and rp-ing
  • Can get hot headed way too easily

You show a lot of competence but I don't feel like you are completely ready, If you don't agree with any of my points you're welcome to private message me


Edited by DeathBringer402
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17 hours ago, Syrup said:


Active in-game and on TS

Active on forums

Amazing application 

Cool guy

Fit for Admin

Good Luck! 


~ Shadow ~ Azrael ~ Military RP Beginnings Veteran

GL 10 Year Veteran "The Last Remaining Spetsnaz"  Former Wardog Super Admin / Admin MilitaryRP



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