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Everything posted by 𝙁𝙧𝙚𝙚𝙯𝙚

  1. Sometimes I understand it if its private but with alot of things it shouldnt have to be the case.
  2. Realy sucks to hear things like these, glad your back and take the time you need. Your a great staff member so keep doing what your doing
  3. What you want to see? - To see the workshop server lists like : All the clone wars lists (3) 1944RP DarkRP Removed as they are no longer in use. Why should we add it? - Makes the collection of lists more cleaner to look through for the list your looking for and overall more "profesional'' if you know what I mean with that. Who is it mainly for? - Any new members joining or current members Links to any content - https://steamcommunity.com/id/zeeptin/myworkshopfiles/?section=collections I could see why they may want to be kept for in the future if were looking for a addond that was in one of the servers that we want again
  4. Last question could use some work, more depth could go into and details Also Your app is not the best I have seen, It could use some work. TIP : If you think people see you as a minge then work on it so people dont have that image of you at all and then apply Goodluck - Support
  5. And if you read my response you know now so just lets end the unneeded going argument and let SMT decide whether it was necessary.
  6. +/- Support Like the others have stated just improve on activty first before applying for staff Other then that no cons
  7. I talked to rangeata (missed spelled I know) from SCRP HA and he asked if I had anything aswell and only Yobo had evidence of him breaking rules and that was it. So no evidence besides that but thats why the warn was made so for this report no there is none
  8. +/- Support Leaning torwards + + Active on staff + Helps out alot and knows what he is doing + Listens to ratio and fills when asked + Friendly and mature - 2 months is not that long for most people to get the right experience for becomming Admin I feel like you are ready but maybe wait a bit longer or get a bit more experience Goodluck! ¬ Freeze
  9. Whenever reporting someone, just get some evidence please
  10. So the moment I come on the server the sits coming about the whole Reed family was just, The first couple of sits I had with you were to the point where you did not like anything anyone said about anything, you kept on screaming and talking over everyone or trying your best being in the right. I was annoyed by the whole family as problems came and went Then the final sit I had with you where I indeed kicked you afterwards (will come back to this) So sit about failrp ect made by Yobo was a valid report, I went on to explaining everything on and on to you and your family. While someone in the sit was trying to get it over with and accepted the warn you kept on going in the defence, I was done with the argueing, I made my final call and warned you. While returning you to where you were you went on about that it wasnt fair and this all sucks or something in that matter was the final call for me that I was done with you. So I kicked you, I kicked you because im sorry to say it and please mind me. You were a pain in the ass, the maturity level from you not owning up to anything, always defending yourself about everything and the argueing (wich is not wrong and he is allowed to defend himself) and the final sit I came to conclusion I did not want you on the server for that moment. I still stand behind why I kicked you and warned you, whether this was the right thing to do is up to others to decide. Yes I could have talked to you about I was done with you but that would only make it a longer discusion and frankly I was done with it. With kind regards, Freeze
  11. Cats if they wanna snuggle but I hate it when they get hostile with there nails Dogs require way more attention but give way more back to Comparing to cats you can give them n home, food, pet them and still get pushed down like their servant
  12. Atm its not a proper rule, it used to be there but Im always fine with it whenever I use gas but if its not in the rules I wouldnt follow the DOA rule. But like Burboon stated, gas is more common then it used to be
  13. ^^ But I do agree that there should be changes made to maby being president more apealing, just not these ones. Gl!
  14. ^^^ Its temp, just stay patient for the next map, whether we will go back to Treunorth or a diff is up to SMT
  15. We used this map for CriminalRP/GTA 5 RP I personnly did not like this map, I get the maze feeling but others can ofcourse like it but Im just not a big fan. And believe it has performence issues
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