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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by 𝙁𝙧𝙚𝙚𝙯𝙚

  1. Accepted list: Naruto If you have been accepted, please contact a Field Training Officer ASAP for training! You have 14 days to be trained by an FTO. Failure to do so will have you removed from the department and you'll have to reapply. - SWAT Commander Freeze
  2. +/- Support You know what your doing Friendly and mature But like others have stated, the activty part of staff is important and I dont realy see it
  3. + Support - Active - Mature - Friendly - Fit to be staff Goodluck!
  4. I used to be addicted to gta 5 Now its mainly Gmod, Modern warfare, Apex Legends, Star wars Fallen order en Pavlov VR
  5. This has been denied over and over again, mainly cause 90% causes issues or doesnt work properly. It be nice to get it added but we'd need to find a proper and working one.
  6. Had a sit with him earlier today about multiple RDM's and other rule breakings, he didnt realy care. Banned m for a day. I told him to better himself questions is if he is gonna stop other then that + Support
  7. The high way map he means is not aviable as a workshop addon or something to prevent other servers from using it. Its in 1 of the costum gl addons
  8. I can see both sides so giving a +/- Support + Opportunity for new players to build a bit better + More fairer for them - Its a reason to buy VIP and with everyone building it looses efect. - current people might object cause they had to pay for it
  9. Aslong as it doesnt cause isuess I don't mind but it would be helpfull if people werent there able to disturb anything. And a civilian house/store under a tac base is a bit unrealistic. + Support
  10. I mean it would be cool to add but I tested it and its a fast car but nothing else, its uncontrollable ect. Still doesnt mean it couldnt be added. +/- Support
  11. I dont like warning staff ever, the porblem is I need to treat everyone the same way, you as a admin *in the books should be above this. It was a valid report and I came to the conclusion it was ARDM (mistake in warning). As your a admin you should know you cant ARDM. Because I wanted you to go without a warning I asked yobo if a apalogy was enough for the sit to be dealth with. It wasnt so I (had) to go over into warning you. Yes I could have given you a verbal warning but that would set a bad example of "staff can get away with anything without getting warned". If you got any questions put them below
  12. Could you specificlay state what is out of date so PD High command can take a look at it and if fit it can be changed. For the moment the handbook seems fine and trainers should always know some tips and tricks to give the Cadet and proceed on there own. Its a guideline supposed to help the trainer know what to include in there training to make sure the cadet gets the best info they need. - Support Subject to change if proper reason stated
  13. Staff should already be doing this, If both sides are not heared, report them. Believe this is already a rule like Th3 stated
  14. Even tho its more supposed to be a cosmectic item I can see where your comming from. Its not needed persee but would be nice
  15. The problem is, in my time here, for the last 3 years weve been switching maps back and forth, to new and olds ones. We can never make everyone happy. We switch maps when we know there is a huge ask for it. For myself I dont mind change but I dont mind staying on the current ones Whatever map is best for the people/server im in. +/- Support
  16. Where is the option for none of the above?
  17. https://gaminglight.com/forums/settings/signature/ go here and you can put images, text whatever you want and it will show below your posts like mine. > Account settings > Signature
  18. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Accepted list: TheJayden Alpha If you have been accepted, please contact a Field Training Officer ASAP for training! You have 14 days to be trained by an FTO. Failure to do so will have you removed from the department and you'll have to reapply. - SWAT Commander Freeze
  19. When you are staff you should always be representing the staff team as best as you can, sure everyone sometimes makes a mistake, nothing bad about that. But if its happening on a regular bases, its should be looked at. If you are angry upset or whatever, muting your own mic is the best way because you need to type then and think before you type helps, these are tips to improve yourself on. Everyone has a bad day but It cant be reasons to lose your temper alot of the times or player dissrespect. Proper communication between staff and players are needed and in these kind of situations thats hard, learn from it. Wish you the best of luck Jay! + Support - Should know better - Staff handbook does not tolerate this. What should happen? I think a talking to would be suficient, a strike maybe. Removal not sure, let him improve himself and see how it goes.
  20. - Support + you are a friendly and nice guy, you know the rules. - But I personally haven't seen you since you came back. I suggest improving activity first and then reapplying. Good luck!
  21. + Support + Active + Mature + Friendly + Knows the rules Feel like ur ready, good luck
  22. Like Jimmy said, normal PD are there to maintain order ect and not drive around in undercover vehicles. Its for high ranking units only 9/10 times (and fbi) and it should stay like that.
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