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Everything posted by π™π™§π™šπ™šπ™―π™š

  1. Hey Febreze, So you have recently just joined the community back after a while of being gone, in this time alot of new people have joined and old members left, besides that I think your a mature and friendly player, I'd first get to know most people again, get yourself out there. Get to know the current members/community again and then apply again. - support for now. Goodluck!
  2. They didnt when they came out but there was a suggestion previously that noted this and it got added.
  3. These are not reasons to + Support, make n actual proper response with good arguments and reasons - Support + Knows what is he doing + Mature and friendly - Never see you on PD or overall on the server. Goodluck!
  4. Was thinking the same xD But in al seriousness, people play what they want to play. It depends when your playing or who is on.
  5. Perma propping an whole court room aint going to happen, to much issues with it
  6. [INSERT SWAT LOGO] Acceptedο»Ώ list: Nao Ponik ο»Ώ If you have been accepted, please contact a Field Training Officer ASAP for training! You have 14 days to be trained by an FTO. Failure to do so will have you removed from the department and you'll have to reapply.ο»Ώο»Ώο»Ώο»Ώ - SWAT Commander Freeze
  7. + Support He got 51 and 51 - 40 is 11 so quick maths show me that he needs to get banned
  8. Think Zeeptin adressed this once during a community meeting The connection between people has a slight delay and thats why for 1 person it shows as a hit marker but for the other it didnt hit you so it doesnt do damage. This is not realy a thing we can fix other then making sure people have the best connection to the server. But again that is mostly not in our power sadly.
  9. Depending on what you said, stuff you mean as in RP could actualy offend or hurt people. So even if its in Rp you can still player diss. Again I dont know what you said so cant judge to what extend a warning was needed. For the moment - Support
  10. From my standpoint calling people/the server idiotic is not the worse but ofcourse everyone can take it different. Its on the edge if player/sever dissing but we cant denie that he did. He indeed was body blocking but also like the officer did, just drag m. Overall +/- Support maybe a verbal would be sufficient. Also couldn't this have been dealt with in-game? Or was there no available staff online?
  11. Im not saying people cant discuss a topic, Im fine with people stating there concerns and problems, Im all for it. The only thing im saying is that there is alot more behind the words : "remove a department or merge departments". And that some of the factors behind it also needs to be looked at. And im not bias, not at all but I am allowed to look out for my department and everyone's elses. If my previous post didnt come across like that I apologize for that.
  12. - Support I see where the frustation comes from, and I share them. But I think it would cause more issues then its needed to be. Look when SRT was merged into SWAT, the amount of bullshit that brought for 1 department was insane. Let alone when we do it with 2 or 3. Everything any department heads have worked on for the last years, down the drain. And yes I do believe that there are to many tac units but I dont know whether merging them is the best option. And the problem with this post is that you only make a statement. Huge important stuff like this needs to be planned months ahead and this post only names problems and not solutions or n actual steady plan. And the same for every + Support people make. Everybody finally gets their opinions out of them and put them here but dont think it through. Only stating concerns and not n actual plan of how it should work. - Freeze
  13. Maturity has improved! Just make sure to keep it that way. Goodluck Springs!
  14. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Welcome to SWAT : Accepted list: Yeep Oslo If you have been accepted, please contact a Field Training Officer ASAP for training! You have 14 days to be trained by an FTO. Failure to do so will have you removed from the department and you'll have to reapply. SWAT Commander Freeze
  15. It would be usefull yes but unless you a Admin+ with unarest baton there is no point. You could ask staff to come and unarrest if your good enough out of the prison area what I mostly do. And like calamity said, if we want it automated its needs to be coded wich will be n problem to get it working. Overall + Support for the idea
  16. Like the others have stated, bans over 1 year old or longer are not apealable anymore. Maybe bc it was valk there is a small chance but even tho. You were banned
  17. Sorry to hear that but sadly the current facts are Bans that are over 1 year old cant be apealed, sadly yours is 2 years. The staff member that banned you (Felix) resigned a while ago Sorry to hear you went through a tough time and other stuff but sadly we cant ready do anything about it at this point
  18. Please use the format that Masterson responded with. If they did there is a 40 or 45 minute cooldown on raiding the same base. So there is already a rule against it.
  19. Please make sure to use the format Mikey responded with, will leave a opnion after that.
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