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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by 𝙁𝙧𝙚𝙚𝙯𝙚

  1. I actually see him on staff quite a bit. Can vouch for m
  2. ^ A amor NPC that is higher then 100 armor, this was already suggested before and it didnt work I believe.
  3. Big - Support Tac units already have it hard beating 5 cc's with negevs, increasing their armor will make it more un even. 100 is more then enough
  4. You guys are getting them back. Had n discussion with Alton and Steve last night. (spoiler alert?)
  5. Wine, or just alchol in general, works both for me (bambob flashbacks)
  6. - Support + I could see the fun in it - Wont be used by alot of people (know that now already) - Looking at how it operates it will lag the server - Wont stabalize the economy at all
  7. there was n idea by Snar or Valk I think to make a certain area have the ability to be controlled by 1 of the factions. Whoever holds it earns money or whatever and they could kill and fight over this. Basiclay king of the hill. Idea was disbanded/forgotten about (prob didnt work out.' good idea tho + Support
  8. -/+ Support This is a hard discussion as you got 2 groups. Gov and crim and everyone knows who is - and + supporting. We cannever make both sides happy. Never + Makes ''cancer'' bases easier to actually properly raid. + No endless raids by gov wich we just get tired from. - I like n challange - Shouldn't be to easy - Government can come back (so can crim) with alot of numbers, we have gass, you name it. - Embrases tac to actualy think and play smart (+Running through stacked up fences is not that tho) Again, its hard to even out the rules because in the end every side will just rant about it
  9. We should give staff helicopters! + Support
  10. - support Staff is here to support the players and watch for those who break rules. We should be flying around not driving. If we drive we interfear with RP : Copps pulling over, getting in the way ect ect If people see staff driving arounf they are not gonna minge infront of you. but if you are cloaked they will
  11. Prob wasnt intended to exploit, just to amuse him self and like others have said, video only shows him doing it 1 time and even if he did, maby tell him not to do it again. Warning is not nessacary
  12. - Support whenever there are alot of hobo's on the only thing I have with them is problems, minging, breaking rules acting dumb ect. Not needed, 5 is fine.
  13. + Support Friendly Helpful Proffesional Active Ready
  14. I've seen the issue rise again. Once again I would like to remind everyone of department hopping. What is department hopping? : If you leave a department within a short amount of time and then joining a different department. If you are a true department hopper you leave that one to within a small period ofcourse. Lately it has come to my attention again it has become a habit for a good amount of people. And with this post I would like to remind everyone that this looks very bad on you and that 0 departments tolerate this. Sadly there isnt always the best communication between them to prevent people from doing this at n constant rate. I have made a checklist for all of you Lovely people wanting to join a department. ☑ Do I want to join this department? ☑ Am I willing to spend time in this department? ☑ Am I intersted in this department? ☑ Did I look at the other departments and compare them? ☑ Am I planning to leave this department if I see a different department seems nicer? ☑ Redo step 1 to 5 ☑ Am I joining the department? Let this be very clear
  15. Torty your a realy nice guy but like the others have said, I'd like to see some more command skills. How to do this? Take charge in situations, stand out when it comes to leading and working with people. Show us that you are capable of having people under you. I know you are capable of this, only thing you have to do is show us -/+ Support
  16. wasnt this already suggested? It was denied Yup found it!
  17. Will be hard to get everyone using it correctly and normaly
  18. I remember the months of searching for a good tow truck addon took a long ass time and that about every addon was tested/looked at and pretty sure this one was of them that failed. maby it got better or this one works but it would be nice to get a newer/better looking one. + Support
  19. + Support From what I have seen your pretty active Friendly Wants to help out I'd give you a chance
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