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Kami- Amaterasu

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Everything posted by Kami- Amaterasu

  1. +Support honestly wanted to make a suggestion like this. It honeslty doesn't make sense in rp where you have a small gun out but still have 4+People pointing guns at you
  2. This one seems far more reasonable
  3. Name: Kami Rank: Member Time of LOA(MM/DD/YYYY):July 8 2020- July 19 2020) Reason(Put Private if you do not wish to say): I just need time to work on personal issues and cant focus on making events at this time
  4. What is your Ingame Name: Kami SteamID (steamid.xyz if you need to get it): STEAM_0:1:60884699 3. Rank: Surgeon (Medic) 4. Time on server: 6w, 5d 5. Total strikes ever received: 1 (Meeting missed) 6. How many warns do you have on GL: 1 7. Who gave you permission to apply: Gordan, Crystal 8. On a scale of 1-10, how active are you?: 4- But getting better 9. Why do you think you’re fit for ACM (60+ words): I’m a great fit for ACM as I am not only great at combat, but I am able to be active when able, assisting in healing foundation personnel. I’ve put a lot of time in not only the server, but into the branches I am dedicated to. I hope to bring a light to the server as I shine my light through out the foundation. I would be a great fit as I am able to help others with combat and in healing as an ACM. 10: (Bonus question, this is in no way required, but it gets you some brownie points) CI is currently raiding. You see an MTF E-11 CPL at 27% health running away from a fight. Just as you start to examine his condition, an MTF A1 Captain comes up to you and asks you to help them fend off the CI. What do you do? : I would prioritize healing the E-11 first, as for our upmost job is to heal, Just because we are Advance Combat Medics, we still must prioritize our foundation personnel's health over going in guns blazing. Thus I will follow the E-11 into a safe area where I can patch him up.
  5. Sorry to see you go rabbit! Thanks for pushing me forward through all the shit you put me through
  6. +support why not just remove 999’s medkit- what’s the point of the blob having the Medkit in the first place
  7. We need to keep the NTF one though-
  8. In Game Name: [GL] Kami- Amaterasu Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:60884699 What is your current Rank: Staff Sergeant What Type of Command Position are you applying for (High Command / Low Command): Low Command Do you have experience in Command, if yes explain: Yes, I've been the DHOR of Chaos insurgency and I am an Engineer in Tech Date of when you first joined MTF / Chaos Insurgency: I first joined Omi9 around the end of May, However I was in for a brief moment as How many Strikes do you have: 0 What is your main goal of being Omicron-9 Low / High Command: As low command I wish to push out ways for our branch to, not only get more exciting, however pushing activity and assisting in getting a rise of people to join Omi9 and to stick around. Do you think there is any issues with the branch and if so how would you fix it (High Command Applications Only): I am not applying for high command, however I will still answer this question. I believe Omi9 struggles the most with Activity from the Enlisted. How I would go about fixing this is that I shall work on things that Omi9 can do while the facility is at its safest. Such as giving them a task to do, doing a fun little PT, or even making something as a challenge for them, with a surprise at the end. What do you think of Omicron-9's ability to keep the facility under control from GOI's and what do you think can be improved (High Command Applications Only): I believe our ability to work as a group against the counteraction of a Chaos Insurgency raid is a great. However there are still things that need to be worked on, Such as patience. From what I've noticed a lot of Omi9 still have to work one when to run in and 'rush' before everyone else does. If Omi9 can work on rushing in as a group instead of one person doing it, I believe that the GOI's that come into the site, don't stand a chance against Omi9. Why should we accept you in Omicron-9 Command (150 word minimum): I should be accepted because not only have I have been active, I’ve great plans to improve activity and to encourage more people to join Omi9 as a whole. I would be a great fit in Omi9 Command because I know I can work well with the other command members to greaten Omi9 and I, myself, have been apart of a command position before. I am great at including the Enlisted with ideas and increasing the flow of them throughout a branch. As Omi9 Command, I will be creating new ways to keep Omi9 engaged inside the branch and keep that activity at an all time high. With this position I can do just that, I can encourage people to stay on by making challenges for them when the facility is at its safest. Perhaps give them a push in the right direction while awaiting to take down some GOI’s that threaten the foundation. Activity from the Command will improve Activity from the Enlisted. That’s why I know I should be Command, as the more active Command you have the more enlisted and NCOs you will have on.
  9. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OfG7_OsfKW_hXGOhhsadDtZx-MczrJPW/view?usp=sharing Next!
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