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Kami- Amaterasu

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Everything posted by Kami- Amaterasu

  1. crazy how my era in SCP it was non stop full. Now its just a ghost town
  2. +Supp Man seems respectful and would be a great addition to your ranks
  3. DENIED Applicant is already at NCO Status
  4. DENIED Command Team has decided to deny your application for the time being. If you would like some information on what to improve on - Feel free to ask You may Re-apply in 2 Weeks!
  5. Name - Kami Steam ID - STEAM_0:1:60884699 Discord Name - Kami-#0561 Rank and branch (Nu7, E11, CI, Security) - CI RND CIN List any punishments you have been given (warns, bans, Strikes, etc) - 1 for Meta gaming like 2 years ago Why do you want to join Delta-5? To be honest i would like to join Delta-5 because I like the color of them, as well as it'll allow me to be in a combat branch for a different type of RP Why should we let you into Delta-5? (50+ words) I've been a part of the Gaming light community for about 2 years now. Been a part of plenty MTF battalions as well as command in a few of them. With this I have Experience in not only being an Mtf but as a competent member of this community. You should let me into D-5 because I'm capable of a lot when I put my mind to it. Do you promise to uphold any and all community, server, and SOP rules and RP values? Yes
  6. +Support Seems like some good events and gives diversity to battalions. Has been active on the server so would boost activity with their events as well.
  7. CI DATABASE: SELECT USER USER FOUND: Chaos Insurgency Ally 'Kaiju Seeker Rodan' RECENT LOGGING RETRIEVED: . . Loading . . LOADED FILE: #0004-Still-As-Stone
  8. Grade: 98/100 Efficiency: 25/25 Insight: 23/25 I mean preferred pizza topping is pretty interesting of a question, and I see this as a good knowledge to know from the other information you gained Presentation:25/25 I actually like the formate you did for certain topics you asked about, it looks clean and is way better to read this way. Writing: 25/25 I dont see any writing issues Overall:98 % Test quality: Exceeds Expectations
  9. What is your in game rank and name. Crewman Imak What is your STEAM ID? STEAM_0:1:60884699 How long have you been in Naval 3 Weeks Why do you wish to become a Junior Officer I wish to strive towards becoming a future ISB agent, through that I would like to prove myself as an ideal naval enlisted by becoming a Junior Officer first. I want to be able to show I am capable of bringing new face into Naval as well as showing how well I can lead under stressful conditions, such as battles against the rebels and any hostile forces in the airspace. What are the duties of a Junior Officer? Naval Junior Officers is expected to know the battalion while leading and assisting in teaching the Enlisted the exact same. They are to do tryouts to bring new faces into the battalion as well as help out in any way through other naval members. How will you assist the battalion as a Junior Officer? I will be able to assist in trainings as well as leading the future naval Junior Officers and enlisted into better knowing how well the Imperial Navy works. I'll also be able to bring ideas to the Senior officers that may assist in roleplaying.
  10. Grade: 94/100 Lore: 20/25 I'm not quite sure that 939 could just tell what things were in more descriptive ways. They'd know there are objects, just not exactly what they were unless interactive. Creativity: 25/25 This is a genuine interesting test idea, I like it! Presentation: 25/25 You decided to go with your own format, which i respect. Writing: 24/25 Some Grammar mistakes, but other then that perfectly fine. Test quality:Exceeds Expectations Extra Notes: N/A
  11. Grade: 97/100 Efficiency: 25/25 Straight and to the point, thats always good Insight: 25/25 You got a lot of information, whether right or wrong, so its a good sign. Presentation: 25/25 I like the unique format you chose for this it's nice! Writing: 22/25 Some writing/grammar errors, and the short sentences kinda don't help but otherwise good! Overall:Exceeds Expectations
  12. +Supp Great member of staff- will be even greater in Support
  13. Name: Kami/Rodan Rank: IIN File here: The Psychology of Chaos.
  14. Grade: 95/100 Efficiency: 25/25 - I say you got your information in an efficient way, whether it be true or not. Insight: 23/25 You asked great questions, although there are sometimes where you can become creative with your questions Presentation: 25/25 Writing: 22/25 - There were some grammar mistakes when describing things in the background. But you did write very well! Additional comment: Being creative with questions goes a long way. Like with engineers you could say EX: "What is the sorce of electrical power?" could be some use for later raids! It just varies throughout the branches you capture, so keep in mind what you can really ask! Overall: Exceeds Expectations
  15. 1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name): Kami 2. What Regiment are you applying for? Tank Trooper 3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch? I want to be commander to help improve activity and enjoyment for my chosen branch. I wish to see a future where Tank Troopers thrive within the server and work towards bettering the relationships of all battalions to better our work ethic. With Tank Troopers being so new, I wish to help it grow into a good side ST battalion for the server. As a Vice Commander I would like to improve the patrols throughout Tatooine, being as that is what Tank Trooper's main goal, to deter the criminals away from Tatooine Base. 4. How much game time do you have on the server? 4 weeks total play time. 5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch? A commander should be a good face of the branch they are commanding over. They have to be able to lead their battalion and be a good role model to how troopers within should act. They have to be great with communicating with their respective officers NCOs and enlisted as well as the other Commanders and Vice Commanders of separate branches. They must take responsibility into how their troopers act and at times be strict when it comes to punishing their troopers for doing something disrespectful. This is how a commander should be, a thoughtful leader that is mindful about not only their branch, but the others, making sure the branch is able to work well with all the others as a team. 6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? : I’m a great choice for being a Vice Commander, as I always have an open and creative mind when it comes to roleplay and tasks I can place within my Battalion. I am great when it comes with communicating with others and am able to come up with creative solutions to several different problems. For example, I've been Engineer Lead for a while, as I have known that Engineers aren't as active as they can be, however I took the first initiative to talk to Tenn Graneet when it came to it to try to find solutions on ways to better create an active regimental sub-battalion. I was able to ask other ENG leads and Seniors if they would also like to join into the conversation with Tenn Graneet and I to hopefully find a common middle ground on how to better the sub-battalion. This is what I hope to further do within Tank Troopers in order to make a better and balanced battalion within the server. I will help Tank Troopers come up with creative things to do throughout their time on the job. Tank troopers are still pretty fresh and new within the server, with this it's not really common knowledge on everything they can do just yet. If I am chosen for the position of Vice Commander, I'll be able to spread the goals of the battalion as well as improve their tasks throughout the time they grow. As a previous CMO I was able to help make new tryout documents, as well as improve the variety of what RP the Medical did. I have been able to assist with challenges the medical faced in activity and dedicated myself to the battalion. I'll be able to bring this knowledge over to Tank troopers and in the same, dedicate my time to bettering it as such. 7. How often can you be Online? : I am on quite often through the night, and on days I have off. 8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) : 1- SCPRP (Metagaming)
  16. +Massive Support -Wolf is a respected individual and would make an AMAZING Kallus. -He's dedicated to naval and is a great communicator -Would love to see him help out even more with as Kallus
  17. I agree with Wolf here. Viper is well liked through shock and is dedicated, i'd believe he'd make a good officer and can affect the branch as a whole
  18. +Support! Warden is really good when it comes to Roleplay and has one of the best attitudes across the ISD when on on-ship missions as well as off-ship. He'd make a great NCO as well as be someone to look up to within the battalion
  19. What's your in-game name? Kami (Maki now in ST) What is your SteamID as shown on roster? (STEAM_ format, not the one with all number) STEAM_0:1:60884699 How long have you been on the server? 3 weeks How many warns on Gaminglight servers do you have? 1 (For Metagaming on SCP) Why do you want to be an Officer? I wish to further help Stormtrooper as a whole battalion. As well as put my time and effort into making ST a branch to be even more desirable. People see Stormtrooper as a standard branch, or only see people minging within the battalion. I want to be an officer for not only to further the effort to prove this view wrong, but to better the enlisted and NCO's attitude to hopefully look at STs as a nice branch to be in. What time zone are you in? CST What can you do to improve the battalion? I can further the improvement of the Stormtrooper's roleplay. Through my time working with Medical in the past, bringing roleplay within other battalions will improve the outlook on not only the server but how the troops go through their time online. I hope to better the roleplay of our sub battalions. As an example, giving scouts more efforts for scouting ahead and being able to complete their task to the fullest, or with Engineers giving them more purpose and furthering their jobs throughout the ISD as a whole. This is what I want to achieve as an officer within Stormtrooper, and work with the others to make it happen. How do you differ from other applicants? My experience and Dedication. I have been in many positions as an Officer. Currently I hold an Officer Position in Shock, and I have been decently juggling the two roles very well. I've been working towards ideas for Engineers since before I have gotten Engineer Lead. I come up with creative ideas and solutions to different problems, and usually think things through and work out all the possibilities before asking for advice on the subject.
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