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Kami- Amaterasu

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Everything posted by Kami- Amaterasu

  1. Name:Brianna Rank: SGT Current FTO Rank (if applicable): JFTO Current Wardens Rank (if applicable): N/A Why should you retain your rank (Command ONLY | 150+ words): N/A Any Notes, Questions, or Concerns?: No questions Goood branch updated
  2. -Support I've asked him to leave me be several times and it came to a breaking point where he hopped on stealth op and tried following me around CLOAKED. I dont know if i'd be comfortable with a man like that in a position like this one.
  3. In Game Name: Kami Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:60884699 Job applying for (Medical - MEDIC + | Red Right Hand - ANY MTF/CI RANK OR GENSEC COMMAND | Research/RND - Researcher+): Research If applying for Red Right Hand preferred O5 to guard: N/A How many Strikes do you have: None Why do you want to join the O5 staff team: As a Researcher, I am very connected to creative testing. I am encouraged to keep all of the other researchers engaged with new and interesting Projects that I will release in the future. I connect with Research far more then ANYTHING on this server. Although I've hopped from place to place, I always seem to find my way back into a Research position, where I feel that I can call 'home.' Becoming an O5 Researcher is both an honor and a goal of mine as a Researcher from the Chaos Insurgency. I wish to achieve this position as there are not many researchers from CI in O5 Research. Why should we accept you: You should accept me as I am able to come up with creative projects (I actually have one on standby already and I am working to get it finished soon | PM me if you wish to see the rough draft of the project) These projects and activities would include both O5 Research and O5 Medical, along with hopefully increasing activity and interest within O5 Medical and Researchers as a whole. I am dedicated to the projects I work towards and I am always creative to come up with new ideas for others.
  4. Grade: 75/100 Lore: 10/25 1048 and its constructs do not have a visible mouth. They speak through drawings. So it talking, and eating pizza doesn't really make sense. (Although this could e due to the RP) -C's metal is just basic metal, so working at it with armor wouldn't really go well. Creativity: 25/25 The test idea with -C is new, It hasn't been done yet and haven't seen a -C test before. Presentation: 15/25 Used standard format with rarely coloring it at all. Writing: 25/25 Very descriptive. And well written. Test quality: Meets Expectations Extra Notes: I recommend studying more up on the SCP you so decide to write on. Just to assist in the lore of the SCP. But your Creativity and writing with the logs is fantastic.
  5. Grade: 100/100 Lore: 25/25 I remember that giving 999 Pop would make it hyper. So giving alcohol seems like this woul happen. Creativity: 25/25 A yes. Lets get a candy loving slime some alcohol. Presentation: 25/25 Presentation is still lovable as how you have it all sorted out. I love reading your logs. Mind you it would be nice to spruce it up with some color. Even if they are grays or not. Writing: 25/25 I believe this seems well written and i haven't really noiced anything. Test quality: Exceeds Expectations Extra Notes: Your 999 Chronicles like to continue. Well Done!
  6. Seems as if he's coming back. And has shown dedication to apply again.
  7. Grade: 100/100 Lore: 25/25 A blob blowing up villagers. Seems legit Creativity: 25/25 First pong, now Minecraft? Best games confirmed Presentation: 25/25 I love the custom format you use Writing: 25/25 No writing mistakes from what i saw. Test quality: Exceeds Expectations Extra Notes: This is by far the best Test log I've seen and I've never laughed this much in a while
  8. Man never mentioned me Damn I feel sad now
  9. Grade: 90/100 Efficiency:25/25 Seems mike this PVT didn’t care about handing out info without harm Insight: 23/25 Got little information from Him, but he IS a PVT Presentation:22/25 Used standards format- BUT added colors Writing: 20/25 No grammar mistakes that I saw, however it wasn’t really as descriptive as it could be. Like what was on the paper that he gave you? Etc. Additional comment: N/A Test quality: Exceeds Expectations
  10. Says as i continue to shoot down most Class LUL
  11. Your in game name: Kami Your Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:60884699 The player's in game name: CI RCT Macho (At the time- No longer in CI) The player's steam ID (required):STEAM_0:0:563000414 Date and Time This Incident Occurred: 10/12/2020 around 4:45 EST What did the player do: Toxicity, Player diss, etc. Evidence (required):https://medal.tv/clips/34485170/d1337XE0fwqk What do you believe should happen to the player: Warn for Toxicity Any extra information: Would had reported in game but he had left the server before the sit was made
  12. Found Rodan's Journal. Get ready for a Researcher's Journey The Disappearance of Site-05 Part 1
  13. Grade: 83/100 Lore: 25/25 Test Followed lore Creativity: 20/25 Many people have asked 049's his origin. We Know the SCP well. Presentation: 23/25 Standard Format, But with extra color Writing: 15/25 Grammar. "I"s aren't capitalized, And a couple run on sentences. And Not much information here Test quality: Exceeds Expectations Extra Notes: Perhaps increased questions of more into the SCP as a whole.
  14. Grade: 98/100 Lore: 25/25 This test followed lore. Creativity: 25/25 Honestly if I watched 1981, I'd probably react the same. Great test idea. Presentation: 23/25 Used standard test format however put a small twist. Writing: 25/25 Well typed out and descriptive. Well done! Test quality: Exceeds Expectations Extra Notes: Great Torture technique!
  15. Grade: 98/100 Lore: 25/25 lore seems great! Creativity: 25/25 Let us ride into battle on the 939s Presentation: 25/25 Interesting format, feels fresh! Writing: 23/25 Some grammar mistakes here and there but Great test! Test quality: Exceeds Expectations Extra Notes: Ah yes. I love a war mount.
  16. Grade: 92/100 Efficiency: 25/25 Interesting thing with the jelly fish. Insight: 25/25 A lot of Info gain Presentation: 20/25 Standard Test Format Writing: 22/25 Wished you capitalized the Ranks. It makes them pop out more. Additional comment: I like the idea of using a jellyfish not gunna lie. Test quality: EXCEEDS EXPECTATIONS
  17. Name:Kami (Rodan/Byakko) Rank: SRIC/LCPL Time of LOA(MM/DD/YYYY): 10/1/2020-10/12/2020 Reason(Put Private if you do not wish to say): Private
  18. Name:Kami Rank:Senior Event Team Time of LOA(MM/DD/YYYY): 10/1/2020-10/12/2020 Reason(Put Private if you do not wish to say): Private
  19. Vlad. We've had our differences. You have given many reasons why to -support however. Today, I belive you deserve a +Support on this application. I've explained to you the reasons of my uncomfortness and you have respectively backed off and offically apologized for all the actions that led up to the point. you are EXTREMELY loyal to Research- as you have pushed passed every removal, every demotion, every PK. You have not given up. EVERYONE Starts rough. Just look at @Surge He got removed from Nu7 like 3 times. And now he's command. Everyone deserves a chance. And i believe you should be given one before everyone looks down at you without even seeing how you can thrive in command.
  20. Grade: 97/100 Information Gained/Questions Asked: 25/25 Information is at its peak! Torture Methods/Creativity: 25/25 There was no torture, yet your creativity in the writing was phenomenal Presentation: 25/25 I love all the colors you used for different people! Writing: 22/25 Some spelling errors. But you had a long written Interrogation! Interrogation quality: Exceeds Expectations Extra Notes: Great information gathering!
  21. Grade: 85/100 Information Gained/Questions Asked: 25/25 Seemed to gain a lot of Information on different branches about the Foundation. Torture Methods/Creativity: 25/25 Sometime the best torture is no torture Presentation: 20/25 Used Standard test Writing: 15/25 It would have been nice to see you asking each question in this writing. But you did get a lot of information. Interrogation quality: Exceeds Expectations Extra Notes: Great information gathering!
  22. I really appreciate being able to hang out with you. You made the best SET member and I'll really miss your events. I enjoy your time. and I hope to still hang out with you in the future. Good luck on your next life. Maybe one day you'll be able to come back.
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