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Kami- Amaterasu

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Everything posted by Kami- Amaterasu

  1. Hope to see you around Duke! Don't be a stranger!
  2. +/- Support +Seems like an interesting class to see around +Would allow Tech to get their level Class -I feel if Utility keep getting these combatant classes it'll be impossible for CI to raid LCZ- MTF is already loosing their activity, feels like their job is getting filled by Utility with these combatant classes. I understand fighting D class but allowing them to combat CI seems a bit farfetch. Especially with the balance issue of the whole Alpha being lower than this class
  3. https://docs.google.com/document/d/193ytdc1Y5gMvWtpeNbcl4nCiXu1pf82N3bricTDJis8/edit?usp=sharing
  4. Grade:88/100 Lore: 13/25 In Lore when 049 'Cures' a patient they couldn't be turned back into what they already were. Creativity: 25/25 I don't think anyone has come up with this idea so it quite interesting Presentation: 25/25 Writing: 25/25 The story along with the log is well written! Its pretty well done Test quality: Exceeds Expectations Keep up the good test logs and I look forward to seeing more in the future!
  5. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bmqusrNVQ6RXhwWgSeuQynX-_DOwNFdGA4SzGHZtUgE/edit?usp=sharing
  6. Name:Kami Rank:CPL Specialties (CE, FTO, Ranger):N/A SteamID:STEAM_0:1:60884699 How Active are you (1-10?): 3 Any Suggestions For Epsilon-11?: N/A
  7. +support Perhaps we could implement it being the highest on if there is no command on at the time.
  8. +support this will make a easier play though when raiding as CI. It'll assist staff to not have to worry about staying for another role while other sits pop up.
  9. Matt0 did the same thin when he was WO in Nu7 whats the shame in letting my researcher do it when a Military can? Waffle still is a respected researcher in RND I don't mind if he is taking a break for his other branch.
  11. ACCEPTED You will be invite to the discord. Please get in contact with an RND FTO Either there or In game
  12. Utility staff know their heads besides DoURS Basically they know who they report to as far as I know. But I agree with orange. Please stop harassing my Researchers. They are doing their best and I love them all, you bashing on them every single time is kinda just rude
  13. +Support Great man Was apart of A1 Before. and active on it Would be a great Guard
  14. This is a great app! Well thought out and I'm glad you applied ACCEPTED Contact an RND FTO In the Discord to get you trained!
  15. *Voided* was just escaped and trained so she's already apart of RND
  16. ACCEPTED Contact a Research FTO next time you are In Game
  17. In Game Name: Kami- Amaterasu Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:60884699 Job applying for (Medical - MEDIC + | Red Right Hand - ANY MTF RANK OR GENSEC COMMAND | Research - Researcher+): Medical If applying for Red Right Hand preferred O5 to guard: -9 or -2 How many Strikes do you have: 0 Why do you want to join the O5 staff team: When I had applied to be in A1 I had the same idea in mind. To be able to help my higher ups in the most honorable way I can; protecting them. I believe that this is another chance of doing the thing I love on the immense roleplay that comes with being by the O5's side. The roleplay that goes into protecting or assisting a higher rank allows extra roleplay scenarios pushes my eagerness of getting into the serious rp side of the SCP RP Server. I chose medical because I know that in some way, medical have their own code that adds more into the RP on why they are chosen by O5 themselves. Why should we accept you: I am known to be dedicated to the branch I eagerly push myself into. I know I'm the best choice for this job as I'm really well known to be both into the RP and into the lore of SCP. I've pushed myself pass the limits many times on the server and will continue to do so as long as I am apart of the community. I am willing to both assist and sacrifice anything I have to, in order protect the people I am in charge of protecting. I am creative in both writing and coming up with new ideas for Roleplaying scenarios. This shoves me to reach for something I know to be in my reach, as I am the perfect person for a job like this.
  18. Grade:80 Creativity: 30/35 Nice idea! perhaps it'll even make little 999s Presentation: 20/25 Its well presented however I suggest spacing after lines to make it look cleaner (It also allows for more pages ;)) Writing: 30/40 The capitalization could be fixed and theres a couple grammar errors Test quality: Standard Extra Notes: Seems like 999 is pretty explosive!
  19. Grade:90 Creativity: 30/35 Interesting Idea Presentation: 25/25 Writing: 35/40 Test quality: Good Extra Notes: Its quite interesting how 049 reacted to 682 when you brought him to them. Good log!
  20. ACCEPTED Contact a RND FTO in game to get you trained.
  21. Name : Kami Rank : JR How would you rate your activity? (1-10): 2
  22. NAME:Kami RANK:Medic Sub-Division:Junior Field Medic ACTIVITY (1-10, 1 being very inactive and 10 being very active):4 Anything you would want to see in medical:N/A Are you on the roster?:Yes
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