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Kami- Amaterasu

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Everything posted by Kami- Amaterasu

  1. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DqbiT9dUmbLaxjscdCtenQiNobzSvkVu/view?usp=sharing And so my Research Quest Begins
  2. +Support -Has a everlasting time in research -Would be great on the O5 staff
  3. You posted this in archives- I recommend changing that friend
  4. +Support Zero will be a great addition to the ET!
  5. In Game Name: Kami- Amaterasu Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:60884699 Job Applying For: Red Right Hand If applying for Red Right Hand Preferred O5 to Guard: N/A How Many Strikes Do You Have: 0 Why Do You Want To Join The O5 Staff Team?: I wish to be apart of the O5 Staff Team because I want to grow within the Foundation. With my experience in the server, I know that being apart of Red Right Hand will allow me to protect more then just the Foundation as a whole. For the past couple of weeks, I’ve been focused on creating an environment that feels safe and expands on the role play sense of the server. I will be able to expand more on this with the Red Right Hand position. Why Should We Accept You?: Ever since I changed my MTF Custom Class to “The CNTN Bot”, I’ve been very focused on making sure that not only the Foundation is safe, but the people within it. I am very dedicated to both the server and my job as an Mobile Task Force Unit. As a Red Right Hand, I can assure the safety of the Highest Foundation Personnel throughout the facility. I am confident that this position is right for me and that I will fill it very well. The fact that i'm applying for a different position in the O5 Staff proves my eagerness and dedication towards such a position.
  6. +support Creamy would be a great fit for O5 medical!
  7. In-Game Name: [GL] Kami- Amaterasu SteamID: STEAM_060884699 Current RP Rank In All Divisions: Omi9 SPC, E11 CPL, Senior Tech, Field Medic, and Associate Researcher How long have you been a Event Team Member: 2 Months Have you received any strikes: No How much time do you have on the server?: 5 Weeks and 2 Day How well do you know the SCP lore in general?: From all of the Lore I have researched for my Roleplay , I would say 9/10. I am very familiar with the SCP Lore. Why Do You WANT to Become a Senior Event Team Member?: As a Senior Event Team Member, it will assist me in making more widespread events along with allowing me to expand my Events to a new horizon. I will be able to go into more depth and show more variety in my events. I could make events that are able to involve the whole server within lore, instead of just a portion. Why Should You Be Trusted to Be a Senior Event Team Member?: In my time, my Event Team experience has been the greatest and most enjoyable part of my time on the server. I have been able to bring new light to some of the SCPs along with showing more lore-related knowledge to the server in a very fun way. This allows people to not only expand their knowledge of lore, but their character lore on the server. This is important because it keeps the server thriving with roleplay due to the unique characters and their lore that is developed. I've been a command member in Chaos Insurgency for over a month before resigning and many people have looked to me for assistance in that time. I am ready for the responsibility that comes with the rank as a Senior Event Team Member. With this new role, my events will be well recognizable. Have you mastered ULX?: Indeed Are You Experienced With Planning Mega Events?: I have yet to plan or run a Mega Event yet, however it is not something I would hesitate on planning. Everyone starts somewhere. Once I get started with writing a event, I do not stop and it is all uphill from there. Give An Example of a Mega Event: I honestly believe there can be a wide variety of things that could be called a 'Mega' Event. I would come up with an expansive storyline and do little events through either the week or even in a day that lead up to it, depending on how the story is, and do events based off the previous in a Continuous Event Story fashion. It will show the involvement of the server as a whole and will keep consistency throughout the story. What do you consider to be the best event you have ever created: In my Opinion, the best event I've ever done was my first SCP-990 event. It consisted of two parts. SCP 990 had warned the DoC of an upcoming flame and heat to the Foundation. Then, SCP-457 breached and caused a bit of flame to the LCZ and the staff had to extinguish the flames to end the chaos. What Is Your Total Amount of Events According to the "Events Hosted" Column on the Roster?: 24 Events How Active Can You Be: Fairly Active, 7/10
  8. I've been juggling a lot of roles throughout the server. I recently left my position at CI Command. I understand I've been mark inactive, however I know that I am ready to take up my role yet again In Medical.
  9. In Game Name: Kami- Amaterasu Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:60884699 Job Applying For: Medical How Many Strikes Do You Have?: 0 Why do You Want To Join The O5 Staff Team?: I know that I would make a great addition to the O5 Medical Team due to my care for the safety of the Foundation and it's staff. Since I have been active on the server for about half a year, the experience I've had qualifies me to be apart of the O5 Medical Team. With my time in the server, I know being apart of the O5 Medical Team will expand my aide to not only the Foundation, but to all of the people that run it. I care about the wellbeing of the SCP Foundation and the health and morale of it's faculty. I wish to spread the enthusiasm I have to offer to people throughout the server. I will ensure that the Foundation will be taken care of as a member of the O5 Medical Team. Why Should We Accept You?: I am a worthy candidate because of my loyalty and dedication to the Foundation and it's staff. I am a very trustworthy and caring person. I work well with others and I am extremely well known throughout the server and the Foundation. If accepted, I will take the role of a Leader and show my colleagues the way to a better future within the Foundation. I had tried to become a O5 Medical Staff once before, but was not accepted. Now that I have had more time to grow, I am ready for this responsibility.
  10. Name : Kami, Amik Branch(es) : Medical, Tech Rank(s) : JFM, Senior Tech How would you rate your activity? (1-10) 7 Any changes you would like to see: Probably more stuff to RP with in utility- but there is already a lot of RP with utility Any notes or questions: N/A
  11. IMO Anytime I play 079 and they decide to take a D class to my CC and offer me a challenger, I tend to accept. As in an RP scenario- Able would accept the challenge in killing a D class or MTF if they had offered it. +Support
  12. Tech I was CPL at the time but I still getchu
  13. Damn Jesus. You were great in command- Hope to see you more in the future
  15. Sigh, here come my tears. Heh, Anyways... “As the Sun rises, eventually, it will have to set on the day.” This time is now. It’s time that this star stops shining and rests for the night, however... do not fear. A moon will come and light up the night while the sun is away. There are a lot of tears as the sun will leave, but don’t cry for long; as well I’m sure it’ll be back at dawn. There is a lot to go into with me resting my light, however I’d prefer to leave on a happy note. No tears shed and no cries called. Sorry for my poetic resignation, but as a writer I need analogies to portray what I mean. I know that RND and CI will miss me- as I hell for sure miss them back. However a Sun must shine it's light on both sides eventually- and it’s time to do that now. This isn’t goodbye, I am not leaving forever, I’ll still be here keeping an eye from a distance. I’ll still be checking on logs and watching your progress. I’ll still be apart of the community which I call my family. However there are a few of you specifically I’d love to mention here. Skela- I have big plans for you with the CNTN so keep in check but; Ik you work a lot for Chaos and I look forward to watching it grow with you at the head. October- I loved your attitude and you always brought a smile to my face anytime we’d interact- don’t change ever “sir” Silver- You and I always ‘butted’ heads and I assure you that it isn’t over Propane- I plan to still be in the discord- so get ready for me to overtake your pancakes Jesus- haven’t seen you much as of late but you were a man of respect- someone to look up to. I hope you’re still here when I’m gone. Bazooka- I know you’ll do great for CI in command keep in there buddy Zone- don’t be down- I know how you feel. However you’ll show how great you’ll be, you just have to keep showing them the light you can shine. Rabbit- Thanks for keeping me pushing myself forward- honestly you’re the one I’ll miss the most. Sorry for leaving. . . You were really the one who kept my head strong . I'll still see you around berating me about my model or whatever. Nova- I know you’ve been busy- and you helped me a lot revive RND. I’ll miss you bud- I won’t forget ever running in and raiding just to get you out that one day when you come back to the branch, I hope to see you active and enjoying life Dang- Heh, there’s a lot. Don’t be discouraged on how people act around you- I know you’ll do great things for CI RND while I’m gone- you have wonderful ideas and I can’t wait to see them blossom. Saving my best for last: Comrade- My little star in the night. Don’t be discouraged alright? I know for damn well I’ll miss fucking with you but doesn’t mean I won’t be able to hop on and raid or watch you interrogate someone. You helped me a lot through my shit and assisted me in making an SOP and all that stuff. I know when you get up there you’ll do great for RND command. I’m ready to rest my light in this branch. And I know while I’m gone the moon will shine on the waters of Chaos. I’m not leaving because of any set reason, I just believe I’m ready to move on to something new. Perhaps one day I'll come back and see the light again
  16. Lore Name:Tsukuyomi Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:60884699 Rank: AR Activity Level: 4
  17. I'll quite miss your antics Tredvec- I didn't know you much but I knew you to be a fun kind of guy
  18. First log story about Alpha/Artifex Stay toon for the story https://docs.google.com/document/d/1AAIroGsxr5oxRZVffsXJhdIVn-sBIpPmT_eKeQRDPcI/edit?usp=sharing
  19. First foundation test- Will be working on a own format however until I get my Lore for my character up this is what I have. https://docs.google.com/document/d/15xp5QxP2BhjaHOl-Uu2KRDyk-woZl9h2GKiv7O3UU14/edit?usp=sharing
  20. Accepted! Ask an RND FTO To train you in the discord!
  21. +Support He came up with mini event within rp while he's on Researcher. I believe he'd be a good addition to the Event Team.
  22. Name:Kami Rank:Member Time of LOA(MM/DD/YYYY):05/13/2020-05/25/2020 Reason(Put Private if you do not wish to say): been to busy to be able to set up events. Need the LOA to get my schedule fixed up before I do more events
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