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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Rektify

  1. -Support. Reasons above. Not much else to say.
  2. I wish we could have had more encounters. It was fun every time you came on and I won't forget the time where we were tiny, FEST fishes and we owned the site. You were also a huge help in helping me get where I am now so thank you, Munchies. Take care of yourself and be sure to always become better than what you are now.
  3. +Support -Nice application chief. -Sounds like someone who is passionate about the community. -Reasons above.
  4. Ive tried the hitreg.. my goodness. I'm not even sure if a buff to damage would help all that much but sure why not. +Support
  5. From my own point of view, when I hopped on, I saw a D class sitting on a chair that you spawned in. That's already one rule you infringed upon. I stood behind you and watched as you aimed your physgun into upper D block and, in MY perspective, you were about to throw him up there before I grabbed you. When I asked you "what are you doing?" multiple times over and over, you said "Uh." "Nothing :_:" It's staff discretion to give you a warning and, if it wasn't prop minging, it was at least spawning props as D class.
  6. +Support Manager @Sixx get this man outta here!
  8. +Support You know what? I think you deserve a chance at staffing and I'm glad you kept putting in an application. Really showed your desire and commitment for it.
  9. As the man who beats you w/ a baton... I am the big sad.
  10. Ciao amigo! I'll tell you when you come back!
  11. +Support Even though they'll be easier to crack, I believe that it will hopefully engage in RP situations more.
  12. Rektify

    Ape- Warn appeal

    I was in teamspeak with him when he was telling us about giving you a verbal warning. I'm not sure how many he gave but one should have been enough.
  13. @RangiateaPlease dont tell me this is your work...
  14. @Osiris Ah, yes you are correct pardon. I didn't look at it clearly. +Support. Although I believe many people should get another chance, an SMT member decided that you are out of chances. Good luck man ^^.
  15. I definitely remember you Osiris. I appreciate that you took your time to write an apology note to the staff team and genuinely, I think you should definitely be given a chance. Luckily for you, according to the ban Hoovy gave you, you were banned on February 20 for 6 months. As of right now, it is August 16. Meaning your ban should be lifted in 4 days anyways so I'd say just wait it out man. You're almost there. -Support
  16. -Support Aside from the reasons above, I see this becoming an issue for staff for lots of RDMs. Suppose a D-Class shoots an officer at/on the ledge from lower D-Block and the officer fires back. They may mistake an innocent D-Class as the instigator and kill him.
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