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Hannah last won the day on April 27 2020

Hannah had the most liked content!

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  1. major +support fearp should have never been changed to i dont know what benefits this rule even has just a chance for crims to negev cops down ig
  2. +support month ban is much needed hopefully after this he will learn his lesson
  3. -support this defeats the whole point of roleplay just demote them
  4. my Harley Quinn class more op than those departments
  5. plus they like to minge around when no judge on
  6. +major support imagine bullying a 10 year old tbh this toxic attitude should never be allowed on gaming light and its server sad to see this shit mass disrespect to soul to tbh he should get a temp ban
  7. ill miss you so much freeze thank you for everything you have done for this department
  8. thats a lie i thought my custom class was your first one!!! jk calamity its sad to see you retire thank you for your service in this communty and i hope you enjoy your reserves!
  9. +support if there is away to up the sound
  10. I like you cj but even if you didn't have umc in your name you shouldn't be doing any of this stuff and just say if you did remove umc from your name you are still repping that family I do think you should be warned and it isn't up to me but maybe a temporary suspection from umc
  11. So my computer broke down and I am kinda done with computer gaming  right now as I went though like 3 or 4 so I think I am done with this game also 

    @Freeze thank you for being such a good commander of swat I know you do not get that enough but I appreciate everything you do 

    @[GL] Mikey thank you for everything! 

    Voxis   thank you so much for being such a perfect boyfriend to me  I love you so much hopefully we can have fun on PS4 one day 

    @Ender omg I seen you grow up so fast and maturing as you ranked up though swat you really remember my self when I was very dedicated don't give up like what I did you can get pass this 


    @frog milk can't for get your ass you are one of the chillist and funniest people on the server you made my day so many times  

    @Phil   there's to much to say but the memory's we had were so amazing and you are such a good commander !

    Everyone else If I missed you just know I'll miss you this is my final 10-07 ✌️

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Phil


      Vro ngl tis a sad day, always sucks to see one OG ive known for like 2yrs go 😭

    3. Ghosted


      Sad to see someone who has been with the community so long leave. We need to do an AWP duel some day whenever your ready to comeback to PC gaming.

    4. 𝙁𝙧𝙚𝙚𝙯𝙚


      Honestly sucks to see you go Hannah. Thanks for the many fun years on SWAT and in the Yuki family. Hope to see you soon again.

      Take care ❤️

  12. that word is so over used and old
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