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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/24/2018 in all areas

  1. I'm a little disappointed that video shows you guys being so rude to the guy even though he may be in the wrong it doesn't mean you should be dissing him. You guys are staff you need to handle it a little bit more courteous than what you did here. In my opinion, the punishment was given however this is not my server so I can't really say on behalf of PRP SMT.
    2 points
  2. Yea idk I'm still thinking of buying VIP+ just never got around to it either...
    2 points
  3. Hello Everyone So now we are heading closer to the end of the month and nearly in October. I am appealing to those in this community that make incredible props for something special. On the 11/11/18 it will be 100 years since the guns fell silent on the western front during the First World War. The end of a bloody 4 year war that killed millions and brought the collapse of monarch's and empires, forever changing the world and moving us to the modern age. The symbol of remembrance used in the commonwealth nations is the poppy. The only flower that would grow on those warn-torn fields between the shell craters and bodies. Originally to remember those that served, injured or killed during the First World War. Now symbolizes those that served in many wars throughout past 200 years including; World War 2, Korean War, North Ireland, Falkland war and many other conflicts involving Commonwealth nations. I make this appeal so early to give you guys enough time to build. As a lover of history and long family history in the military, this is something I am passionate about. I am planning on making a small service on 11/11/18 to commemorate this special date. I would like the community to help me and create props to use during the service to show respect to service men and women that are serving or have served including those from; UK, USA, Australia, Canada and New Zealand. If you are interested in this small project and would like to help, feel free to respond to this post or send a message on the forums or come see me on the TS! You don't have to make a prop, simply sharing family stories of the war or your own unique way of remembrance is encouraged. This event will be held in-game and anyone is welcome to come along, although this event will not be very long. It will include last letters of soldiers killed in war, poems, songs, history and a 2 minute silence. More details will be published at a later date in this post, including whether to repeat the event later in the day for US people. Image of a poppy:
    1 point
  4. Still Waiting on this Snarlax
    1 point
  5. Your In-game: Midget Warlord Your SteamID: STEAM_1:0:132108298 The player's name in-game: CERT Col Garry Kim (he's well known, should know him) The player's steam name (If you know it): I do not know, but as I said before, he's well known, so it's probably known. What did the player do: Clearly broke the Mustard Gas Guidelines, and Gassed a Hostage situation. Evidence (REQUIRED): https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1517529225 This one shows the Hostage moments before the gas https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198224482324/screenshot/963098188612497501 The situation being gassed https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198224482324/screenshot/963098188612497732 Screenshot of both Commander's names, and of course, both have the gas... HOWEVER: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198224482324/screenshot/963098188612497973 A bit of deductive Reasoning, meaning that the Director is clearly dead and at Hospital, not the gas station, leaving Kim the only one with gas, and the only one to have thrown the gas grenade. What do you believe should happen to the player: I have no idea, I know he is a well known and respected member of the community, and I know him as well, but he clearly broke a rule, and should be punished for it, regardless of status among the community. Any extra information: Shots were fired at the scene, but last I checked, using gas is still not allowed, even if negotiations are off. You have to fight it out like any normal situation.
    1 point
  6. Major +++ Support -Very mature -Active -Knows rules -Handles situations very well -Respectful -Responsible -Helps/Trains other officers -Leads department very well -Good Luck Ruinz- P.s. Forgot I made a comment on your app already oh well lol.
    1 point
  7. + Support Good feedback from active PD members Very helpful Professional and mature Hoopla!!!!!
    1 point
  8. +Support Active member of the community (TS, In-game & on the forums) Mature and professional Great communication skills Very approachable and always willing to help out Application is to a sufficient standard
    1 point
  9. +support Extremely disrespectful and he's not really part of UMC.
    1 point
  10. Pretty stupid. SMH ill just go smoke cigs and die.
    1 point
  11. +support Great guy and deserving of the rank Great effort Active Good luck m8
    1 point
  12. +SUPPORT - Active - Great Application - Friendly To ALL Players - Deserves a chance! Good Luck!
    1 point
  13. +Support -Well Known -Active -Good Application -Helpful Overall I believe That you deserve this. Good Luck bud!
    1 point
  14. -support You had well over 3+ people inside of the general store robbery. No negotiations were attempted from you or your fellow robbers. When I had arrived on scene, shots were immediately fired. When shots are being fired, negotiations are off. The CERT trooper and the CERT commander were the only ones there at the time of the robbery and we were outnumbered. I then made the decision to move in. I believe I made the right decision because we were heavily outnumbered and needed a way to deescalate the scene. No rule was broken. Tell your friends not to shoot during a hostage situation and I'll be glad to negotiate with you. ?
    1 point
  15. - Support From the feedback I had heard, I am -Supporting it.
    1 point
  16. Yep. Shots fired = negations are off.
    1 point
  17. -support people were shooting therefore negotiations were off. and there were more than enough people to throw gas I dont think he should have gassed a hostage though. i guess there was no other option since you cant negotiate if people are just going to shoot at you.
    1 point
  18. -support there were 11 armed suspects and they shot before negotiations even began we didnt know what to do it was just me and garry so we did what we believe is right and I even asked a PD COL they said its allowed
    1 point
  19. HUGE +Support for Ruinz, he is a great CPT and deserves to become a Major!!!
    1 point
  20. +Support Activity in-game and TS is decent. Professional and mature. Nice and friendly. Assists officers and supervises them correctly. Application is good but would be nice if there is more effort. Good enough time to apply for Major. Fit and ready for the Major rank. We are currently lacking Majors right now and it would be great if we have more Majors. Best of luck. -Colonel Dane
    1 point
  21. There are are 2 main things wrong with this report. - False Claims - You claim that @Milip had no other admin call and this is true but what if he was flying around and saw someone RDM someone else or saw a cop randomly taze someone and was occupied. What if he had to go to the bathroom for a second, you know like humans do. There is a lot of "what if" here so when you are not 100% sure about anything then do accuse. - You fail to provide what happened before he "brought" you - If you were already down there then it is only fair for him to take you back. You have to RP your way out From what I can see you guys were speeding or something and you crashed into the ravine. You then called staff to get you out and got mad when he didn't. RP it out if you are bad at driving slow down. This just seems as you got mad because you didn't want to walk all the way to the hill to go up the ramp. That's all I see here. You also claimed that he left "you and kiki" but then you state that you found kiki at the bottom soooooo. Let's see why... Not a fact just an assumption. As a mod you should know to go by facts and not assumptions you made up yourself. There is no actual evidence he was ignoring the call. They failed to go on TS and speak to him or go see what he was doing or anything. You do not know if he was busy or not or if he went out of his computer for a quick drink or to use the toilet. Please refrain from making assumptions that could possibly hurt someone else in the future go by facts not by assumptions. He does not have to. Mistakes happen. When you bring someone by mistake you just do !return @ and you go back to whatever it is that you were doing. No need to get mad about that. As a Mod I am sure you have brought people by mistake and just returned them, it is something that is bound to happen. But you already said to get him demoted... And then say this. Again not a fact it was staff abuse this is just an assumption you made up in your own head. Your reply to me seems more biased than actually looking at and analyzing the evidence given. Seems like either you don't like Milip or you like Biscuits more. You made assumptions on someone and said that they should get demoted without proper evidence. This I take to a heart because people work hard for their position and to be undermined and overlooked like this is not right. Please look over everything carefully before saying someone should get demoted like that. THEN WHY REPLY!!!!!! AND SAY SUCH THINGS ABOUT SOMEONE WITHOUT LOOKING AT THE EVIDENCE CORRECTLY!!!!! Thank you
    1 point
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