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CHIKENs Goodbye


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Well shit lets be honest we all saw this day coming. I started playing in this community in early 2017 and I never thought I would stay to become a dedicated player on here nor did I ever even think about donating. Ive had a lot of fun on here and I would just like to thank Zeeptin for truly starting one of the best garrys mod communities. I've been on a lot of servers and GL is definitely one of the best on garrys mod and i think it particularly because of you as the owner. Its weird because even know i knew this would happen at some point, I still feel pretty hurt over it. Its probably just because I got banned when I was actually trying my hardest to improve on my negative qualities. I would like to apologize to Will Newel,Jeffe, and Blitzon. I'm sorry i failed you guys i know how hard it was for you guys to get me into SRT but i really was trying my hardest and having fun with it at the same time. I would also like to apologize to Fame and Snar for always being a pain in their ass when it came to reports on me and just dealing with me in general. I'm really really going to miss all you guys, I have made some many friends and met some many people through out my time on GL and though some have been negative a fat majority of them have been positive.

I tried my best to appeal it and everything but now that there’s no hope for me coming back i hope everyone’s has a good rest of there life.

I love you all


Edited by CHIKEN
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Damn... You don't have to apologize to us Chiken. We saw your change, you got so much better in SRT and all of us our proud of you! I'm sorry that it had to come to this... I'm gonna be honest too, up until I truly started to meet you through SRT, I WANTED you banned, I WANTED you to leave, to give up, but it was out of blind spite and stories, and for that I'm sorry as well. The one time I don't want something to happen, something happens. Take care Chiken, and I mean that, enjoy life beyond what this community could ever give you.

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- SRT Commander Blitzton 1K67 - PD MSGT Blitzton 1C67 - Future Pilot -


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Love you bro thanks for the good times i love you a lot no homo but you will be missed a lot and thanks for this op base it sucks i cant pay you to make more bases. You were one of the best people to base with and rp with and your a really shot and good person sucks to see you go brother. Your one of the srt out there and most funny people and fun to play with. Love you bro. Hit me up to play csgo or something.

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please appeal the  ban chiken we can't lose you!!!   you were changing for  the  better  please...

you didn't fail anyone chiken you did   one hell of a job for srt you  seemed really happy as well   

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                        SWAT PVT Hannah XR39-CPL Hannah King  XC65 - Hannah King 



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1 hour ago, Blitzton said:

Damn... You don't have to apologize to us Chiken. We saw your change, you got so much better in SRT and all of us our proud of you! I'm sorry that it had to come to this... I'm gonna be honest too, up until I truly started to meet you through SRT, I WANTED you banned, I WANTED you to leave, to give up, but it was out of blind spite and stories, and for that I'm sorry as well. The one time I don't want something to happen, something happens. Take care Chiken, and I mean that, enjoy life beyond what this community could ever give you.


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CHIKEN, thank you for everything you did. Although no one saw it you have changed.  As Blitzon said, I hate it had to go to this point of you getting permabanned. So sad I couldn't do anything to keep this from happening because you had changed in attitude massively. I mean at the end of the day, it's a gaming community. Hope the road leads you to a great place, I am going to miss you CHIKEN.

Edited by Logan


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It’s unfortunate that It had to end this way. Chiken. Honestly, you are one of the only people who I can sit here and say knows how it feels to legitimately get targeted by other members and staff, other than myself. I’ve been there too, and it sucks. It breaks my heart to see OG’s going out like this, and even though you were banned, I still thank you for playing on our servers and Supporting PoliceRP for the longest time. Through its Ups and Downs, you stuck with PoliceRP, and you never gave up on it, no matter how mad you got at it, it’s staff, or it’s players. I will always respect you for that, Chiken. Thanks for being who you are and I hope to still see you around in my discord. Again, sorry this happened. 



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2 hours ago, Hannah King said:

please appeal the  ban chiken we can't lose you!!!   you were changing for  the  better  please...

you didn't fail anyone chiken you did   one hell of a job for srt you  seemed really happy as well

  We had good memories and I don't want it to end now!!!! 


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I have had quite a lot of experiences with chiken most good, I also have enjoyed playing with him weather or not it was on SRT or criminal. It was always enjoyable to play with him. Some may have considered him a minge but I feel like during this past week Chiken has been making great effort to improve peoples opinions, he has been playing  a lot of government and not causing trouble, he also apologized for the beef he started with the king family. I feel if SMT where to give him a second chance and allow him some sort of probation period where he cant get warned in a certain amount of time I also think if he was given a second chance im sure he would continue to change positively.

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4 hours ago, Blitzton said:

Damn... You don't have to apologize to us Chiken. We saw your change, you got so much better in SRT and all of us our proud of you! I'm sorry that it had to come to this... I'm gonna be honest too, up until I truly started to meet you through SRT, I WANTED you banned, I WANTED you to leave, to give up, but it was out of blind spite and stories, and for that I'm sorry as well. The one time I don't want something to happen, something happens. Take care Chiken, and I mean that, enjoy life beyond what this community could ever give you.

4 hours ago, Hannah King said:

please appeal the  ban chiken we can't lose you!!!   you were changing for  the  better  please...

you didn't fail anyone chiken you did   one hell of a job for srt you  seemed really happy as well   

Man i will miss you, and please appeal that ban Chiken.

🤪You know who I am,

unless you don't.🤪

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I'm gonna miss all the times we were on criminal together. It was fun Rping with you man! I will miss you.........

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PoliceRP I Head Admin I PD: Colonel I Retired SWAT Commander Deputy Sheriff 

ImperialRP I Retired Grand Inquisitor 47th Battalion I Chimaera Legion I

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I’m really gonna miss you bro. Please come around TeamSpeak sometimes.  Also I’d appreciate a carry on apex on the occasion hehehe. 

One thing, you are definitely not a failure in my eyes. It was unfortunately a series of events that lead up to the moment. You were on the right path which was completely ignored by most people.  

Hopefully when people get their senses back you can come back to policerp someday. 


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I'll actually miss you Chiken.  We had finally had a decent in game relationship, joking around and what not.  You finally started to improve and become a good member...I'm sorry it wasn't seen that way.

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Sad to see another OG gone. But thanks for the great times, Chiken. It is very sad to see you go. You left a great impact on the community through RP and your amazing skills with the negev, (a true god), so thank you.

Sad to see you go. 


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