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[GL] Mike

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Everything posted by [GL] Mike

  1. I was told all of these were suggestions and to post them here
  2. Nu7 Operative This job is supposed to be 125 100 but for some reason it is at 100 125 Nu7 Hammer and Sickle Unit Needs the ability to change Defcons (Was told to put it here instead of where I originally put it) Nu7 Officer Ability to Whitelist for Nu7 Field Expert Give the job a Level 4 Keycard to allow them to participate in Interrogations with HSU Give them cross_arms_infront_swep Nu7 Commander Ability to blacklist from Nu7 Juggernaut and Nu7 Recontainment Specialist if possible. Specialty Changes Nu7 Field Expert Give them cross_arms_swep Nu7 Medic Give them cross_arms_swep Nu7 Close Range Specialist Give them cross_arms_infront_swep
  3. People never consider the lag. . . Rag dolls can straight crash the server or even 75% of the time cause lag. I'm sure this would work if the rag dolls FROZE themselves but if they cant do that im gonna have to say no chief. -Support
  4. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO IM IN FUCKING TEARS BRO HOW COULD YOU DO THIS ;-; On an unrelated note you still want my luch pics bb?
  5. Minging should be left in bunks. The MOMENT you leave bunks you are in an RP environment unless you are in a training, doing PT, or stated otherwise by staff/MOTD. While yes, Surge in this situation should have called an AOS before a KOS we should be using Maynard as a prime example. In RP we know that Maynard is a foundation Doctor, nothing else. If we constantly call AOS/KOS on Maynard for killing people should we not do the same for other foundation doing that same thing? Maynard is command, thats the short end of it. In RP we have no reason to think he is a spy UNTIL he does something that reveals his true intentions. If that Security was attacking another security should we not react the same way we do to Maynard? An AOS should have been called yes Me as a Staff thinks a Formal warn really should not have happened as he was in no way breaking the MOTD. RDM = Random Death Match, It was not Random if Surge was protecting his Command. Best I can do is point at the fact that the moment they left bunks and started attacking each other they were engaged in ACTIVE RP. Doesnt matter if they were minging or not. Im gonna +Support DUE TO THE FACT, that this was not random and it had RP reasoning behind the attack.
  6. I mean they arent GOOD Models but the model size is small. but im gonna go -Support
  7. -Support its already too strong Dual Barretas have 15 in a single mag 15+15=30. They also do a lot of damage if you hit your shots. Smoke isnt even allowed on CC's so Not sure about that one. Medkits just add ANOTHER class that can heal this is just overall too powerful
  8. +/- Support While buffing 939 is a good idea 5000 is WAYYY to much. We should do 3k for EACH 939 so it would equal to 6k. 3.5k is still a tad bit to much as 3.5+3.5 = 7k Total which would make it near equal to 682. 939 is a Keter but it's not 682 so here are some better options 1. Raise HP to 3k 2. Make it to where the tranqable HP is 1.5k 3. Allow 939 to kill people for opening doors next to them as it would make noise 4. Make 939 SWEP do more damage as of right now it takes 3 Hits to kill my 225 225 Commander job and 2 Hits for my 200 200 HSU Class. -Support for 5k HP but if any of these options are used I'll change it to a +Support ^
  9. Beanz has the right Idea full support from me.
  10. +Support All this does is make us lose player count and doesn't benefit us in anyway lets honestly just get rid of it.
  11. Completely unnecessary to do we get offended because Novah did a lot for Nu7 and then someone who barely knew the guy comes on here and says this? Honestly stuff like this is why people leave the server and when we go onto branch relations that also means member relation. Stuff like this isn't why we are the best GL Server it's moments where we come together as a Community and work on things together. Honestly Cloaker the way to go isn't this way and if I were you I'd change that real quick. Or else no-one will remeber you in the long run. People mention Cloaker and they will say "Oh that one guy that reported Zeeptin" and then they go on their way. I WILL NOT tolerate this in Nu7 if I EVER see this again I will be sure that Novah wont be the only one that's leaving Nu7. But the difference is people will remember Novah as a good person.
  12. Name: Mike Rank: Member Time of LOA(MM/DD/YYYY): 7/26/20 - 8/8/20 Reason(Put Private if you do not wish to say): Gotta push activity out during my Commander trial period so I do well
  13. ummmmmmmmmmmm. No Evidence Provided? -Support?
  14. Name: Kade Rank & Callsign: LCPL, XA20 SteamID: Will grab later today on my phone rn. Discord: [GL]Mike#7583 Divisions: Longshot, Sawbones Activity: 9-10 Suggestions: Nothing we're doing great right now!
  15. Changes look good to me. Not to good not to bad. Ill change my -Support to a +Support
  16. Here we go. I dont want to start anything in this thread so if you have issues with what I say DM it instead of posting it here. I don't wanna be this person but if this gets accepted my branch will have no relevance. I dont think RCF needs to be removed. It should be revised, i dont think RCF is bad enough to get deleted. All of your jobs beat my Nu7 Operative, Medic, FE, and CRS. While your OPERATIVE mind the fact this is an operative. Beats My Officers and HSU. While your Overseer is better than my Commander. I understand if I receive hate for posting this but this is just my honest opinion. I dont want this to get accepted. Nor do I want it denied, I think it should be slightly changed to be a Security Job instead of an MTF SF Job. Instead of Making an entire new subdivision just change RCF have an ACTUAL sit down with your SA and High Command even maybe with your Senior Command. Change things, Revise SOP's add less restrictions. Don't make it impossible for Class-D or Even CI to have the chance to live or actually raid. If you guys wanna add something new that's fine. But this isn't the way to go with this. I'm looking from the View that this is more appealing than any MTF branch and if that happens to be the Case our numbers drop a lot. RCF just needs more attention and better guns than Riot Control or Sniper. The reason for it not being played isnt because it has no purpose. Its because it isnt looked after by High Command but instead thrown to the Heads of it to manage everything. We as High Command are Overseer's if we see an issue we address it as fast as possible. If my Subdivisions weren't doing well I wouldn't just remove them. I'd lower Rank requirements, Loosen up armory restrictions, try and buff the job. Not just delete it or Overly Buff it. Y'all had the opportunity to give RCF MAJOR Changes but instead we just delete it as a whole? Final Message: This in its current state doesnt seem like security but more of an MTF. If it was given: A. Less Total HP Pool. B. Not SF Grade Weaponry. C. A Revamp of RCF instead of a whole removal. It may have had a +Support from me but as of now it is a -Support.
  17. Does this sit better now? Im trying to make it fair for My Branch and CI so if it needs more changes let me know.
  18. Travar is a fantastic choice! Even with little time on the server I've seen him develop so much! He's great at combat and Good at RP HUGE +SUPPORT -OH1
  19. We are working out the issue of giving it such a good gun but we a few ideas.
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