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[GL] Mike

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Everything posted by [GL] Mike

  1. Nu7 Officer. Spawns with Level 3 needs Level 4 Needs to be able to whitelist to field expert. Nu7 Field Expert Spawns with Level 4 needs Level 3 Keycard.
  2. Man I wrote this at 4 am work with me
  3. If you guys dont know I joined gaminglight on 8/21/2019 and It's been a blast so far! This community really is something else and no wonder I've wanted to stick around for so long. All of the people on this server helped me stick through some tough times and I've been in many branches! I first joined Technical on 8/21/2019 trained by DOU Hoovy and boy was that a fun day I got to screw around and even have some fun times. About 2 Days later I joined Epsilon-11 for the first time under the command of Blackstone. Blackstone promoted me to PFC on my first day for saying "Good luck on your test." I then played on E11 till the ran of MSGT and left it for A1, I was double promoted by DoC Catsro and A1 Commander Arium. I was also around for the day Blackbeard retired from DoC sad times. At around 9/27/19 I was promoted to Engineer in Tech by AHOT Reaper and I promoted a Junior Tech Named Roy to Technician. That Technician then changed his name to Beanz. Beanz was flying through ranks and was soon an Engineer and I was a Lead Engineer. Beanz and I would always hang out and do some awesome RP events with other Tech on until one day the DOU came to us saying he received a letter about how good we are doing and I was Promoted to Tech Manager and Beanz was promoted to Lead Engineer. About a month flies by and Im playing Left for Dead 2 with A1 COL Victus when I reccomend to AHOT Pure that Beanz should get moved up to Tech Manager. At that very next utility Meeting Beanz was promoted to Tech Manager and we were both finally the same rank. Another Week or Two goes by and at a Command Meeting it finnaly happens. Beanz gets Moved up to AHOT and I was so happy that someone who could lead Tech into a bright future took the position I decided to put more time into E11 and got Low Command there getting promoted to 2LT. I then resigned from Technical sadly leaving it in good hands with Beanz. I passed my Trial Period and got moved up to 1LT and shortly afterwards Beanz was made the DDoU! We all were extremely excited to see what he could do. About another month goes by and I get promoted to CPT in E11 but then E11 Commander Gh0pit decides to Promote me to MAJ and Beanz who was also in E11 got 1LT. We both on the next day were captured by man who went by the name of Corner. Little did we know that was Corners last Day and he resigned. Beanz soon also resigned in E11 to Focus more on Utility. A Week after, I wake up one day to something I though I would only see in my dreams, I was Made an E11 COL skipping over the LTCOL spot! It was a fantastic moment I wish I could've shared with Gh0pit but he resigned a Day or Two before that. Sadly part way through my time as COL we lost another great man, Fool resigned and Nu7 was left in the hands of Bread and Novah who went on to do extremely good things! After 3 Months of extreme fun on E11 I decided my time there was over and I transferred to Nu7 getting a MAJ position, I made E11 great with Gio's help now it's time to put my help somewhere else. About 20 Days of me being in Nu7 I get offered a Vice Commander Position and I accepted it. I was helping to the best of my ability trying to keep everything nice and our activity up. I had some amazing help from Novah, Pixel, and Bread! They are all amazing people and I wish Novah would've been around later but the 48 Hours came up and Novah moved over to ImpRP which I still have mad respect for btw you helped make Nu7 great. Pixel was moved up to COL as soon as Novah resigned and after 4 Days of that happening I was moved up to Commander of Nu7 and I've been doing my hardest since to keep the branch up and Running. Gaminglight has been amazing over this year and im hoping we can stick together as a community and grow to keep it going for another one. Some Mentions I have- Giovanni - Helped me Make E11 Great and moved on to CI. A person who is always nice to hang around! Kami - Hella fun RP 24/7 and a Great Command Member! Gh0pit - Was an amazing E11 Commander and an even better detective! Skela - The talks we have are always nice and I see you going really far! Curtis - Helped out a ton when I was E11 COL sad that life got in the way when you got High Command. Zeus - Even with your timezone differences you still amaze me with how active you can be! Th3 - The fact that you came back to help your branch is amazing and I appreciate you for that! Rang - Stop Kidnapping me pls sir. Really though fun guy but dont get to know him to well or kidnappings are often. Blackstone - I was so sad to see you go and I was hoping to enjoy more time in E11 with you! Bog - When you resigned after training me for FTO I felt so special I was the last person you trained! Hoovy - Is always the impostor and never has a say about it. Igneous - Jack is the impostor obviously Danny - Absolute Mad man, Leader of the wallet warrior guild. Daedran - Was a fantastic Omi-9 COL and a Great DoC hope life isnt to hard on you. Blackbeard - An absolute cutie man, Great guy but kinda smells. Sinnik - You know what you did and it's hella funny. Catsro - DoC from CI? Pog champ that was good though you were great! Dogz - Site Director 682 Beanz - Fantastic Man Words can't describe how great you are keep it up! Bread - You do a lot of work and a lot of us appreciate you thanks! Some more mentions I have - Swole, Pixel, MattO, Travar, Bacon, Badaim, Watkin, Comrade, Boozle, Silver, Crabbo, Drip, Alex Donwood, Zone, Camo, Creamey, Jay, Phill, Jaco (Utility One), Mint, October, Propane, Kuma, Mindstone, Pie, Stale, Comrade, Doggom and tons more! I love all of you and thanks for an amazing year!
  4. This would be so hard to manage as Staff and also I dont think this should be a rule. The server isnt gonna always be 100% RP Friendly. An Example is: 096 is able to be stopped by closing a checkpoint on him, or 682 Being shot and then tranq'd or even 939 not being able to kill someone whom they run into. Ah you get my point. -Support
  6. Cause of the fact that's its blatant diss and he tries to put it off with "Other people do it so I can do" pretty much.
  7. +Support I think Kilo has grew as a person and developed his maturity enough to not only gain CPT but has gained my trust to join RRH Good Luck Man! -OH1 RRH Mike
  8. It is staff's choice but I feel sparkle could've just said "Thanks for helpin but next time just call staff as Class-D aren't allowed to spawn props."
  10. Im so sorry Mint sir I wont do it again. It doesnt need OOC cause you only have to make the ticket and staff do the rest you dont have to be involved anymore.
  11. I'll say this from my side. Ash will not be punished as all he did was record and post the video. He wasnt even the person involved in spreading this besides putting up a DNT request which I shut down. As for the others involved. The way they were keeping the situation going is unacceptable and completely not needed I will be punishing them and they wont enjoy the talk we are going to have. (I'm talking about on the Nu7 Standpoint btw not Staff/Server that's SMT's decision.)
  12. I know im gonna get some flack for this but. . . All I see ash doing is recording. Ash saying "We would need hacks" and "We dont have hacks" isnt the thing that made him cry. If I can get the names of the CMD that was actually saying those other things I could punish him. Please dont make a report on evidence we cant really use. A thumbnail and "We have witnesses" is never able to be used as a witness could be biased. I understand frustration and anger what I dont understand is why you reported the person who did the most minimal thing? Recording is bad yes but he didnt make jeff cry. He didnt even try to continue it. The people who said: "that's a you problem" and "Calm the fuck down". need to be punished but I cant do anything about a person who "wont be named" +Support on the others getting punished. -Support on Ash getting punished.
  13. Job Name: Red Right Hand Job Model: Remove Model: models/player/suits/robber_tuckedtie.mdl Add Model: models/player/test/t_guerilla.mdl Job Description: Mobile Task Force Alpha-1 "Red Right Hand" is a Special Task Force designed to be the direct Assistants/Guards to the O5 Council. They are Clearance Level 4 and may Escort O5 Research as well as the Council Themselves. Job Weapons: Remove Weapon: tfa_m416 Add Weapon: tfa_csgo_ak47 Job Salary: Same Job HP: 200 Job Armor: Same
  14. We are the Only MTF Officer that does not have access to the Level 4 Keycard. HSU aren't always on so it could fix that Issue
  15. He is no longer in Nu7 so his app is pretty much invalid at this point.
  16. I gotta try and focus on School and Staff I just cant make Quota anymore. Sorry Y'all. Loved my time here!
  17. The SWEPS are there because Omicron-9 Sub Divisions have them. I am just asking for them I dont actually need them if it is a pain to do.
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