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[GL] Mike

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Everything posted by [GL] Mike

  1. Name: Godzilla Rank: SRIC Discord ID: Mike.#2480 Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:209339952 Ideas for CI: None How do you think command is doing; if you are command how do you think you are performing?: I just got command. I saw other Low Command as idols so they were doing damn well.
  2. Sorry but im going to have to -Support. 1. Your first option allows for D-Class to easily stock up on materials then eventually they can just craft guns and armor back and forth without having to take time and mine the materials again. That will EASILY screw gensec over because they wont have time to get healed and get reformed to deal with it again. 2. There is currently a suggestion to rebalance the economy. You can already make more than enough with the current sell prices of mining the X1.5 boost will only screw up the economy more and more tell they are FORCED to do a reset because of how much money people would have. These both sound good on paper but if they are implemented into the server I can only see them causing extra issues SMT doesnt need right now. Issues: Screwed Economy, an Unbalanced D-Block, General Server Unbalance.
  3. What are you suggesting? - Buff the Skull Staffs Damage to 65 or 70 How would this change better the server? - It makes a limited edition collectible item the equivalent to the previous ones and equal to the always available CSGO Knives, or Golf Club. I've heard a lot of people say its not worth the purchase and after using it I can tell it needs to do a little bit more damage. (60 is it's current damage i'm only suggesting a 5 or 10 Damage increase) As of now im using the golf club for more combat purpose and the staff for looks instead of actual combat. Golf Club current damage - 75 Hammer Damage - 80 Scythe - 75 CSGO Knives - 80 Front, 110 Backstab Pan - 75 (I think) Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - It would make securities job a little bit harder but other than that not much. Who would this change mostly benefit? - Anyone who owns it. Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion - N/A
  4. They dont spawn there because its not an official spawn like CI Spawn or Gamma/SIgma Spawn.
  5. Zeus the issue is is that they cant see they are glitched. They had zero clue that they were engaging in combat while glitched so they believe they should not have been warned for an issue they could not have prevented. +Support
  6. Must be R&D Command to view this Document Not having the correct rank required to view this can and will result in disciplinary action. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BmvAln-zBx3PIfQNvewbyofMRLeJDpB_HCMG15ekkCU/edit?usp=sharing You have been warned
  7. I'm sorry Apple but compared to a lot of people applying for the spot you just don't beat them compared to activity. As well as you are quite new to Research Command so I'd give it a bit. -Support from me Sorry man but I just think there may be some people who better fill the spot. No hard feelings
  8. Name: Michael Rank: SGT Current FTO Rank (if applicable): JFTO Current Wardens Rank (if applicable): N/A Why should you retain your rank (Command ONLY | 150+ words): N/A Any Notes, Questions, or Concerns?: Nope
  9. I'm sorry Vlad but if you can't learn how to distance yourself and look at the bigger picture of things and learn when people want to be left alone I don't wanna support you getting a position like this.
  10. Former OH1 Mike Has RP ambition. Is Command in RND Has the experience of: Command, Research, RND, and Medical. Will do great if given a chance.
  11. Too avoid arguments and this post getting locked I will stop (but if you have to add-on "Staff will remove the props" or "Ask to remove them" then why do it? It just feels like a waste of staffs time then and they shouldn't have to worry about that.)
  12. ______________________________________________________________ Wardens = 5-6 People CE = 4 People CI = Only when being raided and it's like 6 Props total ______________________________________________________________ D-Class = 15-20 People at one time. Combine that with the Blood and Bullet holes being made and it's lag central ______________________________________________________________
  13. No the amount of lag this would cause is so insane that I don't wanna picture it. -Support
  14. Even if they wanted the Models it's kinda a first come first serve basis so that means that regardless Omicron-9 suggested it first so they realistically would get it.
  15. [GL] Mike

    682 BL apeal

    After looking around your warns I remembered that I was the one who warned you for FailRP and Player diss. You didn't "Know" it was against the rules but I warned you for breaking tranq timer and NLR while also warning you for player diss if I remember correctly you were dissing the MTF that had recontained you. Not only that but you have also had past misconduct on other SCPs. -Support Please read the MOTD before playing on the SCP as that can avoid major issues like this
  16. Im sure the current model pack isnt much less and the current one can be removed. +Support
  17. He didnt say remove the rule he said remove the behind part. +Support
  18. HK got a nerf also it used to be on every single E11 job before being changed so it's not a huge Issue Major +Support @[GL] Zeus Good job with this one man
  19. Regardless of if it is a SF member or not this seems just like a misunderstanding at that point. We all make mistakes but it is a Staff Members choice of whether they get warned or not.
  20. FOR RND COMMAND EYES ONLY VIEWING WITHOUT PROPER ACCESS IS PUNISHABLE https://docs.google.com/document/d/169Ge-pnLwEgC3QtDgEjb1sKJz-fNpULfdQejYGOtdZY/edit?usp=sharing
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