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[GL] Mike

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Everything posted by [GL] Mike

  1. You understand at that point you tried using an OUT OF CHARACTER chat to provide in character information to SCPs? Kind of sounds like FailRP to me man. -Support
  2. Viewable access to Research and Development Command Only You have been warned. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1EAFnhOgaFUd3Ni2M35U3SQ4NyL4wo0x7ArP22KQIKTg/edit?usp=sharing
  3. You're gonna make me cry man. Those times were so fun and I kinda miss them.
  4. I meant to mention you but when I copied it from the Doc it got ripped out ;-;
  5. The day has come sadly. After a year on this server and helping every branch I could im finally satisfied with what I have done. I can finally set down my weapons and allow the newer members to take hold. I want people to realize the newer people and leave the past in the past. My goal is to help the server not climb for ranks and for once I can say im satisfied. No this isn't a transfer, no this isn't a long LOA. This is me leaving SCP-RP for the time being if not for good. I will still be on my CCs and I will still play on some Donator jobs every now and again but my time is now. I wanna give some honorable mentions: Some good JMT/SMT I met: Th3- You accepted my Staff App and gave me a reason to get on the server to go for something eventually getting me an RP rank so thank you so much. Rang- I remember being a Moderator and seeing you get DoURS and You getting Head Admin, Now you are O5 and Head of Staff maybe we can see spire sometime soon? Phill- Your events let me have a blast on this server and one of the reasons I made it to Utility Command. Great guy Rektify- I remember making you a Senior Tech and making you a Containment Engineer fun times Hoovy- You resigned and that sucks you were a great role model and hanging out with you was always fun. Calamity- You resigned too all the people I know are leaving ;-; I remember you joined E11 and then left, Everyone was sad about that one. Good Site Admin I met: Camo: Absolute legend ordering MTF to blow up a helicopter full of O5 I'm joining you in the retirement home now. Blackbeard: Was a fun DoC too bad he resigned and I missed the party I will always remember you Daedran: Was a fantastic DoTF and would've done well but life got in the way and it sucks. Hope you dont disappear for too long Matress: Fun to be around and was actually Semi into some RP Events, will miss you man. Doomslayer: Whoever this guy was he was kinda cringe. DOL Jack: Really Cool guy hope you make it to O5 or SD some day keep striving to get higher or I’ll PK you again Sinnik: Really Cool guy led Security well so I trust him with MTF Cool people I met along the way: Bog: Best E-11 LTCOL (Besides Danny) Thanks for training me for FTO my first time in E11 Danny: It was sad to see you go and you cared for combat engineer so much, I wanted to see you thrive in E11 but sadly it couldnt happen. Novah/Emily: Sad to see you leave when you did but your extremely happy where you are now so you be you. Bread: Really, REALLY Nice person once you get to know em. Please treat this person with resoect they deserve it. Travar: One of the Two people I see with amazing HCMD potential. Keep an eye on this guy! MattO: Nice to see you get Commander. We knew you deserved it so let's see you keep it up! Zeus: Got the spot you deserved. Keep pushing your hardest and you will make it. Giovanni: Sad things went the way they went but im still here if you need to talk. Blackstone: My first Commander! You were fantastic, too bad you left when you weren't ready. Gh0pit: SSGT Gh0pit, No but for real SSGT for that long? That shit is crazy thanks for the support man. Finally. . . The 2 People who kept me going through my dark times here The 2 people who kept picking me up over and over no matter what. Kami and Beanz. These two people were always shoving me to do my best and to never give in, they were always by my side to help me when I started to fall. Kami: Words cannot describe how TREMENDOUSLY your never give in attitude helped me push forward, I wouldn't be where I was if I didnt have you motivating me all the way to the end. Even though it's sad my end has come I will still never give up and will always push towards my goals just like I said I would. Beanz: I remember promoting you to EXP Tech and now you are O5! Its hard to think how far you have gone. Keep going without me, my time is up. I've been here for over a year now it's time for change. I want to let you know that if you ever need me just ask and I will always answer you when you call. Take care man. Thank you to everyone who supported me on this wild adventure I had and I am saying this now. I am not leaving the community I am just resigning from the server. There are so many more people I want to thank but I just don't have the time or the space to do so. You will still see me and hear from me. Goodbye everyone and Thank You for the fantastic time.
  6. Rookieblue has said this many times so I'll just save him time. +/- Supporting bug reports does nothing just wait for SMT to get on it
  7. +Support Active, Responsible, Takes Lead, Great Command Performance 100% of the time, Has no toxic past/behavior, Committed. Good Luck man!
  8. Keep it to only +/- Supports man this is gonna get it locked.
  9. Mike.#2480 Get well soon man
  10. The D-Class one is a meh for me as that would ruin the Balance of D-Block right now and ruin the point of needing your own model on a CC. Other than that fix Sarkic Model please
  11. I hate to be that guy but it really is only fair that if EXP has a Chainsaw which takes one of their primary weapon slots then it should be the same for E4. Other than that everything else looks great! (Also CS is 250 200 So I dont see an issue with shades getting it) Edit: Spade has better hitreg than a chainsaw so it's literally better. Still - Support from me. (On the Spade everything else is okay)
  12. Vlad I understand you have an extreme amount of potential to be seen but I dont know if Application seems to be the way for you. Give it time, Learn, Develop, Grow. Do all of these things and I promise you that you can make it far in this server. I say, Let the past be the past. If Research Command Truly has seen him grow then I will put my trust into them as they have put their trust into him. +Support
  13. I DONT MAKE THE FANART!!!!!!! Seriously though it's so sad to see you go still hangout sometime yeah? The 3 of us still got an office to finish cleaning
  14. -Support While he wasnt being damaged at the time yes he wasnt waiting the 10 Second out of combat minimum. (The rule has always been you must be out of combat for 10 Seconds before you may heal again) I know that because several people have been warned for that same reason before.
  15. I've known this Man since we were both Lead Engineers he is extremely trustable and I hope this does well.
  16. This isn't even a D-Block issue lol this is just gensec being smart with weaponry and positioning. . . So I don't think SMT are even involved with this.
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