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[GL] Mike

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Everything posted by [GL] Mike

  1. I mean the fact that its job is to re-contain SCP's and it doesnt have a tranquilizer should pretty much explain this. Weapon Code: weapon_m9 Thanks!
  2. Hey guys its me. Now I know you may be looking at this and saying. "please say its fake" and its not. Im sorry I am leaving all of you but I've decide to take my place elsewhere on the server. I am sorry I decided to do this and Im leaving my home branch for some where else. You will still see me around just not here. As im writing this Im tearing up thinking of all the amazing moments E11 has given me. I have a few people to thank for this: Giovanni - Run this branch for me you can and will do it alright? Curtis - Fight Zeus for that COL spot ok? You will always be a Jr High Command. Zeus - You too Fight Curtis for COL and I hope you last longer than I do. Danny - I idolized you so get more active ok? Special - Good job now stay active Jay and Mateo - You both have so much potential keep fighting hard for me. Enlisted - You are the backbone of activity stay that way and be active!!! NCO's - Train them RCT's and Recommend people for promotions, MSGT's Apply for command! Omi-9 - Stay alive the foundation needs you to fight those CI and Class-D Everyone else - You are the reason I am here today please keep this great branch up! If you are wondering I am transferring to Nu-7 and thats because I wanna help everywhere it's needed. Omicron-9 and Epsilon-11 are doing good and Nu-7 has their moments but I wanna make it better so please forgive me for leaving you all alone! But Giovanni and the next COL will aid you through this so please stay active for them! Sincerely - Mobile Task Force Epsilon-11 Colonel Mike 248M. P.S. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2SwKjxUl1HQ
  3. I would like to let you know while they are using the utility models they will follow Utility rules of combat. Which means they will only attack in self defense! Unless they switch to the MTF model.
  4. Combat Medic Salary = Combat Engineer Salary. ISO Salary = Coldsilver Salary. Also ISO Health Pool is equal to our Ranger Health pool
  5. Im sorry but who are you? No disrespect meant but seriously
  6. Perms Given to post by: MTF Epsilon-11 Commander Giovanni 482X Job Changes Name of Job: Epsilon-11 Enlisted Job Model (Model Paths): No Changes Job Description: No Changes Job Weapons (Ex. tfa_csgo_mac10): Remove tfa_tar21 Add tfa_csgo_galil Job Salary: No Changes Job HP: No Changes Job Armor: No Changes Name Of Job: Epsilon-11 Officer Job Model: No Changes Job Description: No Changes Job Weapons: Remove tfa_csgo_sawedoff Add tfa_m3 Job Salary: No Changes Job HP: No Changes Job Armor: No Changes Job Removals Remove Job: Epsilon-11 Combat Engineer Remove Job: Epsilon-11 Ranger Job Additions Job Name: Epsilon-11 Combat Medic Job Model: models/payday2/units/medic_player.mdl Job Description: Mobile Task Force Unit Epsilon-11 Combat Medic is a medical personnel of Clearance Level 3 that is trained to heal during the heat of combat while protecting their patient. They may not heal while under fire so they are Equipped with a Smoke and Flash to get to safety while also equipped with a shotgun. Job Weapons: tfa_csgo_smoke tfa_csgo_flash tfa_csgo_nova tfa_csgo_fiveseven dradio weapon_m9 weapon_cuff_elastic weapon_keycard_level3 Job Salary: $175 Job HP: 150 Job Armor: 125 Comms: E11, MTF, Security, Foundation Radio Channels: 4 and 7 Extra: Ability to buy medical supplies from the F4 menu. Job Name: Epsilon-11 Internal Security Overseer (or Epsilon-11 ISO) Job Model(s): models/tlsaudrl2548/player/deltar.mdl models/player/kerry/class_jan_2.mdl models/player/portal/male_05_medic.mdl models/eng_gen/pm_coruscant_eng_gen.mdl (Perms Given by DDOU Inaccurate to use utility models) Job Description: MTF Epsilon-11 ISO Deals with the internal security of the foundation. While being disguised as a Utility member he is easily able to relay info to his fellow MTF members. Job Weapons: dradio tfa_csgo_smoke weapon_m9 weapon_cuff_elastic weapon_keycard_level3 tfa_contender tfa_mp5sd Job Salary: $190 Job HP: 175 Job Armor: 125 Comms: E11, MTF, Security, Foundation, O9 (Approved by Daedran.) Any Questions about rules and or restrictions PLEASE contact me.
  7. I'm just gonna assume E-11 isn't in the MTF section because it's not our job to escort.
  8. See the Issue I have with this is the fact that 1. Only one class has this gun and Im pretty sure it isn't even allowed on CC's. 2nd. It will make the firerate Worse than the HK and 3rd. The fire rate makes up for range that the gun doesn't have. Also if we are talking about a gun being OP and needing a nerf is the fact that you are trying to make an AR. Remember an Assault Rifle Better than a LMG. An AR having a faster fire rate, have better range, and a better DPS overall? The FG-42 already has Recoil Issues it doesn't need a fire rate nerf as well..
  9. Correction the only CLASS that has it is ColdSilver
  10. H.L.P.R Bot Alpha. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-w954Fnw4p44pdpcSEqZJsYq2xfzGxtnfifja1SNY5E/edit LOG 1-A CNTN Bot Interactions.
  11. its a tech class only tech have armor kit
  12. I completely agree with it being a month or so. I think permanent is just to long.
  13. What you want to see? - HLPR Bot Alpha to have the Armorkit Why should we add it? - Its a Tech job and it should have it (Beanz is ok with it also) What are the advantages of having this? - It gives HLPR Bot more RP chances and also allows for CI to maybe hack the robot to give them armor at some point. Who is it mainly for? - Mainly for Tech but later on CI Links to any content - N/A
  14. In-game Name: Mike SteamID: STEAM_0:0:209339952 DiscordID: [GL] Mike#7583 What division do you want to join (Military or R&D): R&D How would you rank your knowledge of the lore? 8-9 Why should you be in Chaos Insurgency? (75 word minimum) I want to be in CI because I love the idea of being able to mess with the foundation and also I love the idea of R&D. Being able to develop stuff to mess with the foundation and develop weapons and cool ways to use SCP's as weapons. I enjoy the people that are in CI and I know some of the people there. Some of the CI are even in E11 and I thoroughly enjoy the time I have when they play there. I really hope I am taken into Consideration! What is something that sets you apart from other applicants? Something that sets me apart is my Reputation on the server as a Active and Good person is the way that I treat other branches and represent said branches. I have never on the 7 weeks total playtime I have on this server dissed an opposing branch. I have Zero warns and have never been striked for minging. Thats what I believe sets me apart. How active can you be? 8-9 Do you have both Teamspeak and Discord: Yes
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