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[GL] Mike

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Everything posted by [GL] Mike

  1. +Support One of the most responisble E-11 I have. Owns up to his mistakes and fixes them. He's trustworthy and unbiased so I believe he will do well.
  2. +Support It's a little tough but you can tell it wasn't the N-Word. You just gotta listen closely
  3. As OH1 Current "Leader" of RRH I wanna let you know I am loving this application and I want you in Red Right Hand. All of the people saying Killing D-Class takes no skill have all died in D-Block to D-Class hundreds of times. I just wanna say no matter what branch you come from, No matter where you started you have more than enough skill to make it somewhere. We didn't all Start off good at a game it took time and it took practice. Gensec are in their own category of a "Starter Branch" sure. But does that mean they are awful? No. That is the assumption everyone puts on them because of their time on the server. I wanna say I know people who have made it far and done great things from Gensec and I'll happily provide two of them right now. Rang, and Sinnik. They both lead security and got to a Site Admin position now does that mean they started off crazy good? No, they started just like most of us Security Officers. The fact that a MAJORITY of MTF members come from security and you go on to say it takes no skill to kill Class-D is just kinda insulting yourself as you have started there before most likely. The point im trying to make is that pro's aren't made in a Day, or a Week, or a Month. It takes time, I think letting him into Red Right Hand will be a great oppurtunity to let him grow as a person and a member of this community. So he has my full support +Support OH1 RRH "Mike"
  4. [GL] Mike

    cogs loa

    Mike.#2480 Im always available dont ever be scared to contact me alright? We're here for you.
  5. Cleaver got mega buffed for 098 so thats a no from me but the Beretta seems good!
  6. [GL] Mike


    Mike has voted. 4 votes remaining....
  7. Yeah at 7 Seconds I can hear Dakota shoot so he was engaged in Combat
  8. -Support This would give D-Class WAY to much of an advantage, they are prisoners not trained soldiers they aren't supposed to be able to take out the trained security so easily (Which they already do) They don't need a buff IMO they need to stay the same as it's balanced right now. So the glass should stay.
  9. I was with Red in Medbay, Red and I scanned
  10. +Support. Let's just leave some examples: All with practically perfect score's. She is driven by RP and enjoys doing it. She is also extremely active on Medical and could be a good fit if given a chance.
  11. I mean they have Level 5 info access so they should have it +Support
  12. Accepted! Please contact an SFTO+ or a WO+ to get trained! (VIA Teamspeak or Discord)
  13. I know consario and all of my interactions have been fun and enjoyable. Tbh I wouldn't mind him getting ET +Support
  14. I'm sorry and I don't meant to be rude but. Is this a joke?
  15. -Support First and foremost I wanna just say this now don't turn this into an argument please I dont wanna see this be a back and forth Issue where it's gonna be constant arguments. Now for my Opinion: I don't think this should be added for multiple reasons but for now I'll list 3 of them here just to get a point across as soon as I can. 1. Unfair for CI- This gives CI another force they have to go against just to make it to LCZ, Then they would have to go through 2 MTF branches, Maybe even 3 then Security? That's a possibility of 4 Branches they would have to fight and stop 80% of raids before getting halfway through HCZ. 2. Take's away from MTF- Nu7's MAIN JOB our sole reason we are here is to make sure SCPs are Recontained and Stay Contained that would mean patrolling HCZ and with HSU having to patrol LHCZ while the rest of Nu7 besides a few patrol UHCZ I again see this only as another branch CI have to fight as otherwise this isn't needed at all. 3. Generally No Use for it- Security are supposed to be LCZs force thats why MTF aren't really supposed to be there unless Defcon 3 or lower. Security's job is to make sure LCZ doesn't get compromised at all so it's safe for Research and Utility to walk around so as I see it you don't really need HCZ access 24/7. Finally: I just don't think this is needed really you guys have your duties and fun in LCZ and can go into HCZ when needed but other than that I really think you should just leave it to MTF as they are the force that works in HCZ and EZ.
  16. Accepted! Please contact an SFTO+ or 2LT+ to get trained! (In order to join you have to leave either CI or Security)
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