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Everything posted by Will

  1. Seeing how this is in the general discussion section, I do want to point out that the support division and group of forum diplomats are two separate staff teams. While I do apologize on behalf of the support member(s) that dealt with his request for being unprofessional or rude; I do want it to be noted that only one (maybe two) people that are apart of the GamingLight staff team are both a member of the support team and a forum diplomat. If WillyMcFly wanted to have his forum posts removed, he should have reached out to one of the forum diplomats (or SMT member) for assistance (they are listed at the bottom of the staff page.) I have noticed his absence from the server over the past week or so and I anticipate his return to the line of duty.
  2. Overall rating: +Support + Active in community + Friendly + Does well while on staff + Helpful - A little inactive on staff Good luck Zerg!
  3. Sorry Ryan, but I have to give you a -Support for the above reasons. Good luck.
  4. Will

    TrueNorth Mafia

    Nevermind, we sorted it out
  5. Will

    TrueNorth Mafia

    No, this is my family, get out of here
  6. Sorry Danny, but it sounds like you and Freeze are in the same boat; try to be active for a week or two before applying for command! Good luck!
  7. Overall rating: Major -Support - Reasons above
  8. Overall rating: Major +Support + Active + Well known in the community + Well written app + Helpful + Has the time + Ready for Captain Good luck Revan!!
  9. Rank You are Applying For: Major In-Game Name: Will SteamID: STEAM_0:0:129363914 Current Rank: Captain How long have you been in your current rank?: 4 weeks What timezone are you in?: EST How many Warns do you have?: 1 Permission: Dep. Comm. Matthew Why should you be promoted (200 words Minimum): Writing Major in the "rank applying for" section is a little strange. I feel it is crazy that I have gotten this far in the community, especially in PD (I found a message on Discord back from July saying at most I would get up to Captain or Major.) Over the month or so I have been a Captain, I feel I understand where each rank in PD low command fits into the chain of command and what their responsibilities are. While I may not have been as active with holding meetings as a Captain, I did attend them and always thought up of things to cover (such as driving, radio, etc.). I feel I am one of the more active command members on the server going on-duty about 5 or more times a week. I have mentored lower ranking officers, dealt with complaints, and attempted to address issues in the department which has helped me gain experience with how to act in certain situations. As a major, I hope to continue to help other in True North and be a stronger leader in PD by hosting more meetings, ensuring sergeant+ are following guidelines and doing training that meet the standards that command has laid out, and working more closely with other command members. I hope to have your support and thanks for reading. You agree that disobeying any rules set by High Command will result in an immediate demotion (Yes/No): Yes
  10. I'd recommend you play more PD if you are considering to apply for a command position. Most of the time I see you on or at least notice you, you are playing on ARU rather than PD. While I do think that you are active on the server, I do feel you could be a bit more active on PD. Best of luck Huntt!
  11. Will

    Ban Appeal

    +/- Support + Possible abuse of powers on Valk's part + Ban is from 2017 (2, almost 3 years ago depending on date) - Blacklists are not appealable according to Zeeptin - Recieved a permanent ban on MilRP at almost the exact same time as the PRP one (could just be the bans system being wonky) I think this should be up to Zeeptin on if there should be a special exception to remove this blacklist, although that is his call, not mine. Good luck.
  12. Major +Support - Looks good from a test group I made - Won't effect server since it is a third-party website Not only will this help with RP, but also make dispatch's job 10 times easier! (Although a GMod add-on would be much better as others have noted.)
  13. Will

    Reaper False Warn

    While the video did show RDM in my mind, I do also think that this is also false. I couldn't see any adverts that said KOS (could have been the resolution I was watching at), but with out any other context or evidence, I will have to -Support this. Sorry Ender, good luck.
  14. You deserve it Adams, best of luck!
  15. My issue is that you have been on this server for about 3 or 4 weeks now and you every time you sign into the server, you are presented with the server rules and it notes in large red text at the very bottom "Can Be Edited at any time - By clicking close, you agree to these rules!" so that really isn't an excuse you can make. You can read over the rules again, but staff handbook says 40+ warns is a permanent ban at the senior management team's discretion.
  16. +Support Apparently we made this at the same time.. @Sion They are all from different days, see the bans page.
  17. Your In-game: Will Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:129363914 The player's name in-game: PinkCat The player's steam ID (required): STEAM_0:0:419891752 What did the player do: 41 warns in 3 weeks Evidence (REQUIRED): https://gaminglight.com/bans/player/76561198800049232 What do you believe should happen to the player: Permanent ban from the server Any extra information: He did seem remorseful during a sit and had just appealed a warning so it seems he does care about being on the server, although if that were true he should have fixed his behavior by now.
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