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Head Admin
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Everything posted by Will

  1. What is your in-game name?: Will What is your steam name?: [GL] WTLM2013 What is your steam ID?: STEAM_0:0:129363914 Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain) I am currently staff on GL, no otherwise. What date did you start playing on the community? July 7, 2019 What date did you make your forums account? July 7, 2019 Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)? Admin How many warns do you have on the server (Show proof with a screenshot)? 1 https://gaminglight.com/bans/player/76561198218993556 Have you donated? Yes, $20 What rank are you applying for? Senior Admin Are you staff on another community (BE HONEST)? No Have you read the staff guidelines at ? You will be tested on it: Yes Timezone: EST Permission (Senior Moderator+ need this): (3 Manager+, 6 Superadmin+) M: Friendly Steve, Igneous, Scoot HS: th3 HA: Rangiatea, Joe Mama SA: AWG, Calamity, Jeff Jr. Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (150 Word Minimum): I've learned a lot about staffing over the 4 months I have been apart of the GL staff team which has taught me a lot on how to manage a crowded server full of players. During my time as an admin, I have helped people with whitelist issues, younger staff with requests of banning a user for something, and how to manage multiple tasks while on-duty. I'm hoping to become a Senior Admin on PoliceRP to take care of more issues, even if I am not on the administration job such as helping people if their car is stuck or not working, taking sits with users that broke rules in front of me, and of course helping younger staff with requests and questions they may have. I have also "embedded" myself into a part of the PoliceRP community where people enjoy having me in their presence (either because they see me as one of the active PD command people, enjoy having me take their sits, or just like talking with me in general). While these things may not seem like something that would be correlated with staffing, I do think that having a positive reputation with the community and users both in game and on Discord/ TS plays a big part in staffing. As Senior Admin, I hope to be a better mentor and resource for lower ranks to come to for help. I hope that I am worthy in the eyes of others for this title and I promise not to fail JMT or SMT with assisting others while I am online. Thanks for reading. How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you? I would first bring them up to a rooftop (using my phys gun if I see it or use "!bring [name]" to bring them up.) Seeing that I don't typically gag people, I would do my best to ask them why they did what they did and explain to them what and why they are getting warned for (Mass RDM, staff dis, and other charges if there were any other reports or rule infractions such as self supply or FearRP.) After issuing the warning, I would then ban them for 10000 seconds (about 2-3 days) via the menu with the above reasons.
  2. -Support I want you to read over what you wrote in your post: Carjacking a car during a traffic stop is the most cop bait thing I've ever heard and I apologize for my choice of words, but rather stupid, even if the officer was looking away.
  3. Overall rating: -Support The time stamp your post says it was put up 9 hours ago (when hovering your mouse over it, it says 12/05/2019 12:32 AM). Seeing that I am in EST, your post was put up too late, although you could be alright if you are in CST, MST, or PST (or another timezone.) Until an actual time zone is declared by SMT, I will be a +/- Support for now. @Friendly Steve Sorry for the @, but this should have been noted when the post was created to avoid confusion; could you put it here for the record if you don't mind? EDIT: I just checked the post and it did say EST (my bad). Changing to -Support.
  4. Overall rating: -Support - No evidence
  5. Sorry Wonton, but you violated the terms outlined in the staff handbook which you must agree to in order to apply for staff. You're a good guy, but the rules outlined by SMT/ EMT must be followed or there will be consequences.
  6. Jay, you are a good guy which I have seen in the past, however I don't feel you are ready for Senior Moderator just yet. While you do meet the time requirement to apply, I don't think you put in 100% in this app. Keep in mind that while I did give you permission to apply, that doesn't mean you will get an automatic +support. Try and fix these issues in the future and I'd be happy to +support, until then I am going to have to leave a -Support. Good luck.
  7. I did, but that was after we migrated to TrueNorth I think.
  8. My only - is that #16 is a bit vague, its a good app otherwise. Good luck Pooders!
  9. Overall rating: Major +Support + Active + Mature + Friendly + Seems like he knows the MOTD + Acknowledged the "ratio" thing +/- Get your warns appealed if possible Best of luck Omar!!!
  10. -Support, while I too want a CAD like system for dispatch (hopefully one that is in game), the ratings for this add-on say that it has a lot of bugs and sometimes does not work.
  11. 16 needs work, good app otherwise. Good luck Burboon!
  12. Overall rating: Major +Support + Active + Mature + Helpful + Keeps others in line - How is has this man not been promoted at a meeting yet Good luck Ender!!
  13. Your In-game: Will Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:129363914 The player's name in-game: kaydengamer23 The player's steam ID (required): STEAM_0:0:419582461 What did the player do: Mass prop abuse, No Intention To Role-Play (NITRP) , Not Complying With Staff (NCWS), 44 warns Evidence (REQUIRED): https://gaminglight.com/bans/player/76561198799430650 What do you believe should happen to the player: Perma ban/ blacklist Any extra information: Take a look at the number of ban and the reasons for them, they are quiet interesting. It is quiet clear this guy is only here to cause issues, so might as well prevent him from ruining other's fun.
  14. Will

    Custom Printers

    +Support, I'm kind of confused why this wasn't thought of when they were first designed.
  15. Will

    Will False Warn

    +Support There were two people that had a similar name and I guess his name was the one that the warn system wanted to warn. My bad with the warning and I'll try to go off of SteamID in the future (if possible).
  16. Overall rating: +/- Support + Active + Fills ratio when asked to + Friendly - (above points) While I would love to see you as an admin Tim, I don't feel you are ready if what th3 described is true; that type of immaturity is something I would expect from a Moderator or T-Mod. I'll leave my vote as +/- for the time being leaning more towards minus support. Good luck.
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