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Everything posted by Will

  1. @Matthew I can confirm this; it was either you or Fame that game them permission to apply.
  2. Will

    Old warn appeal

    +Support - Old warns (over a year old)
  3. Your In-game: Will Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:914363914 The player's name in-game: ICEis The player's steam ID (required): STEAM_0:1:77957205 What did the player do: 40 warns Evidence (REQUIRED): https://gaminglight.com/bans/player/76561198116180139 What do you believe should happen to the player: Perma ban Any extra information: Only had one sit with the player and the entire time they were running around, saying stuff unrelated to the sit., and was even dissing the other player. After ending the sit, he jumped off the rooftop calling me a faggot. Anyways, there are some interesting things in the bans page about this one which in my mind is worthy of a perma ban.
  4. +Support, that seems to be a glitch in the ban system and a bad one; besides, I highly doubt that GL was formed in 1969 nor would someone ban you 3 times within the same second.
  5. + Support Should have been a verbal warning at the very least if there was no evidence provided (again, still need to hear from @utetwo).
  6. What in the world is that..?
  7. Overall rating: Massive -Support - (*Opinion changed*) - Misused his staff rank on another GL server resulting in his removal Sorry Noah, but after reading that I have to give you a -Support as that in my mind is a very immature thing to do. Never whitelist yourself just because a job isn't working for you. Please take some time (maybe a month or so) and then consider reapplying, although it is up to SMT to decide if you are accepted or denied.
  8. Overall rating: +Support + Reasons above Good luck!!
  9. Good luck Nick! @Dredgen I think it was either Fame or Matthew at one of the recent PD meetings.
  10. Rank You are Applying For: Captain In-Game Name: Will SteamID: STEAM_0:0:129363914 Current Rank: Lieutenant How long have you been in your current rank?: 3 weeks, 2 days (*Given permission to apply from Dep. Comm. Fame*) What timezone are you in?: EST How many Warns do you have?: 0 Why should you be promoted (150 words Minimum): While I was a Lieutenant in the PD, I have been faced with multiple tasks that I did not think I would have had to face such as making calls on promoting/ demoting people, organizing patrols and ride-alongs, and handling issues that lower ranking officers had brought to my attention. Because of these events happened, I feel like I am able to make a more educated decision on what to do in a situation and can help organize how the PD functions when there are people looking for guidance or assistance with something. With a promotion to Captain, I now will be able to pick out and promote those that have a strong character and have a potential to be great leaders by getting them closer to the first supervisor rank of Sergeant and to better assist lower ranking officers with any questions or issues they may have while on duty. You agree that disobeying any rules set by High Command will result in an immediate demotion (Yes/No): Yes
  11. Overall rating: Massive +Support + (Reasons above) + Great mentor Good luck Calamity!!
  12. Overall rating: +Support + Active + Former staff + 16 is good (other than the fact that the minge command got snapped out of existence.) Good luck Noah!
  13. +Support (opinion changed)
  14. +/- Support + Active and well known + Friendly + Trains a lot of cadets - Had some serious issues with a cadet he reportedly trained Jayden is one of the most active SMs I have seen, possibly more active than I was at times which has not gone unnoticed. Every time I see a cadet on the player list, I usually find him at PD already training them; however I had run into an issue with a LCPL that he trained. The LCPL (I won't name them) was very mingy, did not know 10 codes, and every now and again. SM @John Kill and I had to spend a good 30 minutes or so retraining them. Other than that, I feel he is ready for command so long as I don't encounter a similar officer that was caught being unprofessional that was trained by him. Good luck!
  15. Will

    Ban Appeal

    +/- Support + Most of the warns the player has are over a year old + Has been banned for ~ 9-10 months (hoping that they learned their lesson) - A lot of your warns are basic things in the MOTD and were accumulated over a short amount of time (49 warns over a 2-3 month period is rather high in my opinion) Good luck!
  16. Still, it is clearly written in the staff handbook and SMT has said consistently that nobody under Admin (or Senior Admin) should be using their powers off duty.
  17. While I would love to implement this, it just isn't something that I believe could be a possibility at this point in time.
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