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Everything posted by Will

  1. Perhaps JMT and SMT should have a discussion on if: 1. it is possible to drop an unarrest baton and 2. a certain class (such as the black market dealer) can sell it for a hefty price (possibly 10k+?) If the above proposal works where both would not require an admin+ ULX tag, then that could possibly work, but I'm sure there will have to be some strict rules on how users can use it. For the time being, try to counter arrest or do a jailbreak just before they get put in so you guys don't have to worry about the jail timer.
  2. Sorry Yeep, but based on what Lil Yachty said, I do not feel you are ready at the moment. Please try to fix the above points before you resubmit your application!
  3. -Support, the guy's ban ended 6 hours ago so it's pretty much been accepted at this point.. https://gaminglight.com/bans/player/76561198275326638
  4. Everything above, except for that last line. Minimum requirement is 3 weeks for LT > CPT and by this get reviewed I'm sure you'll have around 4.5 - 5 weeks as LT. Good luck Tayson!
  5. I feel you should have a shot at being command since you have been rather active recently. Best of luck Monkeybags!
  6. Yes I did say I was going to slay myself, but I realized that wouldn't have been the smartest move at the time (IDK why I say stuff like that). I did say however "I have the warning typed up" and said multiple times that it would be RDA. Both me and Beans tried to tell you to stop and you persisted.
  7. +/- Support Alrighty.. So my side is this: I was patrolling with Beans on my Colonel job for around 10-20 minutes. We every now and again went back to PD to switch cars and were just having some fun patrolling together. After there was no crime for a couple minutes, I switched over to the Murderer job to cause some trouble. Upon leaving spawn, I am met by Beans cuffing me and dragging me around. This was for the most part playful and the two of us trying to have some fun. As soon as Beans uncuffs me, I run into the street and get hit by Tonto's Tahoe and I could understand that it looks like I was trying to evade arrest. Tonto eventually caught up to me and cuffed me twice (Beans had uncuffed me since he knew that it was just a joke) and I was brought to DOC by Thunder. On the way over to DOC, I tried to explain to Thunder that it would be RDA if I got put in at which he was asking for an admin or a higher up. Tonto arrived on scene in the DOC parking lot and led me into the jailer room all while I was saying it was RDA and for him to stop; but he did not listen. I gave him a chance to listen and at least understand what happened and he did not seem interested which is why I felt this warning was necessary.
  8. Name: Will Rank and callsign: SSGT XL16 Activity: Active What would you like to see added to SWAT: bigger weapon/ better APC?
  9. -Support - No Steam ID - Lack of evidence For the time being, I am going to -Support this based off of what others have said. If someone has video of what happened before or during the sit, I would love to review it.
  10. +Support Based off of what you said and what others have said, I feel you deserve a chance to have this punishment removed or at the very least have someone in SMT review this case.
  11. Being on PD and doing strange things to annoy the people of Rockford are some of my favorite things to do (especially doing a back flip in the skyline off the cliff and landing it 90% of the time, best thing to do in a pursuit).
  12. I agree with Tonto here; you are a good guy and really like to help PD out with stuff. +Support
  13. Based off of the evidence that both sides have presented, I am going to +Support this. The ban page shows you only have one warn and you seem to actually come back and RP or play on PRP. https://gaminglight.com/bans/player/76561199019042753 Do me and the other staff people a favor, please read over the rules and try your best to disassociate yourself from Bambob.
  14. Some type of food and very interesting convoys.. (idk, im hungry so idk what else to put)
  15. +Support - Video supports claims and users should be warned respectively (either that being a verbal or actual warning is up to SMT, but I feel that only some people here would require a warning added to their Steam ID.)
  16. +Support - Has reached the 40 warns threshold
  17. Sorry Kyle, but I too haven't really noticed you being all that active recently.
  18. Hi there, If you feel that a staff member has done something wrong (such as abuse of power, mishandled a sit, or broken a rule in the PoliceRP MOTD/ Staff handbook), please reach out to a member of either the junior or senior management teams or consider making a staff report under the Administrative section of the forums. Thanks,
  19. Name: Will Rank: Lead Paramedic How Active Do You Think You Are (Be Honest): Semi-active (I play on EMS every now and again, but I do not feel that I deserve this rank as there are others that could have it.) Why do you want to stay in EMS: I enjoy the RP the department gives every now and again. What could change in EMS: I can't think of much to add here...
  20. I am going to have to give this a -Support due to the above reasons. As I told you in TS, so long as you meet the requirements to apply and feel like you are ready to apply for staff, then go for it. Based off of what I have seen, you don't fully meet the requirements to become a staff member yet. Show us that you want this title by trying to improve these points/ fix them so that you will have a better shot at getting accepted next time you apply. Good luck!
  21. I, along with Mikey, am going to have to -Support this. In my mind, it's just another cosmetic feature that doesn't really add to RP in my mind.
  22. That's what I figured.. guess I should have put something like this in the bug reports for the lag I guess.
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