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Everything posted by Will

  1. +/- Support - Not enough evidence provided for me to accurately give a solid + or - support
  2. Overall rating: Major +Support + Active + Friendly + Mature + Great leader Good luck Phil!
  3. I'll keep looking for a new one.. I did find this one which does have VCmod support, although I need to test it first: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=925136374 (It is apart of this pack: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=273613637)
  4. Will

    Hunts old warn

    Uhhh.. Ok? +Support
  5. Overall rating: +/- Support + Good leadership characteristics + Friendly - Haven't seen him on PD much/ recently Good luck Tim!
  6. I can't find him in the bans page using the provided steamid, can someone link me to it please?
  7. Overall rating: -Support + Active + Acts semi-professional + Friendly + Have never had a problem with him (while I was on the server) +/- I feel he could still use some time reading over server rules - Does not meet the requirements to apply (only 4 days in the community as of 10/17) - No poll - 16 is wrong/ needs work - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sorry Nepsin, but I have to give you a -Support since you currently don't meet the requirements to apply for staff which is clearly noted in the Staff Application format that Zeeptin posted: You seem like a great guy and I'm sure you could make a great staff member, you just need to get a little more well know in the community and get to that 1 week milestone before applying. In the mean time, I'd recommend rereading the staff handbook as well as the PoliceRP MOTD to get more familiar with rules and guidelines. Good luck!! (I did not bring up the TS incident as there are currently two different views on the event with him openly playing a racist sound board and now another person saying they heard him say "Sorry, I hit the wrong button". SMT can look into that if it is deemed necessary.)
  8. Thanks for your kind words Sion and best of luck with your studies!
  9. Hmmm... I would say Jayden and Masterson as well, but then again I'm not really a fan of saying someone is ranked higher than someone else based off of preference.
  10. Will

    will's false warn

    (for a sec I thought I was the warning admin)
  11. +Support on what Joe said.
  12. While I will give this a +Support, that still doesn't tell me that people will RP as this. While I have seen people RP as this in the past week, I don't think people will choose to play this class.
  13. Overall rating: +/- Support + Somewhat acitve Good luck Torty!
  14. Discord is nice for text chat and for small groups, however TS3 is better for voice chat and large amounts of people. That is why we don't have meetings in Discord; audio gets garbled and there are less options for individual user permissions while TS3 can support a few hundred and still have good audio quality. Each platform has their + and - and we just find TS3 to be better that Discord in some ways while Discord is better than TS3 in other cases..
  15. Will

    Old Warn Appeal

    +Support - Old warns
  16. When I get home from school. I usually finish my work in class or study hall so I can usually play until I have to leave or I start feeling tired.
  17. Well yes, but also no. For instance, 2 differently worded statements can share the same meaning, although the choice of words can change the "tone" of the passage where one may be sincere while the other may be hateful; it all depends on the context and other pieces of conversation that were involved before and after then. (if that makes sense..) Anyways, there are a few things that are clear or have been defined here: - ICE/ ACE has fallen to ruin due to massive amount of issues and immaturity that has spawned from a collection of players not being kept in line by the family's HC or equivalent. - Attempts to restore the family's name to a neutral or positive reputation have failed - Chances are that the best way to clear your name/ name of the other members is to disband and reform under a new name (something that is not related to ICE or ACE in anyway) and have people apply to get in I hope that helps in some way. RIP ICE / ACE
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