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Everything posted by Will

  1. Sorry Romero, but I haven't seen you in game for a while or I haven't noticed you. I highly recommend trying to becoming more active and a bit more well known with those who actively play on the server these days before applying.
  2. Name: Will Rank: AEMT How active are you: Semi active (Marching band takes up time in my day and I am usually filling staff ratio so I can't roleplay as much as I used to) Why should you remain a part of EMS department: I enjoy being in EMS and I only really noticed my activity to decline when ImperialRP was release and when FD was announced. What changes would you like to see: New cars/ ambulances for AEMT maybe?
  3. Your In-game: Will (at the time it was LT Will 1L52) Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:129363914 The admin's name in-game: Bennett (@Bennett1239) The admin's steam name (If you know it): [GL] Jbennett1239 (STEAM_0:0:171600168) What warning did you receive: "failrp - pressing panic while kidnapped" Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED): Why do you think this warn was false: Was on a traffic stop with an OFC at the time and I saw Zage pull a gun on the OFC and advert "YOUR MINE NOW BOY (KIDNAP COMMS AND PANIC TAKEN)" in which I responded with pressing my panic as he at the time was aiming his weapon at the OFC. I then was restrained by Beans who was also kidnapping me (he was standing behind me and did not see his advert until after getting warned). Upon noticing my mistake, I called over radio to announce that it was a false panic and for them to go back on patrol/ normal duties. I was then warned by Bennett for said reason and tried to explain what happened in which he did respond in admin chat saying "will if it is a false warn appeal ill + to remove the warn". Proof: Any extra information: I had no idea beans was behind me which is why I pressed my panic. If I had know, I wouldn't have pressed my panic button and complied with him and Zage (not trying to say I didn't). If anything, I feel it should have been a verbal warning since it was my first time being warned for it.
  4. Sorry to say it, but ICE/ACE is going to be seen as a mingy family no matter what. We have a saying here in the band world: "It takes a lifetime to create a good reputation and seconds to destroy it", perhaps that is a little late to bring up, but at least it has been said now. Sorry Ryan..
  5. Agreed, noticed a lot of familiar names with Ace instead of ICE at the end of their name. If the members want to be mingy, then they themselves will face consequences.
  6. While I can understand that training at times can feel like a burden rather than something fun, it is much better to take time and explain things to the cadet. More often than not, trainings that are short and simple can lead to mingy officers while those that take a bit longer can produce OFC's that could go onto make great supervisors or command members someday.
  7. Overall rating: Major -Support - 15 does not meet the word requirement - High amount of warns - Incorrect Steam ID - Poor forum activity - Behavior in one of the sits. I had with him was a bit toxic in my mind Sorry Derrick, but I have to give you a -Support, please try to fix these things if you feel like applying again and please let me know if you need any help writing your application. Good luck!
  8. I thought you were staff before, but alright.. Good luck Bandit!
  9. Will

    Crease's LT APP

    Overall rating: -Support + Well known in the community + Knows the SOP + Great leadership skills - I have never seen him on a PD job Sorry Crease, but I have to give you a -Support due to your activity in PD. Please try and improve it and I will change it to a +Support.
  10. Will

    Ban Appeal

    +/- Support + Has been banned for 2 months - Has a lot of basic rule infractions (https://gaminglight.com/bans/player/76561198862963781) - Has accumulated 4 LTAP warnings in one day While I do believe in second chances, there were multiple warnings I saw on the bans page that could have been very easily avoidable if only they read the MOTD. I'll wait to see what others comment on this, but it's primarily a -Support from me.
  11. If SMT/ JMT felt it was being abused, then it would have been removed/ restricted a long time ago.
  12. What you want to see? - A new Tahoe for government as the SS variant is difficult to drive and the 2016 UC one has been removed from the workshop. Why should we add it? - For me, I just want to have a better SUV for SWAT/ PD but I think other players can agree the handling on the Secret Service Tahoe sucks. What are the advantages of having this? - Better SUV for PD and other departments and more realistic lighting than the current Suburban can offer. Who is it mainly for? - Government Links to any content - https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=893448381 Notes - It does not come standard with police skins so we would only be able to use color wheel (so this car will have to be PD MAJ+ if approved). Also, I would like someone with VCmod ELS to test this out as the work shop did say it may not be fully compatable with the ELS version. Let me know what you find.
  13. Will

    SS are kinda funny

    Threat to President: Exists Secret Service:
  14. -Support - It can be used by Mod+ off duty to collect evidence (for RDM, NLR, self supply, etc.) so long as it is not misused (metagaming if possible).
  15. Will

    Old warn appeal

    +Support - Old warns
  16. Admins can see if and when panics are pushed so I would like to hear the side of @Randy Gow and of the SM that was involved. (Saw this in console:" OFC Anthony 1C42: SM how could you ", " OFC Anthony 1C42: I got in trouble because of you SM but its okay I'll take the blame for you anyday ").
  17. Overall rating: -Support + Somewhat active (have seen him once or twice) - Low forum activity - 14 warns (also warned for impersonating a staff member) - Responded to their app. - 16 isn't correct/ needs work Sorry SauceGod, but I had to give you a -Support for the points above. Try to get those warns appealed and try to improve your activity in-game and on the forums before applying again. Good luck!
  18. 1- Name : Will 2- Steam ID : STEAM_0:0:129363914 3- Staff Rank (Must be Moderator) : Senior Moderator 4- Have you Donated? If so, how much? : $20 5- How long have you been staff? (No Less than 1 month) : 1 month 6- What is your general knowledge on the rules? (Both Staff handbook and MOTD): I know most of it (I still have it open while staffing) 7- What can you bring to Event Team? (50 words+) : Fun times and events that are enjoyable by both players and staff (or at least I'll try to do that). The only event I have participated in was back on the old Rockford map where it was Gov vs. Crim in suburbs so I guess I could try to copy that style event unless if other members of the team have another idea. 8- How many warns do you have? (No more than 10) : 0 9- Why do you want to join event team? (100 words+) : Event team is like a sub-department in the staff team which is responsible for making RP and gameplay on the server more enjoyable. While I have only been on the staff team for one month and not participated in many events, I still find myself watching over active events that are happening while not in a sit or flying around looking for trouble makers. I want to help set up, run, and moderate events which is something that seems fun both to setup and host. While I may not be able to participate in an event like zombie survival or maybe even a money truck crash scene, I still feel that I can hold events like Gov vs. Crim in subs or even man hunt in the mountains. To conclude, I want to help keep the Police RP server fun and enjoyable through events that are run by this team. 10- If accepted, what time(s) are you available to hold events? : Starting off, most likely a man hunt or battle royale style event which I mentioned a few times above. (Must be in EST timezone.) Monday - Friday: Monday 3-5 and Wedensday 3-8 Saturday and Sunday: Sunday (almost all day)
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