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Everything posted by Will

  1. +Support + Evidence shows him using cars other than the one that came with his CC I have seen him going around with cars other than the 2012 charger which if he is not going to use should be removed as there have been complaints from PD Master Sergeants and Sergeant Majors about it.
  2. Overall rating: +Support + Video does show some player dis. and player should receive a warning if one was not already issued. If what you said is true about the other warns, then SMT should review this and issue the correct punishment (whether that be a warn or ban). + Weasel also used his physgun off-duty which SMT should also look into.
  3. (Heck, I want my $250k back if he is getting banned...) Overall rating: +Support The screenshots provided show clear evidence of player dis., although this would most likely result in a warning rather than a ban (if he does not have any other warns). If you remember, what job was he on when this happened?
  4. Overall rating: +/-Support + Application is well written + Long term member of the community - Low forum activity - Can't recall when I saw him in game last While it is good to see that a GamingLight veteran is coming back/ is still interested in the community, although your forums/ in-game activity can improve in my opinion. I could have seen you in game a few times before and my memory is failing my at this point in time, although I feel that you should try to become a bit more well known before applying. Good luck!!
  5. Is this the link between PoliceRP and SCPRP that all of maybe one person asked for?
  6. It's good to hear you guys have changed, although this change had come a little too late as Dredgen noted.
  7. +/- Support While I have seen him on sometimes when I am on, it is not the best (again, the time zones could just be throwing me off.) I haven't had much interaction with him so I would give him a +support after becoming a little more well known in the community.
  8. Overall rating: Massive +Support While we do already have the MDT that Yobo created/ posted about in the dispatch section of the forums this will make it easier for officers to check a person's background information while on a traffic stop without the need of being tabbed out. Great find Sion!
  9. I really do feel like gov units are under equipped so +Support from me.
  10. -Support as we already have one. I'll plus support if the current one does not get fixed.
  11. Overall rating: Major +Support + Video clearly shows player in question prop spamming, self supplying, RDMing, and spawn killing the reporter. Player should receive a warn/ ban at SMT's discretion.
  12. These are the things you get from VIP+ (taken from the store description): VIP+ rank for a lifetime Access to VIP jobs FBI Whitelist - Starter Job (not all FBI jobs) Access to VIP cars Advanced Duplicator 2 tool Precision tool Rainbow Physgun You will receive $750,000 in-game Increased inventory slot from 2x2 to 8x8 Increased bank size from 5x2 to 9x8 Prop limit increase from 20 to 35 Unique VIP+ tag in-game! I know that VIP Thief and FBI PA (I think) are in there, but I will check it out when I get home. https://gaminglight.com/donategl/store.php?page=purchase&type=pkg&pid=78
  13. Ehh, I've gotten used to calling you Major Ruben. -Support. Overall rating: +Support + Great leader/ mentor + Mature + Well known in the community + Application is well written + Helpful - Hasn't been seen on the server until recently (possibly due to LOA, not sure though) Best of luck Ruben, I'd love to see you as a Colonel! - Lieutenant Will 1L52
  14. Quote or an actual signature..
  15. +Support All warns in picture are more than 6 months old. (Not all are from policerp so not all can be appealed) https://gaminglight.com/bans/player/76561198316994564
  16. Was over looking the forums and noticed i left my computer on (since it said I was in-game) when I noticed how many hours I have on GMod.. https://steamcommunity.com/id/wtlm/
  17. Overall rating: + Support I've seen Ryan on almost every day and has been a very strong leader in the PD. While I did not know about your past, I am happy to hear you have changed since then. As stated by the above posts, you did get back only a week ago (if I read correctly) and it would be a good idea to play a bit more on the server so that HC and other members can make a better decision on if you are fit for command or not (at the moment I think you are). Another point is that while you just got your warnings appealed, it would have been good to have submitted this when they were cleared. Good luck Ryan! - LT Will 1L52
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