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Head Admin
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Everything posted by Will

  1. So with Dean Kamen starting to slowly suck the life from me yet again, I don't think I am going to be able to help out with events like I have in the past for some time. Just so I don't need to find a replacement every time I'm scheduled for an event, I will be leaving the PRP event team temporarily. Thanks for letting me be apart of this team and I'll do my best to try and stay active for the next 2 days or so. Wish me luck with building another robot who's job is to chuck balls around a field with the might of Zeus..
  2. Idk what you're talking about, the thing does plenty of damage to my computer where it crashes my game when it hits me (I have no idea why or how that's possible, it just happens)
  3. Old picture of my setup: My current setup (the lamps in my room along with a light strip can sync with my keyboard for some pretty neat color effects): My current setup in the dark (I have RGB RAM in my case which I'm surprised my phone picked up on it:
  4. I suggest that nobody else continues the above conversation or argument. Unless if you want to put a +/- support on this report, I'd recommend waiting for SMT to review it.
  5. What you want to see? - Change maps from Rockford to Truenorth/ another map Why should we add it? - While it is nice being back on the old Rockford map and reliving the days of when I was still a SGT in PD, I have noticed WAY too many issues in terms of performance and stability of the server. (Just today, my game has crashed three times, server crashed twice all in the span of 3 hours of me starting to play. What are the advantages of having this? - (Hopefully) less lag and issues with crashes, extremely low frame rates, and of course rubber banding Who is it mainly for? - Everyone Links to any content - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1601428630 (I am open to others adding other map suggestions)
  6. ^^ Couldn't have said it better than Max. Good luck EmptiedSkies!
  7. +Support I think you're ready for staff again Viper, hope you get accepted! Good luck!
  8. This was already denied, please do not comment on this thread any more.
  9. How hard is it to follow the dang rules and RP? Come on!
  10. Will

    Dogs or Cats?

    @EnderKnight57 here they are! http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-504
  11. I (think I) can second this. I had a sit which involed 2/3 people in the Reed family due to a report of them not complying with PD, mingeing (such as annoying cops, attempting to steal gov cars from PD, etc.) I had closed the sit since the reporter said it would take a bit to upload to YouTube (which I still haven't gotten from that state member, but my prior experiences with the Reed family and/ or those associated with it have not always been "pleasant" in terms of what they are reported for. If and when I see that video, I will share it here if it related to this report.
  12. Overall rating: +Support + Active + Mature + Knows how to handle sits + Fun guy to be around You're a good guy Ender and have proven (to me at least) you are ready to move up in the ranks. Good luck!!!
  13. +Support, I need to be able to start war with anyone and anything at anytime. But in all seriousness, I do think the there should be more to what the president can do other than make laws and set taxes as the current abilities are "weak" so to say.
  14. -Support - Disrespecting SMT or any staff is never OK I was not around when this happened (I only joined the community 2 days prior to this ban) so I can't really speak on this as well as other may be able to; but I think you should wait a bit more before coming back (if that option is still on the table).
  15. Overall rating: +/- Support + Kinda mingy + Sever dis is a big no-no (along with any other kind of disrespect) Fuego has a history of being mingy as seen in his warns, but based off of the interactions I've had with him, I can understand what Ryan is saying in his post. I feel a 2-3 week ban in my mind should be sufficient, but this is up to SMT to decide.
  16. Overall rating: +Support + Former staffing experience + Long time member in GL + Low warns (none on PRP) + Excellent application (one of the best I've read in a while) +/- 16 needs some work - Recently returned to the community (probably not known that well) - Forums activity is somewhat low - No poll While your activity is questionable (seeing that you said you only returned recently to the community and that I haven't noticed you to be outstanding amongst the everyday players on PRP), your application is spot on in nearly every field. I'd recommend looking over the staff handbook again on the times for each offence along with the recommended actions for said rule infraction. In my mind, I think you are ready and should have a shot at being a t-mod. Good luck!
  17. This man has some potential and would make a good command member in my mind.
  18. Major +Support - Can't warn a senior admin as a moderator - Admin admitted fault
  19. +/- Support + Its a big map + It looks good and has a lot of detail - Its a big map While it would be nice for a larger map, the issue I see here is that there may be less RP due to the size of it. Plus, Freeze had mentioned we tried this map in the past and seemed to have performance issues. +Support to try it out, -Support unless if it causes issues.
  20. I dare you guys to become the Mr. Beast(s) of GL, just watch how many people will follow you around asking for more after that.
  21. What is your in-game name?: Will What is your steam name?: [GL] WTLM2013 What is your steam ID?: STEAM_0:0:129363914 Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain) I am currently staff on GL, no otherwise. What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly) July 7, 2019 What date did you make your forums account? July 7, 2019 Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)? Admin How many warns do you have on the server (Show proof with a screenshot)? 2 https://gaminglight.com/bans/player/76561198218993556 Have you donated? Yes, $20 What rank are you applying for? Senior Admin Are you staff on another community (BE HONEST)? No Have you read the staff guidelines at ? You will be tested on it: Yes Timezone: EST Permission (Senior Moderator+ need this): M: Friendly Steve, Igneous HS: Matthew HA: Myan, Joe Mama SA: Jeff Jr., Calamity (All of PoliceRP Management) Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (150 Word Minimum): I've learned a lot about staffing over the 4 months I have been apart of the GL staff team. During my time as an admin, I have helped younger staff with questions they have had, community members and their questions/ issues (how to donate, fix a car, report someone, etc.) and how to juggle multiple tasks at once. I'm hoping to become a Senior Admin on PoliceRP to take care of issues that I notice while roleplaying (such as prop pushing, racism, RDM, etc.) and deal with the users in a sit (rather than warning them and/ or waiting for on-duty staff to take care of them). One of the other things I hope to address as a Senior Admin (which I have already started working on, and I hope others follow) is making sure that quality is above quantity. Too many times I have been in an admin sit and leave thinking I could have done more to help the person. Staff exists to help improve the experience of the users that play on our servers. Attempting to implement the skills I learned in the Google Product Expert’s program, I have tried my best to be friendly and cheerful with individuals (seems to be working since one individual had said I was the best admin from a player standpoint on my last application) while working swiftly to address their issues. One of the ways to build bonds with members of the community is to be someone that is both positive and helpful (almost like a friend you would have IRL) which is and important part of moving up the chain of command in something. Senior Admin is a title that few have obtained and is the last test or “trial” before becoming a member of the management team. While I’m always doubtful that my performance while on the server (on staff or in RP) is below satisfactory, I always get told by others that I am doing a good job which somehow is always baffling to me. When I first joined staff, I had the idea of helping others in mind; looking back on where I started and where I am now, I still think that statement is true. With this step, I will be able to do that task even better. Thanks for reading, and have a nice day. How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you? I would first bring them up to a rooftop (using my phys gun if I see it or use "!bring [name]" to bring them up.) Seeing that I don't typically gag people, I would do my best to ask them why they did what they did and explain to them what and why they are getting warned for (Mass RDM, staff dis, and other charges if there were any other reports or rule infractions such as self supply or FearRP.) After issuing the warning, I would then ban them for 10000 seconds (about 2-3 days) via the menu with the above reasons.
  22. I'm fine with you becoming a "Trail Moderator", but I'd like you to work on your activity and application before I would feel comfortable with you being a "Trial Moderator". -Support
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