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Dr. Lee

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Everything posted by Dr. Lee

  1. +Support. Honestly I don't know why TS would be in character UNLESS in the a patrol room or OP channel other then that it shouldn't.
  2. Grade: 88% Test Quality: Quality Lore: 15/20 Good lore test, however the background research is not there. Creativity: 20/20 Great creativity for a test. Presentation: 17/20 Okay presentation. However, a bit lacking in detail, I.E. who long did it take to for 1048 to draw/paint? Writing: 36/40 Minor errors found within the test log, other then that good job.
  3. Grade: 96% Test Quality: Quality Lore: 16/20 There is some background research however a little more could have been written. Creativity: 20/20 Great creativity for your test. Presentation: 20/20 Good presentation for your log. Writing: 40/40 No errors found in test log, good job.
  4. + Support Good SCP suggestion with what seems to be easy implementation into the server. ^^ This was not needed.
  5. Isn't it already three minutes? +/- Support, I mean it makes sense but it also helps with clutter in chat.
  6. Grade: 93% Test Quality: Quality Lore: 20/20 Good lore all around. Creativity: 20/20 Great creativity. Presentation: 16/20 Okay presentation. However, it's lacking in detail. What material was the dummies made out of? How long was the short period of time? Writing: 37/40 Minor errors found, good job.
  7. Grade: 93% Test Quality: Quality Lore: 20/20 Great lore all around. Creativity: 20/20 Good creativity for your test. Presentation: 17/20 Good presentation. However, seems to be lacking in detail. Writing: 36/40 Minor errors found in your log, good job.
  8. Grade: 94% Test Quality: Quality Lore: 15/20 Good lore, however little background research. Creativity: 20/20 Good creativity for your test. Presentation: 17/20 Good presentation. However, what was the purpose of security using the batons? Writing: 37/40 Minor errors found in your log, good job
  9. Grade: 94% Test Quality: Quality Lore: 20/20 Good lore all around. Creativity: 20/20 Good creativity for your test. Presentation: 17/20 Great presentation and use of visual evidence. However, what was the purpose of the launcher? I would've liked to see a bit more detail about the use the of the launcher. Writing: 37/40 Minor errors in your log, other then that good job.
  10. Grade: 95% Test Quality: Quality Lore: 15/20 Good Lore test, however little background research. Creativity: 20/20 Great creativity for your test. Presentation: 20/20 Good presentation and detail. Writing: 40/40 No errors found in your log, good job.
  11. Full Name (Lore Name): Dr. James Lee Occupation(Rank): Research Supervisor Requested Name(i.e RIG Unit [Number] [Name]): RIG Unit 278 Panther Who gave you permission to apply?: Cancer, Weiss Why should the foundation authorize your requested unit? (80 word minimum): The Foundation should authorize my request unit because I would like to be able to help research when it comes to escorts because as we know gensec aren't always able to give escorts to research due to them being understaffed during their off time. I would enjoy being able to give escorts to researchers so that way researchers can get testing done when no gensec is available and it's Defcon 4. Also protecting fellow members of research would be the number one concern when it comes to being R.I.G. Of course, I'm always in the server so activity wouldn't be an issue.
  12. + Support This would make a great addition to the sever, but one problem where would it go? (not bashing just curious)
  13. Grade: 100% Test Quality: Quality Lore: 20/20 Great background research for your test, and lore overall. Creativity: 20/20 Great creativity for your test. Presentation: 20/20 Outstanding presentation using your document. Also very detailed. Writing: 40/40 No errors found. Admirable test.
  14. Grade: 91% Test Quality: Quality Lore: 18/20 Good lore, and good background, however a little more background would have been great. Creativity: 20/20 Good creativity for your test. Presentation: 14/20 Good presentation, however its lacking in some detail of your response. I.E. What happened to the D-Class when morphed back? Also what happened when you took him to medbay? Writing: 39/40 Mirror errors found but not that bad. Good job.
  15. Grade: 95% Test Quality: Quality Lore: 20/20 Good lore, and great background even thought its just a link. Creativity: 20/20 Good creativity for your test. Presentation: 20/20 Great presentation and detail about the amount of time spent. However, I would like to have known how you made the D-Class type in SCP-500. Also, what stages of cancer he was in to truly determine the effect of the liquid. Writing: 35/40 Mirror errors found but not that bad. Good job.
  16. +/- Support This would be a great thing but I would have to agree with command not being on at the ass-crack of dawn to call for help. (If people even get in that early, idk.) However, maybe make it to where only SM+ call for MTF, or have stricter guidelines on when and who can call for MTF Support.
  17. + Support for the addition of a level-3 keycard. Staff should be able to deal with these problems of abusing since others have Level 3 keycards. -/+ Support for new models as there should be at least a 'male' model for Dr. Bright. However there is no reason why there should be multiple models. - Support for SCP-963 for reason above. Also I've never personally seen anything about Dr Bright being a monkey, but if someone has something I'd gladly read it. Overall + Support
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