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Dr. Lee

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Everything posted by Dr. Lee

  1. Test Assigned.
  2. Thanks @TWIX but +support, researchers don't actually have a trying room in LCZ, now you can say ohh there's the one next to medbay. That's an SCP spawn room. Then the other one has a shit ton of desks for no apparent reason. I think with the map addition this again can benefit 'almost' everyone within the facility.
  3. +support? Never knew this but sure.
  4. -support, I think that this shouldn't be the way 106 gets reworked.
  5. What you want to see? - Ok I would like to see there be a new 'level' added to HCZ. Now if you were to imagine the HCZ from LCZ (non medbay) CP you can see that there is a huge space between UHCZ and the roof. (Images included.) Why should we add it? - I think this would be a great addition to the server, now it would be a map edit which would maybe take awhile. However with careful planning, if this were to happen it would be more attention and hopefully more activity with all branches. Also just having 'more to play with' is always great. What are the advantages of having this? - Well advantages for each branch or posted below. With this in mind the advantages of this are as follows: Research - With the addition of this suggestion, it would bring more SCP's to test on. Creating more enjoyment, diversity, and overall would hopefully boost activity with new SCP's. MTF - With this, Nu7 and E11 would have more SCP's to "take care of" as far as re/containment. Also if need to get to EZ/LCZ it would be faster. SCPS - With more SCP’s introduced there would be more SCP’s to play and maybe even new donator SCP’s. CI - Well first CI RND would have more SCP to research, and of course CI would have more SCP to kidnap for their enjoyment. Also more places to hide/raid. Utility - Of course Utility would have more places to clean, fix, and other things they do. (I don’t much about Utility.) Who is it mainly for? - Everyone. Links to any content - Nope OVERHEAD VIEW OF NEW 'UHCZ' ****** Of course this wouldn't have to be what is would be but for more visuals it's included******
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